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Long Pre

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category Wuxiaauthor ZeiShaoBaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3451545 Wordslatest update 2024-03-05
total hits 29Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Long PreBrief introduction:

Thank you Yue Guan, Rui Gen, 72 Bian, Tao Hua, Yu Ren, Guan Ping Chao, Ding Yan, etc. for coming to support us and give us guidance!
Life and death are determined by fate, and it is not a matter of nature that can make gains or losses.
The beginning of chaos is due to the heart, how many winds and rains, how many springs and autumns.
Coming from nothing, from birth to death, the cycle of yin and yang is called non-birth!
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      Long Prelatest chapter:Text Chapter 32 Red Sun Grass

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