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The Taoist Lord of Creation who protects the ancie

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category Wuxiaauthor PinDaoMingYunstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1697888 Wordslatest update 2024-02-24
total hits 39Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Taoist Lord of Creation who protects the ancieBrief introduction:

The space-time tunnel is mysterious and full of dangers; the mission of Hongmeng Space is the origin of the mission, and the origin of all souls.  When the space-time tunnel and Hongmeng space overlap, chaos is unavailable; when the space-time tunnel and Hongmeng space separate, the mission will reappear.  This is a prophecy that has been passed down through the ages. I don’t know when it started, but when the space-time tunnel and the Hongmeng space overlap, the unavailability of chaos has been realized.  So what will happen when the space-time tunnel and Hongmeng space separate?  And what is the mission?  Here you will find the answers you need.
PS: For book friends who like to read this book, the group number for this book is 85041684.

      Keywords:The Taoist Lord of Creation who protects the ancie PinDaoMingYun The Taoist Lord of Creation who protects the ancieRead the full text The Taoist Lord of Creation who protects the ancieTXT download

      The Taoist Lord of Creation who protects the ancielatest chapter:Chaos Island Chapter 191 Yuan Tian Returns

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