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Volume 1 Chapter 366 The Return of the Great Sage

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    readx; "So in fact, mainland China doesn't seem to care about our movies at all this time. Read the latest update of the novel to Lewen,/¤·" Mitsumi Fukuda clicked his tongue and looked at the report sent back, "Does this count?  Does it mean the decline of your status? "" Global box office of 800 million US dollars, what do you think?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "So I should give Miyamoto a salary increase. What do you think about setting up his own studio under the company?" "I don't think it matters," Shen Zhenghui tilted his head, "Anyway, I think he can't live without his acg  The group of good friends in the circle, especially this "fatezero", made him famous, and therefore put him in the acg circle. "Do you think it's bad for him to be like this?" Mitsumi Fukuda continued to ask.  , "Why don't you make the same evaluation of yourself? You know, you haven't broken through your "Magic Apprentice" yet? Why don't you say that you are included in the circle of Western Fantasy?" "You know, in "Magic"  Before "The Apprentice", I was shooting action movies such as "New Police Story" and "Fenglin High School", so shooting a Western fantasy and being successful is a breakthrough for me. I am different from Peter Jackson.  "Really?" Fukuda Mitsumi asked.  "Of course I am serious!" Shen Zhenghui spread his hands and said, "In comparison," he paused, "Although Mr. Miyamoto has richer experience, his vision and interests are indeed too narrow. Of course,  , who calls him a Japanese? But the career of adapting anime to live-action movies is enough to keep him busy for a lifetime. " "So, this time the mainland officials slightly suppressed our box office, it actually has nothing to do with the Wang family?  "Futian Mitsumi asked abruptly.  "What's the matter?" Shen Zhenghui asked in shock.  Fukuda Mitsumi pouted, "You probably haven't read the latest TG political news," she said, "Wang Anping's uncle. A major general, resigned." "His uncle is not in good health." Shen Zhenghui replied, "  I have always worked despite being sick. Now that I am older, I am just applying for early retirement. " "Yeah." Fukuda Mitsumi touched her chin, "Her father has just been promoted to general. I thought there was something wrong with that.  There are some joints. For example, two brothers cannot be generals at the same time. Maybe his uncle gave up the promotion of lieutenant general in order to satisfy his brother. " Shen Zhenghui was a little helpless, "You are overthinking, even if you want to avoid suspicion.  You can also transfer to teaching or do strategic research. There is no such situation as you saying that you have to resign to avoid suspicion." "Oh?" Fukuda Mitsumi's answer was very meaningful.  "So what else have you heard about?" Shen Zhenghui asked helplessly.  "No, what I know is no different from those who know it through public media," Mitsumi Fukuda pursed her lips, "If there is any difference, it is that they rely on speculation for a lot of things, but I know the reality.  "Does this reality have something to do with me?" "Of course." Fukuda Mitsumi pretended to be surprised, "Don't you know? Your love rival Li Rui's father was cheated" "I have already  "I know, you don't have to stress." Shen Zhenghui took a deep breath, "Even if I experience it again, I still feel a little complicated!" "Really? If you saw Li Rui at this time, wouldn't you?  Are you feeling more complicated?" Mitsumi Fukuda asked, tilting her head.  "Do you know where he is?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "He went abroad a month before his father was arrested. Now it seems that his parents are really protecting him. You know, if you want to open a gap in him for many things, it would be too easy." Shen Zhenghui  Noncommittal.  "Now that his parents have been arrested, TG will definitely arrange a closing ceremony that may be beautiful or absurd, but it doesn't matter anymore. He is now wandering abroad in a hurry. If he accidentally sees the love rival he once treated cruelly,  Especially since this love rival is living a much better life than him, how do you think he feels? " "He can't be said to be cruel to me. I won't admit it if he keeps saying that I am his love rival."  Spreading his hands, "This is completely his wishful thinking." "Your attitude may be more harmful to others." Fukuda Mitsumi thought thoughtfully, "Sun Jingfang's father retired on time, and Sun Jingfang himself was able to enter his father's  "It doesn't matter what you think." Shen Zhenghui replied, "But as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather focus on the movie." "It seems like you should."The first injury was really serious!  Are you in a hurry to make a new film?  " "No, "The Return of the Great Sage" is about to be released.  "Shen Zhenghui replied, and he frowned at the sentence "The injury is really serious." "We don't have much investment in this film," Fukuda Mitsumi blinked, "The main reason is that you heard in China that you will invest in this film.  movie, so I had the guts to give away money," she paused, "I really hope to see this movie lose a lot of money at the box office and be miserable in the end.  " "I don't think this is possible.  Shen Zhenghui pouted, "But I still did a small favor for the director. The version released in China is a two-hour version. It is not easy to get the distributor and theaters to agree to this condition."  " " Let that Miss Wang negotiate. Are there any conditions that can't be negotiated?  Fukuda Mitsumi snorted, "By the way, aren't you going to put Miss Sun into your harem?"  In this case, the quality of China in your harem will be greatly improved.  " "Okay, don't talk about this anymore. Don't even mention it in front of Liu Xin.  "Shen Zhenghui glared at Fukuda Mitsumi, "You have already given me enough headaches.  " "It seems that middle-aged women are no longer attractive to you," Mitsumi Fukuda said to herself, "Do you still think about your post-80s generation?  Has she graduated now?  " What Shen Zhenghui is thinking about now is: Ning Huan, where are you? I'm going to strangle you to death! Shen Zhenghui's face darkened, and his eyes unexpectedly stared at Fukuda Guangmei seriously. Fukuda Guangmei spread his hands,  "I just know it.  " Shen Zhenghui licked his lips and shook his finger at her. He said word for word, "Don't mention this matter again, and I will never have sex with other women again.  Too tired and boring.  " "You have lost interest in life at such a young age," Mitsumi Fukuda's eyes widened. "This is a sign that artists have begun to lose their creativity.  " "That's enough.  Shen Zhenghui raised his hand, "Stop talking about this, let's talk about the release of "The Return of the Great Sage".  How many screens can be put on in Japan?  " "500 yuan," Mitsumi Fukuda continued to stare at Shen Zhenghui, almost trying to see his true reaction from his micro-expression, "In this way, getting married is really a great growth for a man.  " "Marriage is not.  It's when you have children.  "Shen Zhenghui winked at her, a little helpless. "Liu Xin is pregnant?  " "I will finally be able to have some peace and quiet during the Chinese New Year next year.  "Shen Zhenghui sighed, "When the time comes, you will have to find someone to take over her job.  " "Let her find it on her own.  "Futian Mitsumi said nonchalantly, "So Ling has a younger brother to play with. This is really good news.  " "I didn't say it was a boy.  " "If it's a girl, your attitude should be no different from what it was after Ling was born.  " Shen Zhenghui's face turned red, "This is completely different.  "He argued, "After all, I am thirty-five years old, and my thoughts are completely different from those when I was twenty-five.  " "So did you have children in your last life or not?  Is it a boy or a girl?  " Mitsumi Fukuda asked bluntly. Shen Zhenghui stared at her eyes for a long time, and the other party looked at him without flinching. Shen Zhenghui licked his lips. "What kind of box office results do you think "The Return of the Great Sage" can achieve?  I think at least China can reach 500 million, and Japan has 200-300 million.  "He walked away minding his own business as he spoke. "Are you talking about Japanese yen?  " "RMB!  The Japanese yen box office will never be able to recover its original value!  " Shen Zhenghui, who suddenly burst out, turned around and faced Mitsumi Fukuda again. " So have you decided on the name of the child?  " "Of course his grandfather and grandma will pick this up.  "Shen Zhenghui did not flinch. "Oh?  Mitsumi Fukuda held her chin, "So it was a big mistake that I didn't ask your parents to pick the name?"  " "Yes, if you are smart enough, you have been Mrs. Shen for ten years.  "Shen Zhenghui's tone rose slightly. "I would really like to know," Fukuda Mitsumi said with a slight smile, "If Wang Anping is pregnant, then who will name the child?  " Shen Zhenghui was stunned. "You're not going to die, are you?  Mitsumi Fukuda asked, and then she answered to herself, "Maybe they will just force you to divorce and get married again."  Oh" He seemed to have remembered something, "Of course, maybe Wang Anping wouldn't do this, but I don't know if Wang Anran would be equally calm.  You know," she forced out a bright smile, "her father is a general.  ¡± ?¡­ ? ? ? ? ?"Return" was released after "Fatezero". There seemed to be too many good movies in 2010, starting from "Avatar" at the end of last year and spreading to the end of "Fatezero" in July. Among the big box office movies in the middle, besides imports  It's in tune.  On the annual box office list, "Avatar" topped the pack with 138.3 billion yuan, followed closely by "Fatezero" and "The King of Fighters 1994", followed by "Alice in Wonderland". However, the box office of these three films was only more than 200 million yuan.  There is a huge difference from the first place.  Domestic films seem to be holding back, and big names like Chen, Feng, and Jiang have all scheduled their films to be released at the end of the year as Lunar New Year films.  Also released at the same time as "Fatezero" was "Iron Man 2", which had a box office of 17.9 billion yuan and was canceled. "Ip Man 2" still achieved a box office of close to 200 million yuan under the scrutiny of the crowd.  This can be regarded as a relief to investors.  Just when many small domestic films were gearing up to catch up with the blockbusters, a domestic animated film was released - "The Return of the Great Sage".  This film did not take the initiative to have anything to do with Shen Zhenghui in the promotion, nor did it say that it was produced by Shen Zhenghui's wife. However, "The Return of the Monkey" is still eye-catching as a monkey-themed cartoon. After all, it has been released in recent years.  The previous box office record for domestic animated films set by "The Legend of Monkey King" is still there.  In terms of publicity, "The Return of the Great Sage" seemed a bit clumsy, but it couldn't stand up to the 3D animation effects and conscientious production. Everyone who watched the movie began to spontaneously spread the word through various channels to people they knew or didn't know.  Amway, from this point of view, the publicity team of "The Return of the Great Sage" seems to understand the principle of cleverness and clumsiness.  Then when the spontaneous popularity reached a high level, the box office steadily increased at a pace of 10 million per day, and by the fourth day it steadily exceeded 100 million. This situation completely stunned the filmmakers and ordinary audiences in the film industry.  It seems that if this pace is maintained, Avatar will be a complete hit within one month of its release.  Of course, this is entirely an imagination.  After the publicity team had accumulated a certain level of reputation and box office, they finally launched a big campaign and released a lot of promotional materials.  Forgetting a large number of original painting designs, peripherals, figures, etc., in terms of publicity, the team also began to sell stories. At this time, Shen Zhenghui was involved, and they promoted how the director had a keen eye for talents and discovered Director Tian sympathetically.  And provided all conveniences when the movie was produced in Japan.  The newly famous great director Monty Oum has also become an enthusiastic director of "The Return of the Great Sage", so "The Return of the Great Sage" seems to have become an accidental masterpiece of idealists.  , At the same time, while the domestic box office is shocking, Japan's box office also shows some abnormality.  Japanese audiences seem to have been aroused this year with their enthusiasm for watching movies that they have accumulated for many years. The theme of "The Return of the Great Sage" has also inspired their enthusiasm for watching movies. The box office of China and Japan seems to be in a different pattern, and they are advancing hand in hand.  Growing.  Therefore, in terms of publicity, in addition to the copywriting that promotes overseas success, there is also an additional slogan of not losing to Japan.  The soaring box office has become the best publicity tool. In a short period of time, "The Return of the Great Sage" unceremoniously destroyed the chrysanthemums of movies on the box office list.  By the third week, it was firmly behind "Avatar" and ranked first in the history of animated films.  Even classics such as "The Legend of Wukong" and "Urhai Fortress" can only come close to it, and have been knocked down by it.  The Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf series, which have topped the charts in recent years and are not recognized as progressive forces in Chinese animation, and the Bears series have all been ravaged.  The Chinese people are deeply shocked.  This is like a symbol of huge progress, as if overnight, domestic cartoons have reached a surprising level of development.  This record makes many people feel ashamed and puzzled. It seems that it can only be explained simply because the development of the Chinese film market has reached such a point that even a domestic cartoon can achieve this box office.  Of course, there will be more things that subvert the three views in the film market in the future.  No matter what, when "The Return of the Great Sage" was released, the box office of up to 600 million was enough to highlight its historical status. At the same time, the overseas box office of nearly 10 billion yen made the producer and distributor even more difficult to reconcile.  From ear to ear, "People's Daily" also declares without shame: The more domestic cartoons like "The Return of the Great Sage", the better. The success of this film fully illustrates the great progress we have made in foreign cultural exchanges.  (To be continued. (.)) ps: Oh, my perfect attendance this month is completely gone.  Woohoo procrastination.  
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