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The Dragon Rises in the Wilderness

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category Wuxiaauthor CangHaiZhiXinstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 8228855 Wordslatest update 2024-03-05
total hits 40Month hits 1Week hits 1
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The Dragon Rises in the WildernessBrief introduction:

When you can independently obtain the great merits of heaven and earth, then you can be a saint.
When you can form a great cause and effect with the way of heaven, then you can be a saint.
When you can explain a way of heaven, then you can be a saint.
Even if your ability can deceive Heaven, then you can be a saint.
Traveling to the prehistoric times, Shen Long became the first dragon in the prehistoric times.
However, in order to avoid the disaster, he continued to cultivate himself by killing himself.
Let’s see how this ancestral-level divine dragon originated from the ancient times.

      Keywords:The Dragon Rises in the Wilderness CangHaiZhiXin The Dragon Rises in the WildernessRead the full text The Dragon Rises in the WildernessTXT download

      The Dragon Rises in the Wildernesslatest chapter:Volume 4: Age of Lich Chapter 1: Grave Sweeping

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