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diamond king

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category Fantasyauthor DaWeiBaTuZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5476 Wordslatest update 2024-03-05
total hits 23Month hits 1Week hits 0
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diamond kingBrief introduction:

Zhou Zhihang was originally a clerk in a jewelry company. An accident caused a mutation in his right eye, and he has had very special abilities ever since.
Interesting treasure appraisal, thrilling stone gambling, thrilling treasure hunt, Zhou Zhihang unfolded wonderful stories one after another with the help of the magical diamond eye. In the end, he searched for all the rare treasures in the world and became the strongest in history.  Collectors and jewelers.

      Keywords:diamond king DaWeiBaTuZi diamond kingRead the full text diamond kingTXT download

      diamond kinglatest chapter:Diamond King VIP Volume Chapter 317 A sky-high price of jade worth 500 million (21)

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