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Volume 3 Chapter 71 Laughing and Cursing

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    "Variety Show 100" has a running time of 10 minutes and is divided into many small units, such as "Hot Topics", "Stars of the Week", "Singing, Dancing and Shadows", etc. Talking was originally just one of the short units, but Shen Chong  Jiang Jixiong's card was big enough and the topic was hot enough. He was willing to bring Zhang Aijia to the TV to have a deep talk with the host. Jiang Jixiong wanted nothing more than Jiang Jixiong. After receiving the call, he immediately cut off several recorded programs and repeatedly promised that Jiang Jixiong would  Chong can be used at will, with no time limit.  "Little sister, since this movie has no story, then what are you filming?" The movie is a safety topic, Zhang Xiaoyan continued to ask: "It won't be like a science and education film, where you shoot scenery everywhere?" "Actually, it doesn't mean it doesn't have a story.  Shen Chong rushed to say: "The story is that two strangers, a man and a woman, met on the streets of Los Angeles. They liked each other, so they chatted and chatted for a day, and then and then nothing happened.  " Shen Chong told a ridiculous story seriously, with an inexplicable sense of joy. Zhang Xiaoyan was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing, and the laughter got louder. She stopped laughing for a while and said: "Shen Chong told a ridiculous story seriously.  Sir, what you said is really interesting, haha, and then there was nothing more. What kind of story is this? " Zhang Aijia has been with Shen Chong for a long time, and is more accustomed to his cold humor from time to time, and his laughter is not as exaggerated as Zhang Xiaoyan, and said: "Then the two of them  Let's break up." "Little sister, don't blame me for being a cuckold. This is your directorial debut, and the box office may be in danger." Zhang Xiaoyan still smiled and said, "If there are really people who are willing to pay to go to the cinema and watch people chatting.  Then I, Zhang Xiaoyan, have long become the number one movie tycoon in Taiwan. I dare not say anything else. I am definitely an expert at chatting. I can chat for seven or eight hours without getting tired. I can shoot four or five movies a day. " "Speaking of chatting,  In fact, there are other things." Zhang Aijia bit her lip, thought for a moment, and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, think about it, two strangers in a strange city met, chatted, spent a beautiful day together, and then separated again.  We all go our separate ways, and I think it¡¯s wonderful. We pass each other in a hurry every day. Who is he? What is he thinking? Who does he love?  Who? If I stop occasionally and chat with a stranger, I might have a different understanding of life and unexpected surprises. I just want to make a movie like this. " "When you say that, I think you made it.  The movie must be very beautiful, very romantic, and very beautiful." Zhang Xiaoyan was fascinated, and then asked Shen Chong: "Mr. Shen, did you think so when you wrote the script?" "No, I am not a romantic person by nature, no.  I think so much." Shen Chong shook his head and said, "I think, isn't life just about people coming and going? On a certain day, at a certain time, you meet someone and get together for various reasons.  Spend a good time, and then separate for various reasons, leaving a memory or a photo, which eventually turns into dust, and then there is no more. "This time he said again, "Then there is no more."  It did not cause laughter, but instead made the studio fall into silence. Zhang Aijia held his hand tightly.  "Mr. Shen is really a great talent." Zhang Xiaoyan quickly reacted and used compliments to change the subject and said, "Whatever you say can make people think deeply." "I am not a talented person. I am a nouveau riche full of copper odor.  , "It's vulgar." Shen Chong laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "Every time I come to Taipei, there are really talented people who frown at me and look unhappy with me. This time it's even worse. All the people in Taiwan, no matter what.  Are you a talented person? They all scolded me." Zhang Xiaoyan laughed and said jokingly: "My little sister has many fans and fans in Taiwan. Mr. Shen stole our Golden Horse Best Actress and was scolded.  "I always think that it is a good thing for someone to scold me in the newspaper. Firstly, it shows that I am famous enough, and secondly, it can help me control my mentality and let me know that I am also an ordinary person. If no one scolds me, I might still be able to do it."  I really think I am an omnipotent god." Shen Chong leaned back, his expression turned to disdain, and said: "But this time I was scolded badly. Some of the scoldings are justified, and I admit that some of them are just fine.  I can¡¯t accept it because I¡¯m looking for trouble.¡± ¡°For example, I was reading the newspaper this morning and saw a letter from a reader, scolding me for being morally corrupt, corrupting society, and having a very bad impact on children. Look.  His words seemed to want to kill me and then kill me." Shen Chong brushed his sleeves lightly with his fingers and said: "I have two boats, which is indeed not in line with traditional morality, but I neither destroyed other people's families nor did I.  Harming other people's interests, right? Emotions are a very personal matter. As long as you can accept it and live a comfortable life, it won't hurt anyone. " "As for preaching to bad children, it's even more nonsense. Teaching children is nothing.  The responsibilities of parents and teachers are not my responsibility. Nowadays, many parents either smoke and drink, or engage in prostitution and gambling. Smoking and alcohol harm the body, and prostitution and gambling waste money. They have set a very bad example, but they criticize me.  I'm wrong. What do I do compared to them? I don't smoke, drink, whore, or gamble. Why don't you learn from me?If you want to praise me, I can be considered a person who has achieved some success in my career. Why don't you teach them to start a business like me?  In my opinion, these people are like holding gold bricks and yelling, "Why the hell do you have to be yellow?" Zhang Xiaoyan didn't even know how to say it, so she could only laugh and deal with it. "Actually, I think those people in Taiwan who are scolding now are  Ninety percent of my people wish they could move all the money in Taiwan into their homes, bring all the beauties in Taiwan into their houses, lie on piles of money, play music every night, and live a life of debauchery, but they don't.  I can't do it, but I'm young and rich, and I'm surrounded by people, so they are jealous of me and take it out on me. Jealousy is a poison that can make people's heads spin and their mouths salivate, so they do things they have no ability to do.  Thinking that he has a high moral character and a strong sense of psychological superiority, he gives me instructions and the more he scolds me, the more pleasure he gets. It seems that he really thinks that he is a gentleman.  There is an old saying that people who talk about benevolence, justice and morality are full of male thieves and female prostitutes. I think they are all such people.  " "So for this kind of person, I have only four words.  "Shen Chong gave the middle finger to the camera and said: "Go away!" Zhang Xiaoyan had never encountered such an unscrupulous and unobtrusive guest. She didn't know how to deal with it. She had to look back at Jiang Jixiong. Jiang Jixiong was also very embarrassed.  , but he still made a gesture to continue recording. ¡°Sister Xiaoyan, don¡¯t be nervous. I just felt emotional and wanted to vent it.  Shen Chong laughed loudly and said, "This is a video, not a live broadcast. It will be cut."  " "Yes, Sister Xiaoyan, he often talks nonsense, and sometimes I am fooled by him.  Zhang Aijia smiled and helped, saying: "What he just said, just think that he was talking to himself."  " "Mr. Shen is really a sweet-tempered person, free and uninhibited.  "Zhang Xiaoyan lowered her head and fiddled with the topic cards, recalled the topics before this paragraph, and then asked: "Mr. Shen said that a great talent scolded you, who was he referring to?  " "Li Ao.  Shen Chong touched his forehead and said: "I read the China Times yesterday. He said that I mistook my passion for passion, that I pretended to be romantic and really obscene, that I seemed honest and hypocritical, that I was generous on the surface but harbored evil intentions secretly. I was sweating coldly when I saw that.  Back then, Chen Lin wrote a letter to scold Cao Cao. After Cao Cao read it, his headache healed without medicine and he praised the letter as an arrow. I think his ability to curse is no worse than Chen Lin's.  " "Mr. Shen, don't mind.  Zhang Xiaoyan comforted her with a smile and said, "Every famous person in Taipei has been scolded by him. If he has not been scolded, it means he is not famous enough."  " "I didn't mind. Some of what he said was right and insightful.  Shen Chong changed the topic and said with a displeased look on his face: "But it's okay if he scolds me. Why involve IvIa? This is not the demeanor a man should have."  "Zhang Xiaoyan didn't know what to say, so she had to laugh - Li Ao said something very harsh in the newspaper, comparing Zhang Aijia to a princess who got married, a victim of a marriage between politics and money. "I think Li Ao has a prejudice against my eldest son.  Zhang Aijia put her hand on Shen Chong's leg and said, "Li Ao has never met Allen and doesn't understand him at all. He only relies on imagination and makes nonsense in the newspaper. I don't like it very much."  " "Then what is Mr. Shen's reaction every time he reads the newspaper?  " "He always laughed it off and never said anything unpleasant.  " "Mr. Shen is really thoughtful.  " "A businessman who cannot make money is not a good businessman, and a scholar who does not complain is not a good scholar.  Shen Chong said with a smile: "Everyone performs his or her own duties. I make money and he complains. It is his duty, so there is no need to be angry."  " "It's just that if he scolds me for other things, it's a bit too much to scold me because of my feelings.  " Shen Chong then said: "Those moral gentlemen scolded me, so I tolerated it. Li Ao's romantic history is much richer than mine. What qualifications does he have to scold me?  He said that IvIa got married for money, so I asked him, if he pursues Hu Yinmeng when he has a girlfriend, is it considered greedy for beauty?  Is it considered to be riding on two boats?  After he caught her, he sent his ex-girlfriend to New York with NT$100,000. What kind of behavior is it to use money to exile an old love for a new love?  " "I read reports in the newspaper. Li Ao once said that he loved his ex-girlfriend 100%. After meeting Hu Yinmeng, he said he loved her 1000%. I wonder what the upper limit of his love is?  Shen Chong sat up straight with a smile and said, "You want to sing on "Variety Show 100", right?"  Is there a guitar here? IvIa and I will sing a song together for Li Ao to listen to.  Zhang Xiaoyan was overjoyed and said quickly: "Yes, yes. We even have a band here. What song is Mr. Shen going to sing?"  " "There is no need for a band, I wrote the songs blindly by myself.  Shen Chong took Zhang Aijia's hand and said, "I will play the guitar accompaniment and she will sing."  " "Variety Show 100" has its own small stage. After the guitar was delivered, the staff moved a chair and placed it in the center of the stage. Shen Chong sat on it, tried playing a few times, and then nodded to Zhang Aijia who was standing in front of the microphone.  Nod and start playing
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