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Soul and martial arts

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category Fantasyauthor XinWenGongZuoZhestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7027558 Wordslatest update 2024-03-06
total hits 15Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Soul and martial artsBrief introduction:

"After rebirth, I, Li Tianyu, will not be bullied by anyone anymore. Can I be infinitely arrogant if I am rich and powerful? Can I bully others casually if I am powerful? This will not work in front of me. Others can tolerate it, but I cannot. Dare.  Anyone who offends me is regardless of gender, all beauties will be pushed down, and a man will break his third leg!" See how Li Tianyu arrogantly becomes the king in another world!  "

      Keywords:Soul and martial arts XinWenGongZuoZhe Soul and martial artsRead the full text Soul and martial artsTXT download

      Soul and martial artslatest chapter:Volume One Chapter 1500 Finale Legend (Part 2)

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