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Text Chapter 434 Demanding Price

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    Chapter 434: The asking price is fierce. Please subscribe, please give me a monthly pass.  Thanks.  Everyone can feel that the No. 1 leader is biased towards Sun Zesheng, but from a general point of view, what the No. 1 leader said is also very reasonable. The so-called hiding wealth among the people, if not for a group of people to grow up through the wind and waves in advance.  private enterprises, then when the space age really begins, China's passivity is inevitable.  ¡°If the state alone, or the state-led central enterprises, confronts the U.S. government forces and miscellaneous forces, defeat is almost certain.  Just like now, Chinese companies are competing with American companies. It is not just state-owned companies that are taking the lead, there are also a large number of private companies.  Director No. 2 said: ¡°I support allowing private enterprises to participate in more areas of the national economy, but the aerospace field, especially the aerospace field, is closely linked to national security. If private capital is allowed to participate, what will happen?  Ensuring national security is an issue worthy of discussion. If this issue is not solved well, I suggest that we should not rush to introduce private capital into the domestic aerospace field. "The No. 2 leader said this, in fact, he was talking to the No. 1 in disguise.  The Prime Minister's proposal was voted in favor with reservations.  The two chiefs No. 1 and 2 reached an agreement, and the other chiefs also expressed more or less agreement.  From a public perspective, they are responsible for the development of the country. From a selfish perspective, there is a large group of interest groups behind each of them. If the country can really put aside the restrictions on private capital in the aerospace field, maybe it can become what they want.  The interest groups represented take off again and have a good opportunity to make huge profits.  After everyone finished expressing their opinions, Chief No. 1 said: "Since everyone agrees, I think it is necessary to organize the General Armament Department, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units to jointly draft a relevant document. Then it will be formed into a law and made public.  . In addition, before the law is enacted, it is necessary for the State Council to promulgate an interim regulation to guide and regulate the participation of private capital in the domestic aerospace field.¡± The Standing Committee unanimously approved it again.  Chief No. 7 said: "What should we do about Sun Zesheng's satellite launch site in Africa? Are we going to let him control two satellite launch sites alone and ignore it?" Chief No. 1 looked at Yang Guoping, "Comrade Guoping, your  What's your opinion?" Yang Guoping's sweat broke out again.  If possible, what he wants to do most right now is to pretend to be sick, and then run to the hospital to hide for ten days and a half before coming out. But even if he pretends to be sick now, it's too late.  The Ministry of National Security had just organized a physical examination. He was as strong as a cow. Who would believe him if he suddenly fell ill?  "Chief, from a legal perspective, what Sun Zesheng did is not illegal. As of now, although domestic laws and regulations do not allow private capital to get involved in the aerospace field, there is no express provision that domestic companies cannot set up abroad.  Satellite launch sites, and Sun Zesheng's construction of satellite launch sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan are all approved by the local governments and do not violate local laws. This is like we do not allow casinos in the country, but if there are domestic companies.  If you go to Las Vegas and open a casino, we can't control it." Yang Guoping weighed his words carefully.  I was afraid that I would say a word, mispronounce a sentence, something like that.  There will definitely be no good fruits from him.  Chief No. 3 said: "Minister Yang, are you really talking about it from a legal perspective, or from a national security perspective?" Yang Guoping could only continue: "From a national security perspective, I think Sun Zesheng may threaten national security.  It¡¯s also extremely small. Sun Zesheng does everything to make money. Just because he builds a satellite launch site, we can¡¯t think that he threatens national security. There is no inevitable causal relationship.¡± Chief No. 1 waved his hand, ¡°Sun Zesheng is not a threat.  For national security, we only need to see whether he has the tendency to immigrate abroad, whether his family is still willing to stay in the country, and whether what he does is beneficial to the country and the people. At least so far, I think Sun Zesheng.  He has done a good job. There is no evidence that he threatens national security. We cannot convict him for something he has not done. This is not in line with the spirit of governing the country according to law. I think we should formulate relevant laws as soon as possible.  We must implement laws and regulations to guide and standardize private capital, including Sun Zesheng, so that we can fundamentally eliminate the concerns of all members of the Standing Committee.¡± At this point in the discussion, there is nothing left to discuss.  The label of national security can be big or small. If it is big, even if Jin Laosan detonates the atomic bomb, he will not be sanctioned. If it is small, neighbors may use this label to quarrel with each other.  Chief No. 1 is very determined to protect Sun Zesheng. If the other leaders oftenThe Communist Party of China is determined to put Sun Zesheng on the path of threatening national security. If the No. 1 leader fights back, it will not be of any benefit to them. Everyone will have to break their muscles and bones.  What's more, Sun Zesheng did not do anything that is expressly prohibited by laws and regulations. If Sun Zesheng was given a hat for this, it would chill the hearts of too many people.  Several departments appointed by Chief No. 1 quickly organized manpower and began drafting relevant laws.  The State Council first formulated a regulation, and within a short period of time, the trial measures for the regulation were promulgated and implemented.  This regulation mentions encouraging domestic non-foreign capital to participate in the development of the space field. However, there are many restrictions for private capital to participate. First, it must have a certain financial strength, and the registered principal cannot be less than five yuan.  One billion. Secondly, it cannot have a foreign background. Furthermore, when private capital participates in the space and aerospace fields, it cannot form a wholly-owned company. It must form a joint venture with state-owned capital, and in the joint venture, the shareholding ratio of state-owned capital cannot be low.  At fifty percent.  Furthermore, the fields in which private capital can get involved must be determined by the National Space Administration, and not all fields can be involved.  Another point is that if private capital gets involved in these fields, it must accept the leadership of the National Space Administration and abide by relevant national laws and regulations.  After the announcement of this regulation, it caused a huge sensation in China.  No one imagined that the country would open up to this extent, following the Americans and allowing private capital to get involved in the aerospace and space fields.  Domestic private capital has been discussing it very enthusiastically, but there are very few people who are really willing to do this.  The aerospace field has always been an industry with huge investment, and there are no mountains of money.  It's impossible to play well in this industry, and the technology content in this field is too high, so it's not something that ordinary people can play well.  ¡°Besides, the regulations of the State Council have clearly stipulated that a registered capital of 5 billion is required, and a joint venture with state-owned capital is required. These are really too harsh for the vast majority of domestic private capital.  Fortunately, the State Council¡¯s regulations do not stipulate that private capital can only be one company.  In other words, if a number of private capitals join together and can raise a registered capital of 5 billion, they can jointly form a company involved in the space industry.  For a time, many domestic companies started to take action.  The eldest sons of the Republic, who relied on monopoly to make a lot of money from the people but seldom gave back to the people, took action first. Without exception, Three Barrels of Oil announced that they would set up their own aerospace company.  Many private capitals have also announced their intention to test the waters in this field.  It seems that in an instant, you established your own aerospace company.  It has become the most popular thing among domestic enterprises.  Comparatively speaking, Sun Zesheng is the least flustered and least anxious.  He already has two satellite launch sites in Africa, one of which has been built and the foundation of the other has begun.  Is it necessary to establish an aerospace company in the country?  For him, it is a dispensable thing.  He has studied the State Council's regulations for a long time, and they are really very restrictive, far less free than in Africa.     certainly.  If a satellite launch site is established domestically, there will be no benefits at all.  First of all, the problem of talent is relatively easy to solve.  Secondly, the threats to satellite launch sites will not be as severe as in Africa.  Furthermore, management is much more convenient than in Africa.  No matter how many benefits there are, Sun Zesheng is not in a hurry to start a domestic aerospace enterprise. On the one hand, he cannot come up with a registered capital of 5 billion, and on the other hand, he still wants to wait and see.  ¡°It¡¯s just that Sun Zesheng is not in a hurry, there are people who are more anxious than him. Soon after the relevant laws of the State Council were promulgated, someone came to visit him at the Light of the Future Park.  The person who came was Zhao Hongtu, the chairman of Meixiang Electric Appliances.  Zhao Hongtu is not here on behalf of Meixiang Electrical Appliances this time, but on behalf of Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd.  As soon as Zhao Hongtu saw Sun Zesheng, he went straight to the point, "Mr. Sun, are you interested in setting up an aerospace company together?" "What? Zhenmei Group also wants to launch its own satellite?" Sun Zesheng asked with a smile.  "What's the point of launching satellites?" Zhao Hongtu shook his head, "The sky is only such a big place. Every company or enterprise launches its own satellite. Soon, the sky above our heads will be blocked, and the sun will be blocked.  It¡¯s difficult to illuminate it.¡± Sun Zesheng chuckled, ¡°If this really happens, how many billions of satellites would it take?¡± Zhao Hongtu said, ¡°The number of passenger planes in the world is only over a million, and we still play with it from time to time.  A collision or something. If there are millions of artificial satellites in space, they will have to collide with stars all day long. "If Zhenmei Group doesn't want to build satellites, why is it setting up an aerospace company?" Sun Zesheng asked.  Zhao Hongtu chuckled, ¡°This is actually too easy to answer. We don¡¯t know what will happen to the space industry in the future.To what extent has it developed, but we know that no matter when, people cannot live without household appliances.  We hope to be the first to establish a company specializing in the research and development of space home appliances. When people go to space and live on the moon in the future, they can be the first to use our Zhenmei brand home appliances.  " Sun Zesheng nodded, "This idea is quite novel.  " Zhao Hongtu said happily: "So Mr. Sun has agreed to cooperate with us?  " Sun Zesheng shook his head, "I disagree.  " Zhao Hongtu was stunned, "No, Mr. Sun, you can't refuse so simply.  We have always had a very good cooperative relationship.  At the beginning, if we, Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd., had not had the insight and insight, you would not have had such a high starting point for starting a business.  In the past two years of cooperation, we have had a very good experience, and I sincerely hope that this wonderful experience can continue.  Sun Zesheng chuckled and said, "Director Zhao, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want to continue to cooperate with Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd., but I'm used to setting up sole proprietorships. If I don't have to, I won't form a joint venture with others."  In addition, even if a joint venture is formed.  I also hope to take the initiative in the joint venture and obtain a controlling stake.  I would like to ask, if we cooperate to form a joint venture again, will the investors of Zhenmei Group be willing to let me get the controlling stake?  " Zhao Hongtu fell silent. He knew very well that Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. was still resentful about letting Sun Zesheng get 30% of the equity of Meixiang Electric Appliances. This time, the main investors of Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. are cooperating with Sun Zesheng.  The instructions were to take the initiative and not let Sun Zesheng take away too many benefits. But judging from Sun Zesheng's appearance, he would definitely not agree to it if he didn't get the controlling stake, and this would go against the investment intentions of Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd.  There is an irreconcilable conflict between them. Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Director Zhao, don't think so much.  In fact, if they don't cooperate with me, Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. can go into battle lightly, cooperate with state-owned capital on a one-on-one basis, and hold 50% of the equity. Wouldn't it be more beneficial?  " Zhao Hongtu shook his head. The reason why Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. had to find Sun Zesheng. Rather than directly forming a joint venture with state-owned capital, a very important reason is that Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. does not have any technology accumulation in the space industry, let alone  Without talents in this field, if they form a joint venture with state-owned capital, it is very likely that state-owned enterprises will use their technological advantages to lead them by the nose, preventing Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. from taking any advantage.  The situation is vividly reflected in domestic automobile companies. Relevant domestic laws stipulate that foreign automobile manufacturers who want to invest and set up factories in China must enter into joint ventures with domestic automobile manufacturers. The proportion of equity held by foreign automobile manufacturers cannot exceed 10%.  50. The usual practice of foreign automobile manufacturers is to produce high-tech components in their own country and then export them to domestic joint venture factories for final assembly. As a result, domestic automobile manufacturers can only divide them.  Red. Can¡¯t learn any technology. This situation is quite common in other joint ventures. There is no savior. No matter who it is, they will desperately protect their own technology and will not let their competitors learn it.  Go. In contrast, the cooperation with Sun Zesheng is the most worry-free for Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. Although Sun Zesheng wants more equity, he has no reservations in technology, just like Meixiang Electric Appliances.  Based on the patents provided by Sun Zesheng, Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. has applied for new patents related to household hazardous substance detectors. The space field is a field with extremely high technical content. If partners are unwilling to share the technology, Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. will have nothing to do with it.  However, Zhao Hongtu had no way to tell Sun Zesheng these words. Once he said it, he seemed to think that Sun Zesheng was a fool. Sun Zesheng was too lazy to guess what Zhao Hongtu was thinking, not to mention that the possibility of Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. giving up its controlling stake was extremely slim.  , even if Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. is willing to let him take control, he has no interest in continuing to cooperate with Zhenmei Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. He knows that now is a very critical year for the development of the space industry. One more partner will bring more bonds.  , Invisibly, it will slow down his ability to seize market opportunities. This is a result he does not want to see. What's more, one more partner means one more dividend. I believe that not many people can do this.  Like it. Zhao Hongtu stood up angrily, "Mr. Sun, I will stay in Yanjing these days. If you change your mind, call me at any time.  " Sun Zesheng looked at Zhao Hongtu and thought, "Director Zhao, there is something I want to ask you. If I want to sell the Meixiang Electric Co., Ltd. I hold,Equity, I wonder how much it can be sold for now?  " Zhao Hongtu's eyes suddenly lit up, "Mr. Sun, are you kidding, or are you serious?  " Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "At least 90% of it is true.  " Zhao Hongtu sat down again. He counted on his fingers for a long time and said, "If Mr. Sun really wants to sell the 30% equity you hold in Meixiang Electric, I am sure Mr. Sun that you can get at least 5 billion in funds.  " "Only five billion?  "Sun Zesheng shook his head, "It's too cheap.  " "It's not cheap, not cheap at all.  Mr. Sun, last year, the annual sales of Meixiang Electric were just over 5 billion. If costs and other factors were excluded, the profit would be more than 2 billion.  The 30% dividend is about six to seven billion. Five billion is equivalent to eight or nine years of dividends, which is already a lot.  " Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Director Zhao, do you believe this?  The market response for household hazardous substance detectors has been very good and is growing steadily. I am sure that the sales this year will not be less than 10 billion. How much dividends can I get?  If we multiply this by ten times, what will it be?  In this way, please tell me that I plan to sell the shares of Mexiang Electric Co., Ltd. at a fixed price of 10 billion euros. I will sell it to anyone who wants it.  " Zhao Hongtu took a breath of cold air, "Ten billion and euros?  Mr. Sun, is your price too harsh?  " Sun Zesheng waved his hand, "Whether it is ruthless or not does not depend on whether I want a lot, but whether it is worth it.  Director Zhao, please help me spread the news.  If someone wants it, I can say anything. If no one wants it, I will continue to hold it, and it doesn't matter.  "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster! ¡ËUpdated quickly¡Ë¡ËPure text¡Ë
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