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category Wuxiaauthor FuYunShenChustatus serializing
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LuoxianBrief introduction:

A person who travels far to seek the truth, a person who carries a gourd in his heart, a thousand-year-old gourd is a magical weapon, and a pair of biological parents are its wronged souls!
Whether Mingshan can get a Dao Yongsheng, what is the perfect pursuit is perfect. If the ideal is only two loves, what's the point of seeking Tao.
The moment Fang Zhong set foot in Kunlun, the world was destined to be turbulent.  There are nine tricks under the nine heavens. When the sword is pointed at the stubborn, can one really distinguish between good and evil?
"The murderous weapons in the world have their own true feelings, and Cihang Jingzhai also has ordinary thoughts. Which one is more passionate?"
There is a silly girl in the Hidden Flower Valley and a beautiful woman sitting under the bodhi tree. Who is the blood baby?
"The only string is broken, and I am willing to burn myself to save him."  All results are determined by fate.
The battle between good and evil brings out its own unique troops. You sing and I come on stage to perform a wonderful show together.
Kunlun is declining, Shushan is rising, the miracle of clearing away the blackness on the snowy land, and finding new freedom in the North Sea.  Please read Luo Xian's wonderful story and the ups and downs of life.

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      Luoxianlatest chapter:Text Chapter 5 The World of Buddha 5

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