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Sha Seng Ji

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category Wuxiaauthor YueLiangHeBianstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 374869 Wordslatest update 2024-03-04
total hits 23Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Sha Seng JiBrief introduction:

Why are the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals weak?
Demons and ghosts seem to be very strong?
Does Buddha and Bodhisattva seem stronger?
?????????? Can the weak immortal world be powerful in the three worlds?
The underworld, which controls the reincarnation of heaven, is the weakest force in the three realms?
Where are the saints in heaven and earth?
Where are the strong men in heaven and earth?  Are there only a few Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, plus demons from the lower realms!
Let us follow in the footsteps of [Sha Seng Ji] and solve this eternal mystery!

      Keywords:Sha Seng Ji YueLiangHeBian Sha Seng JiRead the full text Sha Seng JiTXT download

      Sha Seng Jilatest chapter:Volume 1 Running for a living

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