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Text Chapter 499: Soul Competition

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    Seeing that Monk Mianyuan was about to compete with him for his soul, Mo Wen suddenly felt a chill in his heart. As the old saying goes, a ruler is short and an inch is long. Buddhism spread from the Western Regions to the Central Plains. Apart from teachings and scriptures, there were only a few  This kind of magical power, other skills such as rituals, etiquette, magic, calculation, Qihuang and other skills are all copied and borrowed from Chinese Confucianism. However, this does not mean that Buddhism is useless. Because in Buddhist practice, people cut off the seven emotions and six desires, abandoning relatives, friends and family, so there are few  They are troubled by trivial matters, and Buddhist practice mainly focuses on meditation and meditation, which makes their spiritual practice far beyond that of those in the Taoist sect who entered Taoism at the same time.  Orthodox Taoist priests are not allowed to get married, and they do not advocate charity. Since they are not allowed to get married and are not allowed to beg, they need to support their families, support their parents, wives and children, and deal with the world. However, human energy is limited, and they have to be distracted from making a living and dealing with things.  It is difficult to calm down and think about trivial matters, and it is difficult for the soul to be released and strengthened.  The Yuan Shen is different from the soul and the mind. The soul derives and determines the acquired mind, while the Yuan Shen is the innate mind, which is a higher level of intelligence that is not controlled by the acquired mind. The Yuan Shen is called the root of wisdom by Buddhists. The Yuan Shen is in the baby.  When the baby is born, it controls the baby's feeding, breathing, and defecation so that the baby can survive and grow. When the baby gradually grows up and acquires a healthy mind, the soul will retreat behind the scenes and hand over the physical body to the control of the acquired mind.  The limit of spiritual practice is not the use of spiritual energy, but the reawakening of the innate soul. The power of the soul is extremely powerful, because the soul has the ability to control the two qi of yin and yang, that is, it can sense the yin and yang of the heaven and earth, and control the yin and yang.  There are only three practitioners who borrow and change the two Qi, and the soul is completely released, that is, the three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Taiqing Daode Tianzun, and Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun.  Seeing that Monk Mie Yuan was already sitting cross-legged in the air, Mo Wen pondered for a moment and also crossed his arms in the air. Since the other party wanted to compete with him for Yuan Shen, he could only accept the challenge. The competition for Yuan Shen was no longer a competition between Taoist and Buddhist skills, but a competition between Taoist and Buddhist skills.  The understanding of the universe and the understanding of Tianxuan and Dihuang by two practitioners is also a direct confrontation and mutual influence between the two souls. It is more dangerous than competing for spiritual energy, because the weak soul will be affected by the strong soul.  Influence.  "Master." Lao Wu's voice came from the north.  "Look from a distance." Mo Wen closed his eyes and responded.  Although Lao Wu didn¡¯t know the details, he knew that the two were in a crucial competition and knew that he couldn¡¯t get involved, so he flapped his wings and flew to the top of Dongshan Mountain.  The Yuan Shen is very mysterious and cannot be seen by the naked eye, so it is difficult to express it clearly in words. The Yuan Shen and the soul live together in the Seven Apertures Divine Mansion. The soul determines the acquired mind, that is, whether a person is smart or stupid, but the soul is not the only thing that determines a person's mind.  , if the Yuan Shen is released, it can also affect people's minds, but the Yuan Shen's influence on people's minds is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer or using camphor wood as firewood, because in addition to affecting people's sanity, the Yuan Shen can also do many other things.  Just when Mo Wen was meditating to stimulate his soul, he suddenly noticed that the soul of the monk Mianyuan had become extremely pure and pure. It was like opening a window to let in the wind, or like lifting a veil to see someone. Although he never opened his eyes, Mo Wen knew what was happening.  The reason for this situation is that the physical body of the monk is slowly falling to the ground. This indicates that the soul of the monk has left the physical body.  He felt something in his heart, and Mo Wen was shocked. What surprised him was not that Monk Mianyuan's soul had been released to a great extent, and even replaced the soul's control over the body, but that Monk Mianyuan had not yet reached the point where he could condense the Yuan.  At the level of a baby, once the soul leaves the body, it cannot be attached back to the physical body. In other words, the monk who has destroyed the fate has completely abandoned his physical body.  After giving up the physical body, the spiritual energy carried by the physical body once again gathered in the air to form the form of the annihilation of fate. The body formed by the condensed spiritual energy was golden yellow, and the three colors of red, yellow and white were brilliant in the night sky. At the same time, the Sanskrit chanted Buddha's voice.  The sound came, Sanskrit is the language of the Western Regions, Mo Wen didn't understand it, but he could feel the sound of the Sanskrit sound entering his ears, and there was a strange movement in his mind.  Unlike Monk Mianyuan, who had no distracting thoughts, Mo Wen was thinking about how to explain to Wuming at this time. Monk Mianyuan has given up his physical body. If the spiritual energy is exhausted, he will not be able to condense his body. Only one soul will be left. In the end of the world,  The spirit of time cannot mobilize external spiritual energy. In other words, the spirit left behind by the annihilation cannot affect others and cannot be seen by others. It is no different from death.  In the previous two moves, Monk Miyuan made the move first. In this final soul competition, Monk Miyuan also used the move, but at this time, there was no move to be found. The strange image that Miyuan showed was the invisible move, and the Sanskrit sound it produced was  It is also an invisible move. Although this move seems peaceful, it is extremely domineering. It shakes Mo Wen's natal soul and attacks Mo Wen's understanding and understanding of the Yin and Yang Dao after twenty years of practicing Taoism.  Although Mo Wen was sitting cross-legged, he never recited the sutra like Mianyuan. He had lost the opportunity. It is difficult to regain the opportunity after losing the opportunity in the competition between masters. And not long after he entered the realm of immortals, he had no control over the soul.  I am very unfamiliar with using it, so I stay calm and determined to defend. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The concept of time is different from that of ordinary people. Although Mo Wen still calculates time in terms of hours, days, months, and years on weekdays, when you really calm down, you will feel that time is very slow, and you will also feel that time is flying rapidly. Being unaffected by time is the immortality of immortals.  Immortal foundation.  Mo Wen didn't know how much time had passed, but he knew that Mianyuan was reciting the same sutra, and had repeated it more than a dozen times. Because he was disgusted with Buddhist sutras, he deliberately did not listen to the sutra. At first, he turned a deaf ear to it.  , and then I just felt disgusted.  Realizing that he was feeling disgusted, Mo Wen knew that he had been affected by the Yuan Shen of Destruction. If he allowed the disgust to continue to accumulate, the Yuan Shen would be unstable, and the Yuan Shen of Destruction might take advantage of the situation.  Feeling in his heart, Mo Wen began to suppress the disgust in his heart. Mianyuan kept reciting the scriptures. As the scriptures were recited, Mo Wen found that although he was lowering his eyebrows and closing his eyes, the monk Mieyuan was formed by condensing spiritual energy.  However, the body gradually appeared in front of the eyes. If it were normal, the body formed by the condensed spiritual energy of the monk Miyuan could be called the Dharmakaya. However, at this time, the monk Mianyuan has not yet achieved Arhat status, and his body is not considered the Dharmakaya, although it is not the Dharmakaya.  , but its shape shines brilliantly. These strange images make it impossible to deny the power and miracle of Buddhism. Since Buddhism is so miraculous, Taoism will naturally be questioned.  Mo Wen sensed something was wrong, so he simply opened his eyes and looked directly at the fate of annihilation. The two senses that can most influence the world are hearing and seeing. Seeing miraculous visions and hearing the majestic Sanskrit sounds will make people involuntarily worship.  .  Mo Wen has been in Taoism for a long time, so naturally he is not as uneasy as ordinary people. He can see through the emptiness and dead silence hidden behind the Sanskrit sounds and visions. At this time, what he is thinking about is how many ignorant people in the world will be deceived by the vain visions.  , abandoned his wife and children, did not seek to make progress, and passively pinned his hopes on the afterlife. There are thousands of people who do not know how to believe in Buddhism, and how many of them can achieve fruition. Their fanatical and blind obedience will only hurt themselves and their loved ones in the end.  As the saying goes, pitiable people must be hateful, and conversely, hateful people must also be pitiful. Many times, people will accuse others of being stupid, mean, ruthless, and cruel, but ignore that these people have already suffered for their own stupidity.  , being mean, ruthless, and fierce pays the price. Stupid people will do a lot of stupid things, and the consequence is that they themselves are deceived, and their lives are miserable. Mean people treat others harshly, and the consequence is that they have no real friends.  When you need help, no one will reach out to you. A ruthless person will be unkind and unjust, abuse the elderly and the young, and have a hard heart. The consequence is that he will not be able to gain family affection or exchange for friendship. A ruthless person will bully others with force at all times, and they will bully others too much.  If you fail to bully someone, you will be beaten, and naturally you will not end well.  These people are pitiful, and those who accuse them are pitiful. What is pitiful about them is that they do not look at the problem from the yin and yang aspects, and look at the problem as either right or wrong, but they do not know that there is no absolute right or wrong in this world.  Thinking of the pity of the world, Mo Wen couldn't help but think of the hatefulness of the world. The victims were pitiful, but the victims were also hateful. They would kill and eat when they were short of food. The Han people were pitiful, but the Han people were also hateful. They were comfortable and happy after the unification of the world.  It led to the invasion of the Hu people. The Hu people were hateful. They took over the north, massacred the Han people, and robbed the Han women's property. But they were also pitiful because they were eventually massacred by the Han people. Their invasion of China caused serious disasters.  Hurt, but at the same time, it also made the Han people clearly see the consequences of being content and happy without making progress.  Monk Mianyuan has been reciting that sutra, his tone is neither urgent nor slow, and his voice is neither high nor low. At this time, Mo Wen no longer feels that the sutra is hateful and false. Everything in the world always has a reason for its existence. This kind of sutra  It can indeed bring peace and tranquility to those weak people who are unable to change the current situation.  "Master, have you ever felt tired?" Mo Wen stood up straight and walked slowly in the air.  Monk Mianyuan turned a deaf ear to Mo Wen¡¯s words. The Dharmakaya shone brightly and the Sanskrit music continued to be chanted.  "Master, do you know why you can't influence Pindao's soul." Mo Wen asked with a smile.  ????????????????????????????????????????????:  "That's because Pindao can think about problems from both the yin and yang sides. As long as he thinks about the yin and yang sides of things, he can stay awake and not be influenced by the outside world or instigated by others. Naturally, he will not be affected by your soul." Mo Wen said with a smile.  "Destroy fate and don't answer."  Mo Wen said again, "Pindao once let the Hu refugees go west, which was hated by the Han people. They hated Pindao because they were not sober. They hated the Hu people for killing their relatives and robbing their belongings, but they never took it from themselves.  Looking for the reasons, if they had the slightest introspection while hating the Hu people, learned from the pain, and worked hard to improve themselves, the tragedy of that year would never happen again. " "Stop reading, your scriptures are useless. China is not the only one in this world.  country, and other countries do not believe in Buddhism. You have made all the people of China put down their butcher knives. If foreign countries invade, won't we, the Chinese people, become lambs to be slaughtered?" Mo Wen slowly walked back and forth ten steps away.?, "Yin and yang are all things, good and evil, good and bad. Peace and kindness in this world are naturally necessary, but killing and war are also necessary. It is a big mistake to stick to one end."  , and Mo Wen did not expect him to answer the call, and said to himself, "Master, you are also a Han Chinese. You must know a few ancient sayings, a gifted man matches a beautiful woman, and a sword is given to a hero. These words may seem a bit philistine, but if they are thoroughly  If you think about it thoroughly, the yin and yang of Taoism are equal and coexist and correspond to each other. If a beautiful woman doesn't marry a talented man, why should she marry a lazy man? If a hero doesn't hold a sword, how can he hold a stick? How about you? The saying that all living beings are equal makes the world's people impatient and lose their self-knowledge.  , lost the ambition to make progress, even though he is a lazy man, he wants to get his hands on a beautiful woman, and a clown covets a precious sword. If he doesn't get it, he blames others and hates the rich" "Shut up, you are not allowed to insult my supreme Dharma." Monk Mie Yuan was angry.  He stopped chanting sutras and shouted angrily.  Mo Wen heard the sound and suddenly teleported to the side of Mianyuan. He wrapped his left hand with the true fire of Samadhi to capture the soul of Mianyuan. He swung his right palm in the face and said, "Quickly use your supreme Buddha's Dharma to save the poor Taoist, otherwise the poor Taoist will be saved."  I will definitely take your life today"
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