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category Comicsauthor JuXiChengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2310711 Wordslatest update 2024-02-24
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coaching legendBrief introduction:

I didn’t see the 2012 European Cup, but inexplicably returned to Lancashire, England, and became the 17-year-old Burnley fan George Levy.
Ten years later, in 1995, he led Burnley from the third tier to the Premier League.  Four trophies for Burnley.  Became a hero for Burnley City.
But just a month later, George became a notorious traitor in Burnley.  Because he became the head coach of Burnley's century-old rival Blackburn Rovers.
Burnley fans: “We don’t know whether George is a Burnley hero or a traitor.”
Blackburn fans: "Shit Indians, give me back George, get out of Blackburn. George is a legendary coach in Blackburn's history."
"George Levy said at his first press conference that his biggest goal is to conquer Ewood Stadium. Whether as an opponent or as a host, George fully realized this sentence." - Famous European journalist Steve  Wen Yellen wrote this in the book "Small Town Stories".
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