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Volume 1 Chapter 343 There is a tiger in my heart, and I smell the rose carefully

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    It had been less than two weeks since the news of Shen Zhenghui's awakening was released, but China's leaders had already arranged to receive him. What an efficient decision this was.  šIBut even so, Shen Zhenghui would not be arrogant about his status.  The nickname of this dynasty is Hou Qing. Sometimes you have to admit that the nickname makes sense.  Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty bluntly said that he regarded some scholars as advocating excellence, so this statement sounded too harsh to intellectuals.  This dynasty is founded on workers and peasants, and bureaucrats are in power. However, thousands of years of customs have made intellectuals always dream of being emperors and masters. However, this dynasty is just like its nickname, and it also promotes excellence in many intellectuals.  It's just that it's okay on the surface, unlike Qianlong, a "brainless dragon" who told all the truth when he was angry. If you don't want to be associated with advocating excellence, unless you really have moral character, or really have the essence, Qianlong's subordinates are not  Is there also a Liu Tongxun?  Shen Zhenghui knows very well what kind of people are in the Chinese film industry, and even what kind of people are in the world film industry. In this industry, there are no high moral requirements, and you only need to complete your work conscientiously.  That's enough for a job. As for being a national master or imperial master, it's still a job. If you don't have the strength and acting skills, don't expect to be able to sit in that position that burns your butt.  But I don¡¯t know how many people are eager to sit in this seemingly glamorous position one day. Only those who have actually sat in this position know how stressful it is to be in this position.  Of course, Shen Zhenghui would not have thought that he would be promoted to this position from the beginning.  He has a very upright mentality. He knows that he has connections with Japan, and the upper-level leaders must be keenly aware of what is going on with his daughter, so he has no expectations of directly joining a political career.  But, it has to be said.  This world is very wonderful, well, sometimes I can¡¯t say that, because reality is sometimes more wonderful than fiction.  Of course, the leader will not meet Shen Zhenghui from the beginning. First, the officials responsible for specific affairs will talk to Shen Zhenghui and set the tone for the meeting between Shen Zhenghui and the leader.  To determine the content, it is enough for the leader to come out and ask questions, because the matter has been settled by everyone below.  What surprised Shen Zhenghui was that there were three officials at the deputy ministerial level and above who were talking to him, and there were also several department-level officials who were listening and supplementing the leader's speech from time to time. This made Shen Zhenghui feel  It's very strange. In my previous life, I was involved in the system. When I saw the mayor and deputy mayor and said a few words, I was already overwhelmed.  Now, cadres at the deputy department level discuss issues with themselves, chatting for hours, tirelessly. The difference in their experiences is simply thought-provoking.  But soon Shen Zhenghui had no time to sigh. The officials who came to see him included propaganda, diplomacy, united front and other departments. The content and topics covered were so wide that Shen Zhenghui had to admire the wisdom of the leaders within the system.  time.  For example, the leader of the publicity department discussed with Shen Zhenghui a series of key publicity directions in the future and asked for Shen Zhenghui's opinions.  Ask him if he is interested in any projects - such as documentaries on major national events, national image promotional films, etc.  ATV is still in the hands of Shen Zhenghui, at least in name. Over the years, through the talents discovered in mainland China, ATV has gradually tended to be regarded as a 50-cent TV station. When setting the tone, the propaganda department unceremoniously regarded ATV as its own TV station.  Used, but on the surface it still has to give you electrical autonomy, for this.  Shen Zhenghui was completely annoyed. In fact, they had already discussed many things with Director Wang Yu, but when they got here, they told Shen Zhenghui again. Shen Zhenghui naturally nodded in agreement and even flattered a few words without leaving any trace.  A little tired.  At this time, a deputy minister intervened, "Xiao Shen, aren't you also very connected in the Japanese media? Are you looking for Japanese media to jointly produce some programs?" Shen Zhenghui was stunned for a moment, ATV and Japan  There are quite a lot of collaborations, especially in variety shows.  Miyuki Nakajima served as a mentor on The Voice Asia for two seasons, making The Voice Asia a very popular show. Coupled with the great cooperation of Queens, this show also has high ratings in Japan.  But what the deputy minister said about co-producing some programs is definitely not entertainment programs. His subtext is obviously to let the Japanese media take the initiative to speak good things about China. There are some things that are not convenient for the country to do. Although CCTV is a big underpants,  But sometimes it's hard to wipe the face off, so Shen Zhenghui comes into play.  "Your proposal is very good. In fact, NHK has long wanted to make a series of documentaries on China, and they have done a lot. However, if you want to make documentaries in mainland China, you still need official cooperation." "If you cooperate with ATV in filming, of course we will  For your convenience,¡± the deputy minister said without hesitation.  Shen Zhenghui wanted to roll his eyes in his heart. If the final film produced by the Japanese is not upright, thenThe scapegoat is naturally ATV¡ªno, it should be said that Shen Zhenghui took the blame.  But it was not the right time to say this, so Shen Zhenghui nodded, "Okay, I will ask them to make a detailed plan and report it to" "Go directly to Xiao Liu," the deputy minister pointed to a deputy director and said,  "If there is such a thing in the future, you can contact Xiao Liu directly and he will coordinate it for you." This middle-aged man named Xiao Liu, who is actually more than ten years older than Shen Zhenghui, looked shy towards Shen Zhenghui.  With a smile on his face, he stood up, walked around the table, and handed his business card to Shen Zhenghui, "Director Shen, just contact me directly when the time comes." Shen Zhenghui could only nod humbly.  This seems to be just the beginning. Following the topic of Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Department of the CPC Central Committee started their own topics. What they talked about was nothing more than asking Shen Zhenghui to play a role in strengthening Sino-Japanese friendship. The more Shen Zhenghui listened, the more he wanted to smile bitterly. This was almost blatant.  Shen Zhenghui was left to do the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.  With the rise of China's national power, a "new diplomatic thinking" has emerged within China, that is, the idea of ????wooing the United States' younger brothers in Asia. In terms of specific operations, it has to borrow Shen Zhenghui, who is deeply rooted in the United States' younger brothers.  In fact, what they value more is Mitsumi Fukuda, who is behind Shen Zhenghui, who is a big capitalist in Japan.  TG has always liked dealing with big foreign capitalists, and now they can talk about more common topics.  After that, the topic of inviting Mitsumi Fukuda to visit China as a Japanese private entrepreneur came up.  This matter is not difficult to operate at all, and Mitsumi Fukuda will not resist it, because she has great interests in China.  Naturally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central United Nations hope that this event will be a huge one, so that China can look good on it.  Shen Zhenghui couldn't agree directly for Fukuda Mitsumi, because he knew that Fukuda Mitsumi would definitely ask for an exorbitant price. What made him feel sad was that maybe Fukuda Mitsumi's exorbitant asking price might actually be achieved. These leaders, although in front of Shen Zhenghui,  They showed enough dignity, but Shen Zhenghui could still read their desire for this kind of face (policy) and sub (performance) from their subtle tone and expression.  Talking to people in the officialdom is tiring, but it is nothing compared to negotiating the terms of cooperation with the American capitalists. When Shen Zhenghui racked his brains to understand the meaning of every word they said, the propaganda department was like a fairy.  A sword came from the ground.  "Well, this year is the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. China Film Group is preparing a New Year's film called "The Founding of the People's Republic of China". The director has not been decided yet. Director Shen can think about it!" He looked at the other person and said, "I mean well.  " With an expression on his face, Shen Zhenghui was a little on the verge of tears. This was obviously a film for China Film to increase his reputation, and Chairman Han was the leader of the industry.  Use this film to please your superiors and promote your achievements.  At the same time, Shen Zhenghui was trying to create a domestic blockbuster model, but he was given such a hot pot by the bureaucrats. Shen Zhenghui felt a little bit dumbfounded.  "Well, when I was making the movie, my idea was quite unique, which may not suit the atmosphere of this movie. So, forget it." Shen Zhenghui said a little cautiously, "And I heard that the star I want to star in this movie is  "There are so many. I'm not very familiar with the Chinese film industry, so it may be difficult to coordinate." The official who recommended Shen Zhenghui almost froze in laughter. He didn't know how to scold Shen Zhenghui for not being flattering. He recommended you to go to this kind of movie.  Being a director is just a name. Do you really want to direct something?  However, since the topic has come to movies, naturally there has to be a twist. The astonishing box office of "Magic Apprentice 6: The Final Battle" in the first week has been released. In order to show that they can keep up with the times, officials closely follow the trends of the times.  Footsteps, actually talked about the box office of "Magic Apprentice 6".  The box office of this film in the United States reached 110 million U.S. dollars in its first week, which was synchronized globally. The box office outside the United States reached 190 million U.S. dollars in its first week. It seems to be replicating the results of the fifth film and heading towards breaking the billion-dollar mark.  Guan passed, and the box office in the second week was basically the same as that in the first week, showing great stamina. In addition to the United States and Europe, China and Japan are the largest ticket warehouses. Of course, Thailand's box office is also very fierce, killing instantly.  Other countries in Southeast Asia.  When these officials talked about the box office, they naturally couldn't help but marvel and congratulate Shen Zhenghui. As a Chinese, he is proud to be ranked among the top three in the cumulative box office list of world directors. This is simply something to be proud of for the Chinese.  honor.  However, an official in charge of the ideological department still lamented with some regret, "It's a pity that the subject matter of this movie is Westernized. It would be better if the subject matter was Chinese-oriented." This sentence is his.  For my job, I can't say it's wrong, but it sounds a bit harsh to Shen Zhenghui. After all, the author of the original "Magic Apprentice" is Chinese., showing our understanding of their culture to the Western world can be regarded as a kind of subtle propaganda. For purely oriental themes, perhaps Zhou Xingxing's "Kung Fu" is the best achievement.  As for Zhou Xingxing himself, after "Yangtze River No. 7", he fell into a long period of dormancy. He didn't know what his next work would be. In Shen Zhenghui's own imagination, he probably would not be reconciled to the fact that "Kung Fu" was too unrealistic.  I am satisfied with the success of the movie, and maybe I am planning the next big production.  "You can't say that. If it weren't for this subject, Western audiences wouldn't like it so much, and the box office wouldn't be so high." Another leader probably felt the embarrassment of this sentence, so he jumped out and smoothed things over with a smile, "  What new film plans does Director Shen have next? You are filming very quickly. We are all looking forward to it. I heard that there will be a prequel to "The Magic Apprentice". Is Director Shen going to start filming? " "Uh," Shen Zhenghui smiled.  It¡¯s too tiring to shoot such a big movie. I want to shoot something lighter for a change.¡± ¡°Oh, really?¡± The other party looked a little regretful and asked, ¡°Are you going to shoot something with domestic themes?¡±  "Not necessarily," Shen Zhenghui touched his head, "After I woke up, I accumulated a lot of novel ideas in my mind, and I had a strong urge to make some very exciting movies, so I might choose the one in Japan.  Theme. " Exciting, Japan?  Could it be that you want to shoot some sex movies?  The people present were also speechless.  "Ah, speaking of this," a leader mentioned calmly, "Recently, some very strange films have been circulated on the Internet. Have you heard of Director Shen?" "What does it refer to specifically?" Shen Zhenghui pretended.  Tsukuru asked seriously, "After I woke up, I studied a lot of movies released in the past year or so. I don't know which ones you are referring to?" "It happened to be a movie from our revolutionary period. The expression technique is very exaggerated.  "The leader said, "There is also a film called "The Legend of Maoshan Monster Killer", which is an anti-American film with a Chinese critical perspective and a Chinese as the protagonist. "Oh, thisthisthese two.  I've seen them all," Shen Zhenghui made an excited expression. "Both types of films are very thoughtful, interesting, and expressive," he said. "Although the pictures look old, they are very interesting to the story.  The rendering and theme have another driving force, which is amazing." "Oh?" Seeing Shen Zhenghui's excitement, the other party was a little surprised, "The main thing is," he lowered his voice, "This is internal information, please don't leak it.  Get out. "Nima, people all over the world know.  "According to our investigation, we found no trace that these two films were shot in real life, that is to say, no actors, directors, or crew were found. These two films seemed to appear out of thin air." The other party's eyes were bright.  Staring at Shen Zhenghui, "Mr. Shen, you are a professional. Do you think it is possible to produce such a film without real people and relying entirely on computers?" "Of course it is possible." Shen Zhenghui said firmly.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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