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Dark Sorcerer Reborn

Dark Sorcerer Reborn最新章节列表,Dark Sorcerer Reborn全文阅读

category Comicsauthor NingXieChengShuangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 623411 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
total hits 13Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Dark Sorcerer RebornBrief introduction:

With a fallen body,
In exchange for the power of taboo.
This is the sorcerer’s curse!
With the memory of a peak warlock and the forbidden power, Wu Ying buried herself and returned to ten years ago.
What has passed away must be grasped.  The past grievances and hatreds must be settled with my own hands!
When the forbidden power is used again, the catastrophe will begin...
When the King of Destruction returns, great changes will begin...
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