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tactical genius

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category Sundriesauthor closeadsstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3124895 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
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tactical geniusBrief introduction:

Lin Ranxing, a professional e-sports player, unexpectedly entered a game he knew well. From then on, the most powerful tactical genius in the universe was born.
So our protagonist will accomplish an unprecedented feat - to eliminate the Zergs and the Protoss on behalf of mankind.
Micro-operations, macro-operations, stream of consciousness, obscene flow, extreme violent soldier flow, mop flow, four major bases, six dragon gods, ten core competitiveness... Some of the more essential things in the game will be slow  It is presented slowly, please read it slowly.
Three -point humor, three -point blood, three -pointers, and a little freshness, I hope you can like it.
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      tactical geniuslatest chapter:Volume 2: The Origin and Origin of Characters and Place Names in the Book (2)

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