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Text Chapter 503 Weird

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    "Seven hundred miles to the south is the Fuyun Mountain." Hei Wuchang replied with a smile.  When Lao Wu heard the words, he flapped his wings and rose from the clouds to the south. The temperature in the south was much higher than that in the north, so he could fly from high altitudes.  "Is it safe to go to Fuyun Mountain?" Hei Wuchang asked carefully.  Mo Wen curled his lips and smiled when he heard this. He was still somewhat wary of the other two cultivators who had become heavenly immortals, but he did not pay attention to the earthly immortals. At this time, he already had a general understanding of the strength of the heavenly immortals.  , Earthly Immortals are far inferior to Heavenly Immortals, and as for the monkey, there is nothing to be afraid of. Just because it can hurt Earthly Immortals does not mean that it can also hurt Heavenly Immortals.  Hei Wuchang Mowen was full of confidence. He looked at Bai Wuchang and said nothing. Although he and Bai Wuchang were different, they were not practitioners in life. Both of them admired Confucianism, and although Confucianism and Taoism have certain differences,  However, scholars and Taoist priests have completely different habits. Scholars are reserved and reserved, while Taoist priests are bright and revealing. In their view, Mo Wen always behaves with a certain degree of arrogance.  Even a true immortal doesn't know what others are thinking, not to mention that Mo Wen has only reached the level of cultivation of an immortal, so he doesn't know what Hei Bai Wuchang is thinking in his heart, and he doesn't know that Hei Bai Wuchang thinks he is a bit arrogant, and Taoists are very particular in their behavior.  Peeping into the yin and yang, the so-called peeping into the yin and yang manifests itself in a certain matter, which is to quickly see through many illusions to see the essence of the matter, and the style of behavior is affected by one's own strength and status, and one has a clear understanding of oneself.  Only by understanding and doing things that are in line with your identity at this time can you be calm and casual. After reaching the level of immortal cultivation, if you are too polite and humble, it will not be consistent with your identity. Humility that is inconsistent with your identity is not modest and low-key.  It's the hypocrisy of seeking fame and reputation.  Recognizing one's identity and position, and doing things consistent with one's identity, this is the way a Taoist behaves.  Before noon, the four of them arrived at the mountains in the southwest of Ganzhou. Fuyun Mountain is a steep peak among the mountains. The towering peak can be seen from hundreds of miles away.  "Master, go directly over there." Lao Wu asked. At this time, there were still more than two hundred miles away from Fuyun Mountain.  "Yes." Mo Wen nodded in agreement. From here he could clearly see the scenery on Fuyun Mountain. The top of the mountain was two or three miles wide, and the part above the clouds was seven feet high. Because the mountain was too high, there were no trees on the top.  There are only sparse shrubs and weeds.  "Uncle Ji and the monkey live in the cave on the sunny side." Hei Wuchang reminded.  "The monkey is not in the cave." Mo Wen shook his head and said. Due to the distance, he could not be sure whether Uncle Ji was in the cave. He could only sense that there was no alien aura there.  "Don't make this trip in vain." When Lao Wu heard that the monkey was no longer around, he hurriedly flew south. Soon he came to the northern Yin foot of Fuyun Mountain. When he went around to the Yang foot, he found a small cave. The cave was located on the cliff, with only one  It is about the size of a house. There is a small stepping stone platform in front. From the outside, you can roughly see the scene inside the cave. There are simple living utensils in the cave. There is a grass ball woven from cattails near the mountain wall in the north.  There was no one on the grass group.  Mo Wen first landed on the stone platform and walked into the cave. The cave was longer from east to west, about a dozen steps, and shorter from north to south, about five or six steps. The entrance of the cave was in the middle. There were simple beddings in the southeast of the cave, and some Taoist books and books in the northeast.  According to the text, there is a simple pot stove in the southwest, and some urns and pots in the northwest. A small stone niche is cut out on the north wall opposite the entrance of the cave, and a small statue of Lingbao Tianzun is placed in it.  There is a small copper incense burner in front of the statue. There are three sticks of incense in the incense burner, half of which has been burned at this time.  "Where are the people?" Lao Wu was the last one to enter the hole.  "I must have gone out to do some work and will come back." Hei Wuchang pointed to the three sticks of incense that were still burning.  "That's hard to say. Maybe he knew we were coming and ran away in advance." Lao Wu shook his head and said.  Mo Wen said, "No, we were still five hundred miles away before half a stick of incense. He couldn't sense our arrival." "He couldn't sense it, the monkey can." Lao Wu still had different opinions.  Mo Wen raised his finger and pointed at two things on the guide wall. Lao Wu saw it and did not argue anymore. Even if the Taoist priest fled, he would not throw away the long sword and whisk.  "Master, what did he do?" Lao Wu looked at the things in the cave.  "You can take a guess." Mo Wen took out the talisman box.  "The monkey didn't come back when it was time for dinner. He went to find the monkey." Lao Wu guessed.  "Guess again." Mo Wenhua wrote two yang-returning charms and burned them in front of Black and White Wuchang, temporarily neutralizing their yin energy to prevent them from being discovered by the monkeys. As for Lao Wu, he didn't use it at all, because he had already asked Lao Wu to drink it before leaving.  The talisman water that hides the breath was poured.  "I went out to poop." Lao Wu laughed.  Hearing the words "Black and White Impermanence" smiled and snickered, don't askNai frowned and pointed to the northwest corner. Lao Wu followed Mo Wen's direction and walked to the pottery urn in the northwest corner. He looked down and then looked up and said, "One contains millet, the other contains millet, and half a can of salt."  " "Rotten wood cannot be carved." Mo Wen shook his head again.  Hei Wuchang Lao Wu didn't understand yet, so he stepped forward and squatted down to point to the ground, "There is a circular indentation here. A water jar should have been placed there before. Uncle Ji must have brought the water jar down the mountain to fetch water."  "Then let's wait for him to come back." Lao Wu walked to the southeast corner and lay down.  Hei Wuchang was stunned for a moment. If anyone else couldn't guess the truth, they would feel embarrassed, but Lao Wu didn't take it seriously at all.  Mo Wen distracted his senses and found that there were many monkeys within a radius of 300 miles, but they were all incompetent. He did not check to see if there was anyone there. Sensing aliens used the keen senses of a practicing person. If he wanted to check if there was anyone, he would need to  Uses a lot of spiritual energy, which is very precious to him at this time.  "The former Taoist Sima was seriously ill and may not have much time left. Don't worry, our brothers will handle it properly," Hei Wuchang said.  "Thank you both." Mo Wen expressed his thanks. Although Hei Wuchang talked a lot, he was by no means a shallow chatterbox. On the contrary, he was very smart. He deliberately told the two of them Sima Feng's full name in the morning.  It was to ask Hei Wuchang to provide appropriate protection, but he did not make it clear at the time. Hei Wuchang's words had two purposes. One was to tell him that the two of them understood his thoughts and would give Sima Feng the necessary support.  The second is to clarify the matter tactfully and let him appreciate it.  "The real person is serious." Hei Wuchang waved his hand modestly.  "There is something I don't know. What kind of punishment will you receive if you cannot bring these people's souls back to the Underworld?" Mo Wen asked casually.  Hei Wuchang shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and Bai Wuchang took over, "Hei Wuchang is the official name of the Underworld Division. This job was not originally undertaken by our two brothers." Mo Wen nodded when he heard the words, and Hei Wuchang said  The meaning is that if you are not successful in doing your job, you may be demoted to do other jobs.  Lao Wu didn't sleep well last night. He fell asleep quickly after lying down and snored loudly again. Mo Wen stepped forward and took away his pillow. He lowered his head and breathed smoothly. His snoring stopped abruptly. Some ancient sayings have truth, and some ancient sayings have truth.  It doesn't make sense. It's wrong to just sit back and relax. Sleeping with a pillow that's too high not only makes you suffocate and snore, but can also damage your neck bones.  After waiting quietly for half an hour, Mo Wen noticed a monkey's aura moving quickly from the south direction. After determining the approximate location of the monkey, Mo Wen sent out a breath of spiritual energy to explore its surroundings. Sure enough, there was  There is an aura of a practicing person around the monkey.  At this time, the aura of the man and the monkey was still 300 miles away. If it were normal times, there would be no need to go that far to get water. But at this time, the rainfall depends entirely on the South China Sea Dragon Clan. The South China Sea Dragon Clan not only has to provide rain for the south, but also find time to provide rain for the north.  , traveling north and south, there is no chance of omission. This is the situation here. Although it is not a drought, it is still very short of water.  As the distance approached, Mo Wen could sense the monkey's aura more clearly. Its aura was no different from that of an ordinary monkey, and it had no spiritual energy cultivation. However, it moved very fast, and when it moved, it was in the same path as that of the monkey.  The aura of the middle man was not consistent and sometimes advanced, which showed that the man was not moving with it.  When the breath of the man and the monkey reached the foot of the mountain, Mo Wen was sure that they were the rightful master, and then he said to Black and White Wuchang, "They are back." "Real people, please don't be careless, the monkeys come and go like the wind, it is not easy to deal with."  Hei Wuchang reminded again.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this, raised his hand and pointed to the west side, and then pointed outside the cave.  " Black and white, impermanent, hidden in the west side of the cave, Mo Wen stepped out of the cave, hiding his figure and looking down.  Not long after, an old Taoist carrying a water tank appeared in the mountains below. This old Taoist must be in his seventies or eighties. He is thin and small. His Taoist robes are very worn. On his feet, he wears a pair of thatched robes.  He was wearing straw sandals. Although this man was old, he was highly cultivated. The huge water tank was extremely stable on his shoulders. The old Taoist jumped up and down, but the water in the water tank did not leak at all.  This old Taoist is undoubtedly Uncle Ji. Behind him is a gray-haired macaque. This macaque is not obviously different from ordinary macaques. It is not big in size and has no strange appearance, but it can jump several times at a time when jumping forward.  Ten feet, if it hadn't stopped and turned around to shout from time to time, Uncle Ji wouldn't be able to keep up with it.  As the saying goes, Taoism comes from the heart. Uncle Ji's appearance is the same as that of the common people who endure hunger, humiliation and humiliation. It can be seen that he is a timid and honest man. By this time, Mo Wen's attention has already  It's not Uncle Ji anymore, he's interested in the monkey. This monkey is a common macaque, and it's not magical. Its extraordinary abilities must have been acquired.    Neither Uncle Ji nor the monkey noticed Mo Wen, and went straight to the stone platform in front of the cave. When they arrived, Uncle Ji stopped, frowned, and listened. Unexpectedly, he heard Lao Wu's breathing.  The monkey jumped into the cave before Uncle Ji, and immediately made a sharp cry after entering the cave.  "Master, the monkey is back oh my, oh~" Lao Wu's scream came later.  When Uncle Ji heard the cry, he put down the water tank and dodged into the cave, "Who are you?" Mo Wen feared that Lao Wu might be missing something, so he scurried in. After entering the cave, he reached out and grabbed Uncle Ji from behind, then turned his head.  Looking east, I saw that Lao Wu had transformed into a giant bat, but the cave was very narrow. He was stuck in the east corner. Black and White Wuchang was using filial sticks and chains to attack the monkey. The monkey moved very fast, and the two of them caught it.  Otherwise, he would be in a hurry.  Seeing this, Mo Wen's mind flashed, and he sent out spiritual energy to try to immobilize the monkey. He never thought that the spiritual energy would have no effect
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