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category Comicsauthor YiLianFengYuestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1105327 Wordslatest update 2024-02-20
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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supremeBrief introduction:

【Four groups of signed works from Green Novel Network】
To me, this is more like a comic~
When you were young and frivolous
We always have a few group fights that we have to fight~
There are always a few girls we have to chase~
There are always a few games we must win~
A bloody and cruel history of high school,
A crappy youth memoir...
Galaxy private, supreme.
     Welcome to.

      Keywords:supreme YiLianFengYue supremeRead the full text supremeTXT download

      supremelatest chapter:Let it burn!  chbl northern division!  Chapter 5 The green wolf is ferocious!  (five)

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