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grand picture of events

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category Sundriesauthor ddtYaoJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1140117 Wordslatest update 2024-03-05
total hits 23Month hits 1Week hits 1
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grand picture of eventsBrief introduction:

Who is crying somewhere in the world at this moment, crying in the world for no reason, crying for me.
Who is laughing somewhere in the world at this moment, laughing in the world for no reason, laughing at me.
Who is walking somewhere in the world at this moment, walking in the world for no reason, towards me.
Who is dying somewhere in the world at this moment, dying in the world for no reason, looking at me.
The fanfic of Super Den and Magic Forbidden written by a friend is distributed on his behalf at his request.  I was involved in the main set-up, mainly on the physics side.

      Keywords:grand picture of events ddtYaoJi grand picture of eventsRead the full text grand picture of eventsTXT download

      grand picture of eventslatest chapter:Straight to the Bottom Whispering Arpeggios (Middle)

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