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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Rebirth of dreams

Volume 1 Chapter 371 Planning

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    I have to say that the **movie function is probably a hidden benefit of this helmet. Unlike the completely live-action version of watching, during video production, you can even add special effects such as lighting, skin beautification, PS, etc., from a certain  In this sense, technical power can make movies look less like the real world and more like a two-dimensional illusory world, achieving the beauty in human impressions.  šIOf course, in this movie, Nick Anderson did not achieve this level.  However, such a hot scene still made the vice president of Google so excited that he ran away.  Of course, as an outstanding Internet business talent, he will not ignore the characteristics of the Japanese market.  It was precisely because he realized the strong consumption power of human beings in terms of personal privacy that he suddenly realized the difference between the Google Glass project and the helmet project. So far, the experimental products of Google Glass have not been displayed.  The quality is stable enough, but it seems to be far superior to the Pandora helmet in terms of effectiveness. The only advantage may be that it is better than others in terms of portability, and it looks better at the same time.  But the Pandora helmet seems to look like a fashionable motorcycle helmet. At this point, Google naturally does not have the confidence to think that consumers will choose Google products just because they think wearing glasses is more convenient than wearing a helmet. After all, Google is also price-wise.  Not having an advantage.  Shen Zhenghui soon discovered that he was indeed being used by Nick Anderson to some extent. This gentleman may have had this idea for a long time, so what Angela Mason said at the beginning happened to be that the Secretary of State had a plane to Japan and invited us and her  As far as acting skills are concerned, he seems to be very proficient. At least he has no problem fooling men.  On the plane, it was obvious that Shen Zhenghui was regarded as Nick Anderson's partner in a sense and was thrown out of his anger.  The vice president of Google had only left for half an hour, and everyone on the plane already knew that Nick Anderson had chosen the Japanese company Kasuga as the content provider for his Pandora helmet. Japanese short movies would be one of Pandora's main contents.  .  And this news was transmitted to the land of the United States, their company's headquarters, through radio waves without any hindrance.  So those senior Internet bosses began to think, why is the software content of Nick Anderson's such awesome hardware so poor?  This is not to say that Japanese culture itself is looked down upon by Europeans and Americans, but rather in terms of the size of the culture.  Japan cannot compare with Europe and the United States at all. Even the small films they are proud of can only obey the orders of the large-scale, group-oriented, and capitalized small film companies in Europe and the United States. At best, they are just taking advantage of the yellow race.  , just occupying the market of yellow people.  So here¡¯s the question, regardless of the regular films released by Kasuga, the high-end people present are obviously aware of the importance of Columbia¡¯s film library and Kasuga¡¯s film library, especially "The Magic Apprentice", but the two of them combined in Hollywood have  It¡¯s just a drop in the ocean.  And in terms of the most profitable small movies.  Nick Anderson has chosen to cooperate with Japan again. Could it be that the female president of Kasuga Japan is his mistress?  Or maybe Shen Zhenghui is his cousin-in-law?  Obviously not!  Although this group of people sit together to exchange information and use the power of the US government as a cover, they are fundamentally selfish. If they can figure out the answer, they will never share it with others.  It was obvious that there were many smart people present, and soon everyone began to communicate with each other with reserved glances.  Finally the problem was determined.  Hillary was able to piece together her own answer from the words of these people.  The problem is copyright.  As we all know, in the information age.  No matter how fast terminal hardware such as computers and mobile phones are replaced, the money earned by hardware vendors is far less than the money earned by software vendors. This is why Microsoft is the dominant company, Apple is a closed system, and Xiaomi's most successful is its ecosystem.  .  Nick Anderson is also such a smart person. He has exclusive and core technology in hardware.  But in terms of content, he is lacking.  But he is not prepared to ask other content providers to buy copyrights from them.  He chose another method. He chose a weak partner and gave him preferential treatment and care.  Then he can wait for businessmen who covet the profits from new hardware and software to come to him for cooperation.  Obviously, many people admired in their hearts, thinking that they had clearly seen Nick Anderson's thoughts. From this point, it can be seen that Nick Anderson's first focus is obviously on the overseas market, which must be Japan. He must take advantage of what he has set off.  The craze that aroused caused it to counterattack the United States, making those content providers with copyrights salivate after seeing the profits of Kasuga and the Japanese, and actively came forward for him to exploit.  After thinking about it a little bit, Hillary will feel much more relaxed.  Obviously, this is a business issue. Since Americans are making money, the problem is only that the United StatesWhen people earn more, Hillary's mind will naturally shift to how she can operate from it to her advantage.  The people on this plane, except Shen Zhenghui, are all influential figures in the United States, including Angela Mason.  They all saw the huge profits after the release of the Pandora helmet, and tried every means to get a share of it, even Google, a competitor.  Other service providers related to entertainment content are naturally thinking about how to cooperate with Nick Anderson. This is their initial contact method.  But seeing that Nick Anderson had actually laid out a plan and was waiting for them to come and be slaughtered, they were still a little unhappy.  But it still depends on the situation. If the sales of Pandora helmets are booming and become a new growth point to stimulate the economy, then even if Nick Anderson takes the dominant position and mainly makes money, many people will still show enough respect for Nick Anderson.  Well-intentioned.  Therefore, Shen Zhenghui could not enjoy his leisure time on the plane at all. People kept coming up to get close to him, hoping to get some inside information about the cooperation between Nick Anderson and Kasuga. In fact, such a thing may not exist at all.  Shen Zhenghui was tired of dealing with it and finally had to leave these matters to Angela Mason. However, more people were interested in the helmet and kept making requests to experience it.  And that little movie is the highlight of the experience.  This group of people watched a short movie in front of the ladies, and they were very serious about it, carefully recording the effects and experiences.  This is simply a shameless thing. What is even more shameless is that based on their own experience, they estimate that men cannot withstand this kind of temptation. The $800 seems to be worth it. You must know that many people even  You can spend thousands of dollars to become a member of a small movie website.  ¡°But I don¡¯t know how these small movies are sold, which is a big pity.  Shen Zhenghui behaves like a pure director, claiming to have no knowledge of business matters.  Ask them to ask Nick Anderson, because he claimed that he just got this helmet from Mr. Nick Anderson. He has no idea about the production cost and copyright cost of this new format of movie files.  ¡°This made everyone feel itchy, and many people wished that Pandora would start selling it as soon as the plane arrived in Japan.  But reason tells them that this is simply impossible. Not to mention Nick Anderson¡¯s need to stock up for the market, just the format conversion and production of supply content seems to be a big problem.  From Shen Zhenghui and Angela Mason, these people only learned that Kasuga's film library and Columbia's film library were the first batch of materials.  Yes, your film library includes the outstanding "The Apprentice" series, which grossed $6 billion at the global box office.  But what is the use of just such a series?  The volume of movies in Hollywood, including the "Star Wars" system, the "Harry Potter" series, the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series, and the "Terminator" series, which series is not a box office smash, couldn't add up to more than six billion US dollars.  ?  Hollywood has Audrey Hepburn, Garbo, and Elizabeth Taylor. These former beauties are reappearing in front of your eyes under this novel visual effect. How can you not be moved?  Not to mention the large-scale, group-based small film companies in Europe and the United States.  Completely crushing Japanese workshop production, from scripts, performances, props, sets, and acting skills.  Everything is fine, and coupled with the consumer tastes of the people in the largest European and American markets, Japanese small movies are nothing.  But now, it seems they can only watch helplessly as the Japanese gain the upper hand.  "No!" Someone had already made up his mind. Someone quietly entered the communication room and started to contact the company headquarters on the ground.  "I think we should have a good discussion with Nick Anderson about the copyright fee for the film right away. Of course, he will lower the price now. It seems that we will suffer a little loss in the early stage, but if we wait for this craze to pick up, maybe.  We will suffer greater losses, and at that time, the pricing power will be in his hands. "I have to say that this gentleman wants to take a long-term view.  But not everyone has the insight to see the future clearly.  Even if they realize the excellence of hardware and the attraction of software, many people still have a wait-and-see attitude, hoping to see the results before making a choice. Of course, there are also people who think that even if the hardware is hot-selling,  Consumer demand for software may force Nick Anderson to expand his software content.  Those who hold the copyright naturally hope to sell their things at a good price, and they have even begun to think about whether to negotiate for the copyright owners to unite to put pressure on Nick Anderson and force him to come up with preferential terms. A share of the copyright is obviously a must.  of.  However, given that Colombia and Japan have already opened a loophole, whether this approach will work is obviously still a question.  The worst thing is that these people seem to have overlooked one thing intentionally or unintentionally, that is, Pandora can actually play ordinary format movies, but the perspective of playing ordinary format movies is fixed to follow the angle of the camera.  The function of showing moving scenery in conjunction with the movement of the viewer's head.  Maybe Pandora is too realistic?The visual effects gave these people a certain illusion that the movie could not be played on Pandora without being converted.  It¡¯s obvious how wrong this delusion can lead them to.  Hillary Clinton¡¯s visit to Japan set off a political whirlwind in Japan.  With the rise of China, the China threat has become more and more realistic. The Japanese have been put at the forefront of confrontation with China by the Americans. Even the newly elected Democratic Party is said to be pro-China and has to pretend to listen to the beautiful father.  In order to give Ms. Clinton a platform to call for her return to the Asia-Pacific, Naoto Kan felt deeply hurt when he thought that Yukio Hatoyama stepped down because of the Futenma issue.  Ms. Clinton probably doesn¡¯t know who the Prime Minister of Japan is. In recent years, they have basically ensured that the Prime Minister changes every year. Anyway, everyone has done enough official articles. Mrs. Clinton brought a plane full of literary and artistic people, and also  I hope to exchange views with Japan on the copyright issue. Disney's Mickey Mouse and other cartoon characters are facing the threat of fifty-year copyright expiration. The US imperialists first threatened Japan and asked them to sign a treaty recognizing that the copyright validity period starts five years after the author's death.  Ten years were extended to seventy years.  The Japanese Taijun was also surprised to find that Shen Zhenghui was actually in Mrs. Clinton¡¯s casual group. Although he and his acquaintances explained that he was taking a free ride, who would believe it?  In other words, since you can ride on the Secretary of State's coattails, your status is extraordinary.  The Japanese are also a little confused. Isn't this guy on the side of the Chinese government?  Don¡¯t you know that when Clinton came to Tokyo to promote smart power and return to the Asia-Pacific, he was targeting you, China?  Yossi, you are indeed a capitalist without borders.  Of course, the problem is not that simple.  However, the Japanese have naturally paid more attention to Shen Zhenghui. They will find out from Shen Zhenghui or Fukuda Mitsumi, or these two will take the initiative to mention to the Japanese government about the sale of Pandora helmets in Japan.  Although this bureaucratic, slow, and incompetent government is completely incapable of doing things, it is still a government after all.  As an important commercial base in Asia, Japan has a certain radiation function. It has to deal with the government on some matters. Shen Zhenghui's flight on Clinton's special plane also had the effect of spreading the flag to make a tiger skin.  However, the actual operator of these things may have to be Mitsumi Fukuda. After Shen Zhenghui stayed in Japan for a short time, he took his team to prepare to enter China and start working. The film and television city built in the Northeast and grassland areas is in full swing.  With their originally planned role, they will contribute to the growing film and television production in China and the world.  The first prequel of "The Magic Apprentice" by Shen Zhenghui, "Unrest in the Magic Kingdom" was successfully launched in China and became the headlines in the entertainment industry. Those stars who were between the second and third tier Hollywood stars suddenly became the prime minister.  While fans all over the world are eagerly awaiting the attention of Lucky One, Pandora Helmet has also announced its own global sales plan.  Tokyo, Japan, enjoys some preferential treatment, and is listed in the first batch of sales lists alongside major cities in the United States, Europe, Britain, France, and Germany. The pricing of the helmet has also been announced. The bare hardware price in the United States is US$799, and the price around the world is $799.  This is a reference float up.  The package version comes with a USB flash drive containing the converted complete six-part series of "The Magic Apprentice" for only $999.  This pricing simply makes those Internet companies and Hollywood-related companies feel a big hole in their hearts.  (To be continued) ps: I have to say that the interruption of updates in the past few days in July has really affected subscriptions.  I hate my procrastination.  So let the perfect attendance award in August motivate me to work hard!
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