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super point guard

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category Comicsauthor LongKuQianListatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1307043 Wordslatest update 2024-02-21
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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super point guardBrief introduction:

NBA Commissioner David Stern said: "Xu Nuo has ushered in an era of point guards belonging to the East. He is a legend in the NBA!"
New York Knicks head coach Mike D'Antoni said: "Promise has the passing essence of Steve Nash. He is the next John Stockton!"
Chicago Bulls MVP guard Derrick Rose said: "He is the real No. 1 point guard in the NBA!"
Phoenix Suns guard Steve Nash said: "Xu Nuo has successfully achieved the unity of man and ball. He has raised passing to the level of proficiency. He is a true master of point guard!"
Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant said: "The only reason I'm better than Promise is because I retired while he was still playing in the league."
Miami Heat forward LeBron James said: "You all say I am the most versatile player in the NBA, so why don't you go and watch the promised game?"
Watch Xu Nuo gallop on the NBA court and create his own glory!

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