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The Holy King Awakens

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category Fantasyauthor BaiSeQianBistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1242585 Wordslatest update 2024-02-29
total hits 25Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Holy King AwakensBrief introduction:

This strange world tells a story, an unscrupulous legend of a murderous doctor.
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Book club seeking support: 211193773
PS: The levels of warriors: Warrior, Martial Master, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial Lord, Martial Emperor, Martial Saint, Martial God, Martial Spirit.

      Keywords:The Holy King Awakens BaiSeQianBi The Holy King AwakensRead the full text The Holy King AwakensTXT download

      The Holy King Awakenslatest chapter:Text Chapter 320: Do it together

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