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Master Hongmeng

Master Hongmeng最新章节列表,Master Hongmeng全文阅读

category Fantasyauthor WeiYiYongHengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6462147 Wordslatest update 2023-10-17
total hits 82Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Master HongmengBrief introduction:

Provide the author (Wei Yi Eternal)'s classic novel: "The Master of Hongmeng" full-text reading service for the latest chapters for free.  He got the jade plate of good fortune, and his innate luck made him turn a waste into a dragon, become a genius, get the favor of heaven, get the Holy Emperor to control the holy law, step on the king, sweep the holy king, step through the sky and the universe, and be respected as the master of all religions!

      Keywords:Master Hongmeng WeiYiYongHeng Master HongmengRead the full text Master HongmengTXT download

      Master Hongmenglatest chapter:Chapter 4130 The silence of the original royal family (22)

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