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Xian Suo Ji

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category Wuxiaauthor XiaoWangYingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 911731 Wordslatest update 2024-03-01
total hits 32Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Xian Suo JiBrief introduction:

A young man accidentally gets an immortal bead. Let’s see how he uses the immortal bead to seek for immortality. The road to immortality is difficult, but how he carefully becomes a legend in the world of immortality.
"Writing is only in my spare time. There are not many updates every day, one or two updates, but the updates are stable. There are some shortcomings. Please understand.  I hope there will be more favorites and clicks.

      Keywords:Xian Suo Ji XiaoWangYing Xian Suo JiRead the full text Xian Suo JiTXT download

      Xian Suo Jilatest chapter:Volume 2: The Difficult Road to Immortality Chapter 125: Ice Spirit Root Monk

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