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planet manager

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category Wuxiaauthor FuLiFaFangJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4156929 Wordslatest update 2024-03-05
total hits 26Month hits 0Week hits 0
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planet managerBrief introduction:

Heaven and earth have all fallen; only the ball tube remains in the world
??This is a legendary story about an eighteen-year-old planet administrator who built a harmonious earth after the final catastrophe of the gods, when heaven and hell disappeared between heaven and earth.
     What?  You ask the planet administrator what it is!
No, no, no, this is not something that you, as an ordinary person, should understand while sitting in front of the computer, because that is too dangerous.
     What?  You are not an ordinary person!  You are a traveler from another world, a person from the future, a person with super powers, an alien...
     oh!  Then you are more dangerous; you'd better be honest and don't mess around on the earth.
"Otherwise, Du Xiaochuan will destroy you on behalf of the earth because he is the planet administrator.

      Keywords:planet manager FuLiFaFangJi planet managerRead the full text planet managerTXT download

      planet managerlatest chapter:Volume 3 The First Revelation Chapter 683 Another Road

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