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Text Chapter 497 Ruthless and unjust

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    "Why do you insist on standing up for Feng Yilan?" Mianyuan asked sideways.  "Pindao has never seen Master Feng before. This time he was invited by Black and White Wuchang to help them perform their duties. He went to Jiufeng Mountain first, and Qingyu Mountain was the second place. When he arrived at Qingyu Mountain, he found that Master Feng had already done it for him.  After arrangements were made for the funeral, Pindao hid in the side, unbeknownst to Master Feng, and muttered two sentences to himself in the coffin, one was, 'Don't leave after noon, let them leave before noon', the other was, 'Don't blame me'." "Don't ask.  After speaking for a moment, he paused for a moment, and saw a look of doubt on the face of the monk Mianyuan.  "Before, Black and White Wuchang went to Qingyu Mountain, but was forced to retreat by Master Feng. Master Feng was proficient in the method of inviting gods to channel spirits. Even if a poor Taoist wanted to surrender her, it would take a lot of trouble. She actually arranged her own funeral arrangements. This incident made  I couldn't understand it. After Idao showed up, Master Feng was willing to tie up his hands in exchange for his immortal spiritual consciousness in the next life and to be a woman again. I was even more confused but didn't go into details until Master Feng urged me to wait for noon.  Before leaving, Pindao just guessed that Master Feng's move was related to the other sixteen practitioners who had expired but were stranded in the mortal world. The other fifteen were all old and only the master was similar in age to her," Mo Wen said slowly.  The reason is that there are some things that Monk Mie Yuan must know. If he is forced to do so, the final result will be that the two of them will fight.  "Amitabha, if I had known today, why would I have to do it in the beginning?" Monk Mianyuan sighed and sang to the Buddha.  "Why did the master turn against Master Feng?" Mo Wen asked. The reason why he had detailed the reason before was not only to explain the situation to Monk Mianyuan, but also in exchange for Monk Mianyuan telling the past events between the two.  "She once drove monsters to bloodbath a village." Monk Mie Yuan stopped here and hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "There was a poor monk and a foreigner in that village." Mo Wen nodded slowly when he heard this.  Relatives are also called female relatives. The Qin family are his maternal relatives. Monk Miyuan is not a pure yang body practitioner, which means that he has had affairs with women before. Mianyuan's foreign relatives take the place of wives and concubines, which means that he is very likely to have a relationship with that woman.  There is no clear title.  "The poor monk understands the kindness of the real person. If there is nothing else to do, the poor monk is going out for a trip." Monk Mianyuan said. He knew that Mo Wen was ruthless in his actions, but he felt that Mo Wen would not hurt innocent people, so he wanted to stay away.  , as long as he leaves, Mo Wen probably won't attack the monks in the temple.  "When did that incident happen?" Mo Wen asked. Although Feng Yilan and Monk Mianyuan did not explain clearly what happened that year, many small clues showed that a tragedy of love and hatred occurred that year.  Yilan attacked his love rival, and Mianyuan was disheartened and fled into Buddhism.  "Eighteen years ago." Mianyuan replied.  "If I didn't guess wrong, there should be a woman in the massacred village who was pregnant with Liujia and was about to give birth." Mo Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head. The time Mianyuan mentioned is correct with Wuming's age. In other words, Mianyuan  It is very likely that he is Wuming's biological father, and only such a father can give birth to a son with Wuming's superb understanding, and Wuming's stubbornness and stubbornness are also very similar to the destiny of destruction.  "Why did the real person say this?" Mianyuan asked in confusion.  Mo Wen only had doubts and no surprise on his face when he saw Mianyuan. He guessed that he probably didn't know about the existence of Wuming.  "Where was the master when that village was massacred?" Mo Wen asked.  "The poor monk went to Yecheng to seek fame. He was not at home and returned in a hurry after hearing the news." Mianyuan was even more confused.  "Have you ever seen the body of that woman?" Mo Wen asked again. Qinzhou is more than two thousand miles away from Yecheng. It takes more than a month to go back and forth on horseback. It will also take at least several months to walk. It is very likely that the fate will not be destroyed.  He knew that his woman was pregnant.  "The poor monk has seen her corpse. What does the real person mean by this?" By this time, Mianyuan already knew that Mo Wen was not just asking casually.  Mo Wen didn't answer when he heard the words, and used his backhand to attack Mianyuan and waved out an invisible spiritual energy. Because the distance between the two was very close, Miewuan subconsciously sent out spiritual energy to resist. The two spiritual energy collided and made a subtle sound. Mo Wen passed the other party's spiritual energy.  It was determined that the Five Elements of Destiny belongs to wood, and the hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian is smoother and smoother than ordinary people, and Qi can be generated quickly. Wuming also has this talent. The Hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian is extremely smooth, and his attacks are faster than ordinary people.  Monk Deyuan did not continue to move because he also saw that Mo Wen's move was some kind of test.  "Master, do you know why the poor Taoist people exclaimed when they first saw you." Mo Wen asked seriously. By this time, he was able to confirm that Mianyuan was Wuming's biological father.  Mianyuan frowned and said nothing when he heard this. Lao Wu did exclaim when he saw his appearance. Although Mo Wen interrupted Lao Wu mid-sentence, he still got the general idea that Lao Wu seemed to be talking about him.  resemble someone.  "Master, you have a son living in this world." Mo Wen said, Mianyuan is Wuming's biological father, and he must know about this.  "Seriously." Monk Mianyuan asked sideways.    Mo Wen nodded slowly. There were gains and losses in coming to Qingjing Chanyuan this time. Wu Ming ran away that day mainly because he had no parents. Seeing that both Wu Jier and Pu Jian had parents who cared about him, he felt sad and lost. This time he found him.  It's a good thing that Wuming's father finally has an explanation for Wuming, but Feng Yilan is the murderer of Wuming's mother, and it is impossible for Monk Ruinyuan to marry her. What's more, Wuming needs a home built by his parents.  But his mother had died long ago and his father was a monk. He would have been very sad if he knew this.  "Amitabha." Mianyuan put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.  Mo Wen saw that Mianyuan had finished chanting the Buddha's name and then said, "Master, your son has grown up now and is looking for his parents everywhere." "The poor monk has escaped into Buddhism and has cut off the world of mortals. If a real person sees him, he will  But let him stop looking." Mianyuan shook his head calmly.  Mo Wen didn't expect such words from Destiny. He frowned and asked, "Master doesn't want to see him." "The five aggregates of a monk are empty. They have no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind. They have no color, sound, fragrance, or touch. Everything is empty. I am the same."  "Empty, since there is no self, there is no other." Mianyuan shook his head and said.  Mo Wen was shocked when he heard this. Monk Mianyuan has been practicing Buddhism for many years, and his acquired practice has suppressed his innate fatherly nature.  "Master, you are so protective of the monks in this temple, why are you so ruthless to your own flesh and blood?" Mo Wen suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.  "All living beings are equal. If we say that we are born everywhere, so we are called all living beings. Monks have no worldly selfishness. Ants are also close relatives. Close relatives are like strangers. If you are close and distant in your heart, it is difficult to calm down and clarify your aspirations." Destruction Yuan picked up the Zen table.  of baggage.  "Master, in your eyes, your son is the same as an ant." Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and asked. Fortunately, Mianyuan's words were directed at him. If he had said it to Wuming, Wuming would be heartbroken.  "Buddha cut meat to feed the eagle to save the pigeon's life with equal weight of meat. In the eyes of Buddha, his supreme Dharma body is the same as the flesh and blood body of the pigeon." Monk Miyuan walked to the wall and took off his bamboo hat.  "Here's nonsense." Mo Wen sent out spiritual energy and put the entire Qingjing Zen Temple into confinement.  "Empty is form, form is emptiness, Zhenren, you are in touch with the form." Monk Mianyuan sensed that Mo Wen had sealed the Qingjing Zen Temple, so he did not pick up the Zen staff.  There are many "colors" in Buddhist scriptures, but this color is not that color. Color in Buddhist scriptures refers to the forms in the world. In their view, everything in the world is false, so emptiness is color.  , color is the language of emptiness.  "Master, father and son are connected by blood. Your son misses his parents day and night. His mother is dead, and now you are his only relative." Mo Wen was moved by emotion. People in the world can be roughly divided into three categories based on their character and understanding. One category is fools.  , this kind of people are easy to persuade, because they know that their minds are not as good as others, so they easily accept other people's ideas. There is also a kind of people who are neither stupid nor smart. It is very difficult to persuade these people, because these people have their own superficial thoughts.  Thoughts, but unable to understand the profound thoughts of the other party, the result is that they insist on their own opinions. The last category is smart people. Smart people are also easy to persuade, but the premise is that the person who persuades is smarter than the person being persuaded. Destruction of fate falls into this category.  For this last category, don't think that your mind is not higher than the cause of annihilation, so you dare not understand it rationally, and can only be moved by emotion.  "Amitabha, the real person is also a practicing person. He should know that the misery in the world comes from the seven emotions and six desires. If the poor monk diligently practices Buddhism, the four elements are empty and he has no worries." Mianyuan said calmly.  "If a person is alive in the world and cuts off his emotions and desires, he will be no different from an animal or a dead person." Mo Wen had rarely been angry in the past few years, but now he was angry.  "What's the difference between animals and humans, and what's the difference between life and death." Mianyuan shook his head and said.  "I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just asking you, do you recognize your son?" Mo Wen was most afraid of quarreling with monks in his life. They had a complete set of fallacies and heresies, and it was difficult to defeat them. This Destiny Destiny was so smart.  If a smart person gets into trouble, he won't be able to pull it back no matter how hard he tries.  "What's the difference between recognizing and not recognizing." Mianyuan smiled and shook his head.  "You are his father. Since you gave birth to him, you should take good care of him." Mo Wen forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.  "It is difficult to become a father and son without debts in the past life. No matter whether he comes to collect debts or pays debts in this life, the poor monk can recite sutras to eliminate karma." Mianyuan replied.  "That's nonsense. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. That child is none other than Pindao's disciple. If you renounce love, Pindao will never stand idly by." Mo Wen clenched his fists to suppress his anger.  "Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate." Mianyuan chanted loudly.  "I accepted him because of his loyalty and filial piety. What does he have to do with your Buddha?" Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and asked.  Mianyuan looked up at Mo Wen, smiled and shook his head.  The look in Mianyuan¡¯s eyes made Mo Wen even angrier. It was clearly the look of a wise man looking at a fool, showing mercy.?There is forgiveness.  "You are really hopeless." Mo Wen sighed heavily.  Hearing this, Mianyuan still didn¡¯t answer, he just looked at Mo Wen with a smile.  Mo Wen naturally understands the look in Mianyuan's eyes. This time, the look in Mianyuan's eyes is the look at someone who is angry and unable to reason.  Mo Wen took a deep breath to calm down his emotions. Every time he talked with Buddhists, he felt depressed. This was the case when he was debating the Dharma with the Buddhist monk Guangspectu more than ten years ago. It was the same when he was discussing the theory of annihilation more than ten years later.  "Pindao didn't take action against you because you are my disciple's biological father. If you don't recognize him, Pindao will take your soul and take your soul today." Mo Wen said seriously.  "Amitabha, the poor monk is a disciple of Buddhism, and the real person is a disciple of Taoism. It is unreasonable to interfere with Buddhist affairs." Mianyuan said.  "I'm just asking you, do you admit it or not?" Mo Wen started to get angry.  "Have you ever seen a monk have relatives before?" Feeling the fate of destruction, he also began to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body.  "You seriously deny it." Mo Wen calmly concentrated on his actions, preparing to take action.  "Amitabha, there is no need for a real person to waste his efforts in vain. No one can move the poor monk's heart towards the Buddha." Mianyuan smiled again.  This man's smile contained a hint of insight and see-through, and Mo Wenjian was filled with rage. The implication of Mianyuan was that he had come here deliberately, using nameless excuses to trick him into betraying Buddhism, in order to take this opportunity to suppress him.  Buddhism and promotion of Taoism.  Mo Wen finally took action in anger, saying that it didn't make sense, and the only hope was to wake him up Ziyang is different from Xiaobai, who needs extreme concentration to write, and only at night can my mental state meet the writing requirements.  , the update is slow, please understand,
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