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Text Chapter 138

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    Chapter 138: The few old guys who were following not far behind were stunned. More than a dozen people suddenly came out, the highest ones were only at the golden elixir stage. Did these people take the wrong elixir?  Didn't you see that there are two masters here in the integration stage and one in the divine transformation stage?  ??This, I really can¡¯t blame Old Monster Wanxiu. His cultivation level was such that he couldn¡¯t notice these three people slowly looking around at the scenery behind them.  Yumei was reminiscing about the past there, and when she was feeling sentimental, she was already unhappy to be interrupted.  When he saw that these people were here to block Lin He, he became even more furious.  "Kill them all!" Yu Mei shouted from behind!  It was Zuo Meiniang who made the first move. Now that this girl has Lao Qiu's backing, she is extremely arrogant.  He raised his hand and threw out a magic sea bowl, which was one of Lao Qiu's early self-protection magic weapons.  This sea bowl is not used to hold water. It keeps getting bigger when thrown out, like a cover covering old monster Wanxiu.  The second move was made by Bai Su. She had a ribbon in her hand that Yu Mei gave her privately. When it danced, it turned into thousands of ribbons. Once entangled, she would be unable to move. Even if her cultivation level was higher than hers, she would not be able to move.  If you get entangled, you can only surrender.  Yun Xiangyi sprinkled something like salt in his hand, and then countless ice picks fell from the sky.  Although there were many people on the opposite side, the four young men relied on the backers behind them and acted unscrupulously.  Lin He didn't need any magic weapon, he just rushed forward with Zhui Dian.  Now that he has reached the golden elixir stage, coupled with his powerful physical training skills, he can slash or stab people with a sword, which is not inferior to the opponents in front of him at all.  The magic weapons of the three girls are relatively cruel, and they are facing the old monster Wanxiu who has the highest level of cultivation.  He quickly dodged the magic weapon attacks of the three women and jumped into the air to escape from the battle group.  The others were not so lucky. A small half of them were trapped by Hai Wan, and the other half were entangled by Bai Sucai and struggled to break free.  The remaining people had the lowest cultivation level and were directly nailed to the ground by Yun Xiangyi's Ice Pick Rain. These people's cultivation level was actually not much worse than Yun Xiangyi's. However, this magic weapon was one of Lin Xiao's most vicious methods when he was young.  , a special killing move for group fights.  The frightened old monster Wanxiu has not yet stood firm on the cloud head.  A chilling feeling rushed to my neck.  He raised his hand and blocked it with a wooden stick in his hand. The sound was like the collision of gold and stone. Not to mention the harsh sound, a huge force swept over him. Old Monster Wanxiu almost stopped standing on the cloud.  Not only was Lin He's power huge, but what was even more terrible was the cold air that penetrated into his body along his meridians.  With such a block, the whole arm seemed to have fallen into an ice hole and was almost frozen.  " Zhui Dian is forged from thousands of years of cold iron, and coupled with the repeated tempering of the spiritual fire, its power is now much greater than before.  This kind of ice energy entrained during normal attacks will cause huge damage to people's meridians.  If it is not refined with Hunyuan in time, the inner elixir, not to mention the arms, might be frozen to death over time.  Lin He, who was so powerful and unforgiving, did not give old monster Wan Xiu a chance to breathe. He raised his hand and attacked with sword after sword, and his movements became faster and faster.  It swept away like a violent storm.  The old monster Wanxiu parried again and again, and started to block a few blows with his staff in one hand.  Later, it didn't work anymore, so I had to use both hands to barely resist.  Just the huge strength made him complain endlessly, not to mention the cold air, which was like maggots attached to the bones, drilling into the bone marrow.  The most terrible thing is that the situation of his helpers is not much better now. Four of them were directly nailed to the ground by ice picks, several were detained in bowls, and the remaining six had to struggle with the woman's Cai Lian.  , and had to guard against the fierce slashes of the ghost generals released by a woman, and there was also a girl who directly rained down sword energy.  It is naturally Zuo Meiniang who directs the attack of the ghost general. Now this ghost general is completely owned by her.  Next to Lin He, the ghost general didn't even eat the Juyuan Pill. At worst, he only ate the blanks of the Soul-Reviving Pill.  This ghost has grown so fast that it is twice as big as before. It is also spitting out black smoke. This black smoke is a variant of the Wounded Soul Sand. If this thing is sprayed on, it will be quite annoying.  Yun Xiangyi would not be stupid enough to go up and cut with a sword. Her cultivation level was so close that she could not defeat a master at the golden elixir stage.  So while the six masters at the golden elixir stage were struggling with Bai Su's Cai Lian, Yun Xiangyi's sword energy was falling like rain. Avoiding the ice pick does not mean that you can avoid the sword.  gas.  Although Bai Su's cultivation level is not high, the color training in his hand is too difficult to deal with. One of the six targets has already been entangled, and the icicle rain has destroyed all the shields. The remaining five are not very powerful.  , while they were avoiding, they wanted to fight back, but unexpectedly found that when they released the magic weapon several times in a row, it was like mud thrown into the sea, without any waves.  This time, I was frightened out of my mind. It was obvious that the three old guys behind were so tall that they couldn't imagine, and their magic weapon was destroyed without even a single move.  Without complaining or anything, the five masters who were not entangled fled one after another. Bai Su wanted toIt would be really difficult to chase several masters at the Golden Core stage to escape at the same time.  However, as soon as these five masters jumped out of the battle group, they were slapped down.  Well, they were not humans, but a white tiger and a black tiger, lying in the clouds waiting for them. Each one came up with a paw.  The poor masters at the Golden Core Stage didn't even have a chance to resist the claws of these two tigers.  The open shield was blown away, and the person fell to the ground. Before he could stand firm, countless Cai Lian entangled him, and sword energy rained down.  The battle on Lin He's side was relatively direct, with head-to-head slashing, but it was Lin He who was doing the slashing, and old monster Wan Xiu frequently parried.  It wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, but Lin He's attack was too fast, and his life would be in danger if he slowed down even a little.  That sword was so evil. Every time it was struck, Old Monster Wan Xiu's hand became stiffer and the temperature of his blood dropped little by little.  Old monster Wan Xiu can also run, but he unexpectedly found that he couldn't outrun this kid.  The first time he turned around and ran away, Lin Hebi's sword was faster than his speed. As a result, he turned around and used his shield to resist the blow.  Just this one blow almost scared the soul out of the old monster Wan Xiu. His shield was not a popular one, but the shield was directly chopped off.  Not to mention, his whole back was so cold that he had goosebumps all over his body. His body suddenly slowed down and his speed dropped sharply. If he hadn't turned around in time and continued fighting, he would have confessed right then.  Encountering such an evil weapon, Old Monster Wanxiu knew that he could not do anything good today. Looking at the presence of three old guys behind him, Old Monster Wanxiu gritted his teeth and fought with Lin He. He secretly made up his mind to fight with Lin He even if he died.  A padded one.  When the old monster Wanxiu with the shield on was focused on fighting Lin He, even if Lin He's cultivation level greatly increased, there was nothing he could do about it for a while.  But Lin He doesn't need to worry. He has plenty of time, and the longer he fights, the better it will be for him.  Just think of it as a test of your recent cultivation achievements.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????When the other person is thinking about the opponent when they are both thinking about defeating each other, the following battle is coming to an end.  Lin Xiao's white tiger and Yu Mei's black tiger, these two spiritual beasts are both about a thousand years old, and they can break up the shield with a slap.  What can the masters of the five golden elixir stages do?  The inner alchemy was almost scattered.  Falling to the ground, Cai Lian was directly wrapped around his body, making it difficult to struggle. What was even more fatal was that the sword energy fell like raindrops.  Yun Xiangyi's sword energy cannot be resisted by cultivators who have not practiced physical training. The shield has been blown away, so what else can be used to block it?  The result was a pop-pop sound of sword energy entering the flesh, and soon the ground was covered in blood.  "Lin He, are you okay? If not, I'll come. I'll finish the fight and go home early to have a look." Yu Mei came to the edge at some point and said to Lin He, eager to try, looking at Wan Xiu Lao  It's like looking at a dead person.  "It's okay, no need to help." Lin Hetou didn't know how to dance. He danced so fast that he couldn't even see his figure clearly.  The sound of ding-ding-ding filled my ears densely, and the beating was already finished.  The above was still going on at an intensive rhythm like wind and rain. The old monster Wan Xiu who was desperately resisting quickly discovered that something was wrong. The Hunyuan Qi in the inner elixir was consumed very quickly, especially when fighting against the ice energy.  It went by at an unimaginable speed.  But he could only resist hard, his body stiffening little by little, his movements slowing down little by little, and finally when he couldn't keep up with Lin He's rhythm, he used his shield to resist the blow.  As a result, after all eight shields were scrapped, Old Monster Wanxiu was also transferred from the clouds and fell to the ground and turned into an ice lump. His beard was covered with frost and his body was shivering.  "Although your boy's punishment is a little stupid, it is very effective." Lin Xiao pointed at Lin He from the side, causing Yu Mei to roll her eyes and said: "My son did a good job, don't be nagging." Lin Xiao laughed.  Said: "I don't mean to criticize him, but he can do it more skillfully, and the battle will end faster, wouldn't it save physical strength and vitality?" That is to say, but Lin He can use a sword to kill a gold medal  Lin Xiao was still very satisfied with the high-level cultivators in the alchemy stage being chopped into lumps of ice.  In response, Lin He said humbly: "I haven't learned any close combat skills." Lin Xiao felt happy when he heard this, and quickly said: "It doesn't matter if you haven't learned it, I will teach you. Damn Wanxiumen, Lao Ge  That bastard didn't even teach me any close combat skills. " "Why, do you still know Lao Ge?" Lin He was a little surprised. Lin Xiao nodded and said, "I've seen him twice. His skills are not good, but his master is good.  "It's a pity that the Great Vehicle was destroyed by the heavenly calamity and fell short." At this time, Zuo Meiniang was the only one on the ground cleaning the battlefield, but it was actually the ghost general who was busy.  After experiencing the baptism of Lin Xiao's treasure room, these girls no longer look down upon the trophies of these masters of the Golden Core stage.
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