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Shocking Sword Emperor

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category Fantasyauthor DiJianYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 42768893 Wordslatest update 2023-09-03
total hits 72Month hits 5Week hits 0
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Shocking Sword EmperorBrief introduction:

Provide free reading service for the full text of the latest chapter of the author's (Di Jianyi)'s classic novel: "The Shocking Sword Emperor", this site is updated in a timely manner, and there is no pop-up advertisement.  Heroes, rise up against the sky, step on the arrogance of heaven, fight heroes, slay demons, destroy gods, fight against all the way, and become the peerless sword emperor!  "This world is destined to tremble under my feet!"

      Keywords:Shocking Sword Emperor DiJianYi Shocking Sword EmperorRead the full text Shocking Sword EmperorTXT download

      Shocking Sword Emperorlatest chapter:Chapter 6509 Immortal body!

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