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dark blood age

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category Sci-fiauthor TianXiaPiaoHuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 9703126 Wordslatest update 2024-03-05
total hits 50Month hits 2Week hits 0
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dark blood ageBrief introduction:

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If one day, the sun disappears and the world becomes dark, what kind of world will it be?
The earth in the midst of great changes has fallen into darkness. From now on, there is no sunshine, no starry sky, only endless cold and darkness, and mankind has since entered a dark era of blood and color!
In the fleeing team, the uncle behind you may be the most powerful [rich man in the world] in the past;
Among the hungry crowd, the person begging you to give her half a piece of bread may be the glorious [young model actress] in the past;
In the cold shelter, the person trying to snuggle up in your cotton coat to keep warm may be the [international socialite] who drove a top-notch sports car in the past!
Dear readers who came in accidentally!  Your half-second click is the greatest encouragement and motivation for Piaohuo!
Thanks to the three editors, especially Huang Huang for their guidance and encouragement, Piaohuo has benefited a lot!

      Keywords:dark blood age TianXiaPiaoHuo dark blood ageRead the full text dark blood ageTXT download

      dark blood agelatest chapter:Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 537 Love and Hate Only in a Moment

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