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Volume 3 Chapter 67 Politics Continued

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    After Sun Yunzhi and Wang Sheng left, Jiang Jingguo sat on the sofa, staring motionlessly at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall opposite. He had often done this since he became the "President" in 1978. The waiters in Qihai's official residence had already  Get used to it.  After a long time, Chiang Ching-kuo moved his body and ordered his personal adjutant: "Weng Yuan, bring me the notebook on the desk." Weng Yuan served as Chiang Kai-shek's personal adjutant in the 1940s. After Chiang Kai-shek's death, he continued  He served as Chiang Ching-kuo's personal adjutant and served two generations of the Chiang family for more than 30 years. He knew Chiang Ching-kuo's temper and character very well. Therefore, when he handed the notebook to Chiang Ching-kuo with both hands, he saw that his expression was as usual but the corners of his mouth were very tight.  This seemingly ordinary notebook is extraordinary.  Jiang Jingguo touched the cover of the notebook with his palms covered with age spots and said, "Weng Yuan, the grandson-in-law of President Wei is very extraordinary." Before Wei Jingmeng retired, he was the president of the Central News Agency, and Jiang Jingguo has always held this position.  Addressing him, Weng Yuan and Jiang Jingguo had different feelings. He was not as reserved as ordinary adjutants. He smiled and said: "It's just too extraordinary, so President Wei couldn't bear to let go. He is already over 70 years old, and he is still running around for  This younger generation is paving the way and building bridges. " "President Wei is very happy to see that talent is the source of a family and the foundation of a country." Jiang Jingguo took the notebook and said without opening it: "If Xiaowu and Xiaoyong can be half as good as Shen Chong.  With all my abilities, why should I still cling to the position of president at the age of 70? " "The second young master is at the Broadcasting Company, and the third young master is at ZTE, they are both doing well, so the president does not need to be too harsh on his own family." "Xiaowu is here.  When you are the general manager of a broadcasting company, don't you make too many jokes? Don't think I don't know. The cultural circles in Taipei have given him the gangster name of 'Second Prince.  It doesn't matter if he has wealth and everything, and if his reputation is ruined, what will happen if his body is ruined? Isn't his elder brother's appearance miserable enough? " "The second young master has changed a lot."  "That's because I'm careful. If I'm gone, what will happen to him?" Jiang Jingguo calmed down and said: "Of the three children, Xiaoyong is quite sensible, but he has no interest in politics and only focuses on business.  , being in business is not bad, it is a way to make a living, but he has never experienced any storms, and his business relies entirely on the Chiang family's brand name to establish a monopoly. Now all large-scale air-conditioning equipment in Taiwan is contracted and installed by ZTE Electricians. You say that once  How long can he continue this business without me?" "President, you don't have to rush. The second young master and the third young master have been smart since they were young. As long as they have more experience, they will soon be able to stand on their own." "Time waits for no one.  Ah, my case list at Rongcheng General Hospital is almost waist high." Jiang Jingguo raised his hand and said, "I know my physical condition well, and it's hard to say whether I can survive another ten years.  If you continue to muddle along and don't make progress, you will suffer a lot in the future." Weng Yuan kept silent and did not dare to discuss this topic.  Jiang Jingguo was in a daze for a while, and then opened the notebook. Weng Yuan took a peek and found that what was written inside was not words, but small notes. Judging from the material, it seemed that they were cut from newspapers.  This notebook is Shen Chong's old trick, and he re-enacts what he did in Guangzhou last month. The only difference is that what he did in Guangzhou was the policy of reform and opening up, and this time what he did in Guangzhou was from all over the world, especially the United States.  and Taiwan¡¯s mainland media¡¯s news reports before and after the outbreak of the ¡°Beautiful Island Incident¡±.  On October 10, 1979, under the instigation and call of "Beautiful Island" magazine, a large-scale demonstration broke out in Kaohsiung, with more than 100,000 citizens participating. At around 8:30 pm, the crowd became commotion and the scene got out of control. At around 10:00 pm  , the police and anti-riot troops began to release tear gas to drive away the crowd. The people at the scene fought back with stones and sticks, and a larger-scale conflict broke out between the two sides. At the same time, some people fished in troubled waters and attacked houses. The scene was in a mess, and the crowd gradually dispersed until midnight.  Before the demonstration, Chiang Ching-kuo ordered the military and police who maintained order to "not fight back or retaliate when scolded" and were not allowed to carry weapons. Therefore, after the riot, official statistics showed that about 18 military and police officers were injured. People participating in the parade also expressed their concern to the United States.  Officials from the Association in Taiwan confirmed that the military and police only used shields to block the attack and did not use force. As a result, the news media blamed the people participating in the activities one-sidedly, and the military police were the victims. This situation made some Taiwanese citizens dissatisfied with the non-party movement.  Jiang Jingguo became disgusted, and Song Chuyu gained the attention of Jiang Jingguo because of his excellent media control skills in handling this emergency incident, and he rose to great heights.  Public opinion originally developed in a direction favorable to the government, but the Kuomintang was accustomed to high-pressure rule. After the incident, it quickly made a decision to arrest non-party people on a large scale, and opened a military court on March 18, 19RU to try them for rebellion.  The eight core non-party members, but under international pressure led by the United States, Taiwan officials were forced to agree that in addition to internationally renowned media reports, the island's newspapers could also publish the trial process and the defendant's statements, waiting for 9 days.  After the trial, although all eight non-party members were found guilty and sentenced to heavy sentences, public opinion changed.Things have changed. Both the international media and the local media have become supporters of the "Beautiful Island" side. The one-party dictatorship and the rule of the family have become the target of public criticism and have been criticized.  Dozens of pages of newspaper clippings are all accusations and dissatisfaction against the government. The ones on the island are quite subtle, but the United States openly calls Chiang Ching-kuo a dictator, a stumbling block to democracy, and a heinous crime. Many of them are expressed by congressmen and senators.  point of view, calling on President Carter to promote political reform in Taiwan After the report of the "Beautiful Island Incident", there were several news clippings that made Chiang Ching-kuo's eyes jump.  For example, in October 1979, South Korean President Park Chung-hee was assassinated by his subordinate Kim Jae-kyu. Kim Jae-kyu later claimed that the assassination of the president was to "get rid of the dictator" and "restore democracy." However, before Park Chung-hee's death, he had already had conflicts with the U.S. government over the issue of dictatorship.  This newspaper clipping was posted in the notebook, and it was written sensationally, "This assassination was arranged by the U.S. intelligence agency." For example, on January 1, 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The mainland believed that the Soviet Union was setting up a pincer encirclement to deal with China.  As a result, a series of measures were introduced to strengthen ties with the United States. The content in the newspaper clipping was photos of high-level Beijing officials visiting the United States.  For example, Lin Yixiong was one of the eight defendants in the "Beautiful Island Incident". While he was in custody, a brutal massacre occurred at his home. Although a large number of police forces were mobilized and a thorough investigation was conducted, there was no clue. The Kuomintang intelligence agency was suspected of being involved in the murder.  , the image of the entire party was plummeted, and the newspaper clippings contained news that before the incident, Jiang Xiaowu had publicly threatened to teach Lin Yixiong a lesson at a gathering of far-right forcesØ­ Chiang Ching-kuo¡¯s page after page of slowness  I slowly flipped through the notebook, looking at various reports with an expressionless face. When I turned to the last page, there were no newspaper clippings, only three lines of handwritten words.  "How long can the one-party dominance last?" "Who will succeed the Chiang family? How will they make a living?" "Today the media is the gun of the party-state, but whose gun is the media tomorrow? Who will tell the story of right and wrong?"
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