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Holy Grail

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category Fantasyauthor DongJiaoLinGongZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1504464 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
total hits 15Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Holy GrailBrief introduction:

If he had not encountered the Holy Grail, 30-year-old Ron would have been just an ordinary mercenary team captain.
“If he hadn’t encountered the Holy Grail, 30-year-old Ron would just be an uncle with a talented junior.
But when he met the Holy Grail, he lost everything in his life.  He wanted to fulfill his brother's entrustment to him, and he wanted to go back and fulfill the dusty engagement.
Revenge and destiny made him walk on the magical continent again.
The protagonist is a thirty-year-old uncle, not young, but not old either.
I want to write a story about a mature man, a man who is loyal, heroic, mature and stable, yet passionate. He has a woman who has been waiting for him for many years, and a lady who admires him.  In fact, I was deeply influenced by Qiao Feng in Tian Long Ba Bu, and I also wanted to write about such a person.  Of course the ending is not tragic.
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