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Text Chapter 501 Sima Fengzi¡¯s Teachings

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    Lao Wu heard Mo Wen's words, fluttered his wings and flew up. When he reached the air, he asked, "Master, where are you going?" "The next person is Uncle Ji. This person practices in Fuyun Mountain. Fuyun Mountain is located in Ganzhou. Let's go south.  , Find a place to stay first," Mo Wen said.  Lao Wu agreed, fluttering his wings and heading south.  After traveling several hundred miles south, the two of them saw a familiar city. This was Huang County in the southwest of Jin State. It was here that they met Zhou Guiren who was out to avoid trouble.  "You two, how about we settle down in Huang County tonight." Mo Wen asked for Black and White Wuchang's opinion.  "We two don't need to rest, the real person doesn't need to take care of us." Hei Wuchang said.  After hearing the conversation between the two, Lao Wu gathered his flesh wings and began to land. Although it was past the third watch, there were still many wine shops and inns in Huang County that had not yet closed. Everyone followed the light and found a large inn. Black and white stopped.  He said, "Zhenren and Brother Wu have a good rest. The two of us need to take time to go to our duties and see each other again soon." "Excuse me, both of you." Mo Wen nodded in agreement.  Black and White Wuchang left, and Mo Wen and Lao Wu stepped into the inn. There were more than a dozen tables in the inn. At this time, there were three tables with diners, one was occupied by a group of night watch government officials, and the other was occupied by two people.  There is a middle-aged man who looks like a businessman. There is a Taoist priest in shabby clothes lying in the southwest corner. Because his bun is messy and his face is covered by the hanging hair, and he is lying on the table, it is not possible to see his appearance clearly. However,  This man has white hair and must be quite old.  "Are you two guests staying in a hotel or having a drink?" The waiter greeted us attentively.  "Let's eat and sleep together. Let's make some signature dishes and have a bottle of wine." Lao Wu took the lead and straightened the bench for Mo Wen and asked him to sit down.  The waiter agreed and went to the kitchen while singing.  "Master, I didn't bring any money." Lao Wu whispered after sitting down. He had been wearing a robe before. Once he could change his clothes, he would no longer be able to carry any silver.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard the words, stood up straight and walked out. After going out, he disappeared. He had been to Huang County before and knew the location of the Huang County government office and the location of the treasury. How could he get in?  He went to the treasury to find the tax collector, took away a bag, and then returned to the wine shop.  At this time, the dishes had not yet been served, and Lao Wu was grabbing the wine bottle and pouring himself a drink. Mo Wen sat down and handed the bag of loose silver to Lao Wu from under the table. Lao Wu took it and nuzzled at him, Mo Wenxun  Looking at the direction shown by Lao Wu, he tilted his head and looked at the two middle-aged businessman-looking men. He saw that the two of them were looking left and right from time to time while eating wine. What they were looking at was the government servants and the sloppy Taoist sleeping in the corner.  "Master, something is wrong." Lao Wu said in a low voice.  "Ignore him." Mo Wen shook his head and said. Where there are people, there will be grudges and grudges. He has long been accustomed to it.  Soon, dishes to go with the wine were served one after another. Since Lao Wu had previously ordered the signature dishes, the four dishes were very rare, including steamed bear paws, mandarin fish, braised winter bamboo shoots, and flowered tofu.  The reason why the Jin State was forced to the south by the Hu people was largely due to their own fault. The people of the Jin State liked empty talk, loved prostitutes, and played silk and bamboo. They had good food, especially the food, which was exquisite and luxurious, and they put a lot of thought into it. When a nation only  If you know how to eat, drink and have fun, you are not far away from being bullied.  Lao Wu knew that Mo Wen didn't like meat, so he brought the meat in front of him and enjoyed it. Mo Wen could eat or not eat at this time. He picked up the plate of winter bamboo shoots in front of him and was distracted to explore the details of the guests at the other three tables.  There was nothing unusual about the government officials, but the two merchants were not merchants. One of them was very respectful to the other, and they must be a pair of masters and servants. Although the two of them did not have much spiritual energy cultivation, the short and fat merchant among them was a master of martial arts.  The fingers are slender and the breath is steady. The slovenly Taoist lying on the table in the corner is breathing rapidly with lingering sounds. The sound of his breathing must be that he has a lung disease. He is really sleeping at this time, not pretending to sleep.  Not long after, the government officials finished their drinks and left the inn to continue their patrol. The two middle-aged men dressed as businessmen looked at the sloppy Taoist lying in the corner, then looked at Mo Wen and Lao Wu, and then turned to  He lowered his head and whispered.  "Master, I wonder if that person is the helper he invited." The man with a shabby look said in a low voice.  "Probably not." The short and fat man shook his head and said.  "Even his helpers are nothing to be afraid of. When the king comes, he will take care of them all." said the wretched servant.  The short and fat man did not answer, but raised his hand to signal the servant to stop talking.  "Master, I'm full, I'm going out for a trip." Lao Wu took out the silver and put it on the table.  "Go early and come back early." Mo Wen nodded and said. Lao Wu needed to eat two portions of food, one for himself and the other for the giant bat.  Lao Wu agreed, belched and walked out the door. He walked to the door and looked back, with a puzzled look on his face, and thenHe turned his back towards the southwest corner and tilted his head to look at the man.  "Yeah." Lao Wu exclaimed.  At this time, it was already the time for Zichou to hand over. The shopkeeper and the waiter were both napping. Lao Wu's exclamation frightened them awake, but the man was lying on the table without any reaction.  "Sir, this is Taoist Sima." Lao Wu turned around and shouted to Mo Wen.  Hearing the sound, Mo Wen stood up straight and approached quickly. He had not used his spiritual energy to spy on the crowd before, so he never thought that this sloppy Taoist would be his mentor back then.  Lao Wu was pushing Sima Fengxu at this time, "Taoist Master Sima, wake up quickly." Sima Fengxu woke up leisurely under Lao Wu's push, opened his eyes and looked at the two of them, because after many years, Lao Wu and Lao Wu  Mo Wen's appearance had changed a lot, so he didn't recognize the two of them for a while.  If Lao Wu hadn't reminded him, it would have been difficult for Mo Wen to recognize that the slovenly white-haired Taoist in front of him was Sima Feng'e. Sima Feng'e was already over 40 years old when he taught his art to people in Wuliang Mountain. Eighteen years later, he  A man who has become sixty years old has already shown his age because he cannot practice Qi. There are many wrinkles on his face. His eyes have lost their brightness and are replaced by redness, swelling and chaos. In addition, this person is addicted to alcohol and eats irregularly.  At this time, many of the teeth in the mouth are also lost.  "Taoist Master Sima, don't you recognize us? I'm Lao Wu, Wu Yun, the cook at Wuliang Mountain." Lao Wu saw that Sima Feng was stunned and didn't recognize him and Mo Wen, so he hurriedly reminded him.  "Wuliang Mountain." Sima Feng recalled with a frown.  "Blessings are immeasurable, Tianshuzi, a quasi-disciple of the Qing Dynasty, has met Taoist Sima." Mo Wenchong bowed down and bowed to Sima Feng'e. Sima Feng'e was his master who taught the art, and the wind-catching ghost hands and wind-chasing ghost steps were exactly the same.  His stunt.  "Tian Shuzi." Sima Fengzu vaguely remembered something, and after recalling it for a moment, he suddenly realized, "Mo Wen." "Yes, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you doing, Taoist Master." Mo Wen felt sad and happy at the same time, but he was happy that he could be in this vast world.  I met Sima Fengxu in the crowd. Sadly, Sima Fengxu is now very old. Eighteen years of ruthless years have turned him into a decrepit old man.  "It's good, it's good. You two are very competitive, very good, very good." Sima Fengzu stretched out his hand and pulled Mo Wen, "Come on, come on, sit down quickly, cough cough cough" Lao Wu was very happy to meet old friends again.  While reaching out and patting Sima Feng's back to cheer him up, he shouted to the shop owner, "Let's have another good meal with good wine and good food. The room upstairs is also tidied up for us. By the way, burn a few more braziers.  "Come on, Wu Yun, sit down too." Sima Feng hesitated and reached out for Lao Wu, "Why do you still remember that I like heat and fear cold?" "How can you forget this?"  Sitting down, his Wind Chasing Ghost Step was taught privately by Sima Feng'e. Before he transformed into a giant bat, the Wind Chasing Ghost Step had always been his life-saving trick.  "Taoist Priest, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have grown old." Lao Wu is a real person. When he saw Sima Feng, he was so old and decrepit, and his eyes were red.  "It's not just a few years, it's been almost twenty years." Sima Feng sighed with consternation.  "Taoist Priest, it's very cold here. Let's go to the room to talk." Mo Wen said. Sima Feng'er didn't have spiritual energy cultivation. It was early spring, and the door of the inn was open. It was very cold in the middle of the night.  "Okay, okay." Sima Feng nodded repeatedly and stood upright with the table on his back. Seeing that he was unsteady, Lao Wu hurriedly stepped forward to help him.  "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just numb legs." Sima Feng walked on his own.  Lao Wu still helped him and accompanied Sima Fengzu towards the stairs. When he arrived at the table where they were sitting, Lao Wu stopped and said, "Taoist Priest, do you recognize these two guys?" Sima Fengzu tilted his head when he heard this.  He squinted at the two people with their heads buried deep in his eyes. When he could see their faces clearly, he cursed loudly, "It's you, you thieves." When the two men dressed as businessmen saw them, Sima Feng recognized them.  , didn't answer, just kept mumbling.  Mo Wen's mind flashed and froze the two of them. He walked forward slowly and said to them, "I'm telling you what the hell, my lord, I don't want to kill anyone today. Don't come here to pick a fight and die." After saying that, he threw the two of them out the door with his backhand.  Outside, he and Sima Fengzu walked upstairs.  Seeing this, the waiter hurriedly stepped forward to install the door panel. The owner personally sent the three people to the upper room, brought the charcoal brazier, and then served wine and banquet.  "Taoist Master Sima, who are those two guys?" Lao Wu made Sima Fengzu the chief.  "It's Jiang Wentao and his minions. Jiang Wentao is the owner of Qingmu Village. Black Sand Palm is very good. This person bullies men and dominates women. He has many evil deeds. A few days ago, he was caught by an old Taoist when he gathered people to commit evil. He took action  He was injured," Sima Feng'er said.  "Taoist Master, you have a heart disease." Mo Wen said, although Sima Feng'e is a Taoist, to be precise, he can only be regarded as a martial artist.  "Many years of??It's wrong, it's not in the way, don't ask, what you guys did really makes us proud, you are good at it, good luck.  "Sima Fengxu extended his thumb to Mo Wen. Sima Fengxu's nails were very long, and there was thick dirt in the gaps between the nails. The skin on his hands was also wrinkled. "It was the Taoist priest who taught us well. We always  To this day I still use the martial arts you taught me.  "Mo Wen held Sima Fengxu's left hand with his hand, and stretched out his spiritual energy to explore his lungs. Wherever the spiritual energy reached, he immediately understood in his heart that Sima Fengxu suffered from a serious malignant disease, affecting his lungs, stomach, and chest.  "It's a pity that Gu Yangzi and Qingyangzi died early and never saw the great things you did.  "Sima Feng withdrew his left hand in shock. "Taoist priest, your illness needs to be treated as soon as possible. Wu Yun will send you to Daiguo at dawn. Tianjizi and Li Zhenren are both in Daiguo at this time.  "Mo Wen said, Sima Feng's condition can no longer be cured with centipede carapace, and he can only hope that Yu Linglong can recover. "If you don't go, I will be considered to have lived a good life in this life. Your kindness  I understand that I must not mention this matter again, otherwise I will leave immediately.  "Sima Feng shook his head stubbornly. Mo Wen frowned and said nothing when he heard this. Sima Feng was his elder. Among the elders who taught him, the one who showed the greatest kindness to him was Zhenren Zhao who gave him the Heavenly Wolf Hair. The one who had the greatest influence on him was  Sima Fengzu, Sima Fengzu was merciless and not merciful, which he regarded as his code of conduct. He also knew Sima Fengzu's temperament. Sima Fengzu was a bit withdrawn and did not want to drag down or trouble others, but Sima Fengzu was unwilling to do so.  I am afraid that the main reason for going to Dai Country is that I am dissatisfied with Ye Xiaoyao's marriage to Yu Linglong. At this time, it is unethical for an apprentice to marry a master or a master to marry an apprentice, and is not tolerated by the world. The waiter yawned and came to deliver the wine.  Pouring wine for Sima Fengxu and Mo Wen, Mo Wen raised a toast, and the three of them talked about many things that happened after their separation. Most of the time, Sima Fengxu was the listener, and Mo Wen told many trivial matters one by one. After his father died, he told them.  Whenever he encountered a problem, he would ask Qingyangzi for advice. After Qingyangzi¡¯s death, he had no place to seek guidance. Now that he met Sima Feng¡¯e, he wanted to hear Sima Feng¡¯s opinion on some things. ¡°You have never done anything wrong. You have done it before.  Be patient in every possible way. If you don't kill the pursuers, Tianxuanzi will die. There are always many choices in life. Once you understand the priorities and see the essence, the choices are not difficult.  "Sima Feng's opinion on the time when he attacked Yu Qingzong and killed him. "Although I hate the Hu people, I don't think you made a big mistake by letting those civilians go. If there are no tigers and wolves around, how can the Han people strengthen themselves?  "Sima Feng'e's opinion on him letting the Hu civilians go. After listening to Mo Wen's account of how everyone joined forces to kill Liu Sheng, Sima Feng'e responded with a wry smile and did not express his opinion. "Chiyou is different from ordinary evil spirits, even if  Even though you have become a heavenly being, you may not be his match, so don't be careless.  "Sima Feng reminded seriously. "You didn't do this properly. You must know that blood is thicker than water. He can deny the child, but the child will not deny his father. The child will probably turn against you because of this.  .  "Sima Feng pondered for a long time before expressing his views on Mo Wen's taking away Guan Mo's soul. "Taoist Master, I did something wrong in this matter.  " Mo Wen was already worried. Hearing Sima Feng's words made him even more worried. "Your disgust for Buddhism has gone to your head. You shouldn't accept his soul.  "Sima Feng shook his head and said. The previous conversation lasted all night, and the east was already bright. "I have been very tolerant of Buddhism and have never excluded or suppressed it.  " Mo Wen frowned and said. He had extraordinary royal relationships with Jin, Dai, Qin and Liang, but he had never used royal power to force the world to believe it. "You know some things well.  "Sima Fengzu yawned, stood up straight and walked towards the bed, "If you don't say anything anymore, you'll kill me if you're sleepy.  " Mo Wen followed behind and helped Sima Feng'e lie down. Sima Feng'e yawned again, closed his eyes and said, "Tian Shuzi, you are still young. You can see through the yin and yang but cannot see through the human heart. You always want to  It's useless to nip things before they happen.  " "Please tell me, Taoist Priest.  "No matter how advanced his cultivation is, Mo Wen always respects his elders and is willing to listen to their opinions. Although their opinions are not all right, they have lived for many years and have a deeper understanding of the world. "There is one thing in the world.  The problem is, if you don't suffer a loss, you won't have a long memory. If they want to jump into the river, don't try to pull them. Wait until they choke on the water and get cold, then climb up by yourself.  "Sima Feng closed his eyes and said. "If you drown, you won't go ashore.  "Mo Wen asked, Guan Mo was one of those who would not come ashore even if they drowned. "Then just drown. It's not you who pushed them into the water. The so-called Taoist inaction does not mean doing nothing, but doing something and not doing anything.  for¡­¡­"
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