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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The ultimate evolution of bacteria

Volume 1 Chapter 20 Departure

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    Wang Wei found a coral cave and rested in peace.  Wang Wei's mental power was weakened a lot after several mental attacks from Baiji Moray, and he had to have enough rest to fully recover.  "I almost didn't come back this time. You must be fully prepared for future adventures." Wang Wei asked himself.  After saying that, Wang Wei closed his eyes and rested his mind.  Now everything is handed over to the three smart cells, and there is almost nothing to do.  Moreover, as long as the genes provided by the three smart cells are strong, they can continue to evolve.  Wang Wei¡¯s path of evolution is actually just to absorb powerful genes.  Then let the original cells evolve in combination, to the point where they can change their shape, function, and ability at will.  Different environments, different clothes and helmets, this is the evolution Wang Wei pursues.  While Wang Wei was resting his mind, No. 1 and No. 2 were constantly hunting in the coral reefs.  Wang Wei's third day of rest "No. 2, trap it. I didn't expect that this lobster is so difficult to get around. Our jellyfish stingers can't break the lobster's shell." At this time, No. 1 and No. 2, their helmets have reached  About one meter.  Compared with No. 1 and No. 2, the lobster is only about half a meter in size.  Don¡¯t underestimate the strength of this lobster, because its body is wrapped in a thick carapace, and No. 1 and No. 2 can¡¯t do anything to this lobster.  Every attack was almost in vain.  On the contrary, the lobster¡¯s two large claws can hurt No. 1 and No. 2 with every attack.  The fish scales on the No. 1 helmet and the tentacles on the No. 2 helmet had both lost a lot.  "No, this lobster's body is too hard and I can't wrap it around." Number 2 said nervously.  The helmet of No. 1 is similar to a fish, with the head wrapped in thick bones.  In terms of fins, they are more suitable for swimming.  Therefore, No. 1's attack method is to use the fins to accelerate and then use a headbutt attack.  But there is a prerequisite, that is, the attacked creature chooses to have a head-on collision with the headbutt, or to be entangled.  Otherwise, as long as you dodge a little, No. 1 will not be able to attack.  "Compared with No. 1's clothing and helmets, which are full of offensive power, No. 2's clothing and helmets are much simpler.  ??When I looked at it suddenly, it looked like a huge jellyfish.  Under the body, there are dozens of tentacles.  These tentacles are tougher than those of jellyfish.  As long as a creature is entangled, it is difficult to escape.  The tentacles of No. 2 attack together and wrap around the lobster's body.  But this lobster was really awesome. Its two big claws kept attacking and cut off many of No. 2's tentacles.  "You only need to hang on for a few seconds, and leave the rest to me." Number 1 said.  Of course No. 1 understands No. 2¡¯s difficulties. That body is like an air bag, which is really useless to deal with lobsters.  Hearing this, No. 2 increased his entanglement ability.  All the tentacles attack together, and before the lobster can react, they tie it up tightly.  However, this can only last for a while. It won't take long for the lobster to break free.  Seeing that the lobster was completely tied up, No. 1 also launched an attack.  First, increase the distance between you and the lobster, and then feel that the distance is about the same.  The tail fin swung rapidly, and No. 1's helmet rushed towards the lobster like a cannonball.  Speaking of hardness, the shell of lobster is indeed very hard.  But compared to No. 1¡¯s skull, the lobster¡¯s shell is somewhat lacking.  With a loud bang, No. 1 hit the lobster's head.  This impact was extremely powerful.  You must know that the head of No. 1's helmet is wrapped in a layer of bones.  In terms of attack power, it is definitely not weaker than the two large claws of a lobster, or even stronger.  In addition, No. 1 is much larger than the lobster, so this blow directly knocked the lobster unconscious.  The next thing will be much simpler.  It is very easy for No. 1 and No. 2 to deal with the fainted lobster.  Within a few minutes, the lobster was easily devoured.  All the genes in it were sent directly to Wang Wei.  The most important of them are the two large claws.  After dealing with the lobster, it¡¯s time to deal with the turtle.  Wang Wei¡¯s twentieth day of training Compared with lobsters, turtles are more difficult to deal with.  The turtle is as big as a millstone, and its whole body is covered by a thick carapace.  And most importantly, sea turtles are immune to the jellyfish's sting.  This is a green sea turtle, which is not a particularly large one among sea turtles.  When Wang Wei lived, green turtles were about one meter in size.  But a million years ago now, this green sea turtle was nearly 1.5 meters tall.  The back is covered with a thick turtle shell, and it swims very slowly.  "To deal with"The shrimp can be hit directly, but against this turtle, a direct hit will not work.  "No. 1 said with a wry smile. "When dealing with lobsters, the individual lobsters are only about half a meter tall. They can be easily killed by a direct headbutt attack. But this turtle is about 1.5 meters tall. And its whole body is covered with thick turtle shells.  Wrapped, even if the head is smashed, the green turtle cannot be harmed at all. "That's true. In fact, we don't necessarily need to kill the green turtle, we just need to absorb his genes."  If it were just genes, we would just injure the green turtle and obtain its blood.  " The current No. 1 and No. 2 cannot kill the green turtle. But it can still cause a little damage. " After acquiring the lobster gene, No. 3 has developed a more powerful attack method. The current No. 1  There are two huge claws on the helmet. These two claws are extremely aggressive and can easily break ordinary stones. After hearing No. 2's words, No. 1 had no choice but to nod his head away from Wang Wei.  It has been twenty days since he came out of the cave. Even if he hunts prey day and night, it is not easy to deal with this green turtle. However, the battle is imminent, and he must absorb more powerful genes as soon as possible. It is similar to the time when dealing with lobsters.  , First, No. 2 used its tentacles to wrap around the green turtle. The tentacles at this time were far from the tentacles used when dealing with lobsters. After No. 2's continuous evolution, the current tentacles were covered with barbs like fine needles.  The grappling hook has a stronger ability. This seemingly powerful tentacle is of little use against the green turtle. The whole body is protected by the turtle shell, and the sharp barbs cannot penetrate it. See here, No. 1.  Not caring about that, he quickly rushed forward with his two large claws and clamped the exposed forelimbs of the green sea turtle. In order to better survive in the ocean, the sea turtle's limbs have long evolved into flippers and cannot be retracted into the turtle shell.  Inside. It was clamped by No. 1's pair of large claws, and it immediately let out a cry of pain. The power of these large claws caused the green sea turtle to gushing out with blood.  A sea area. Before the green turtle could get angry, No. 1 and No. 2 quickly collected the blood and ran away. The time passed quickly again, and in the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.  After this month of adjustment, Wang Wei's mental strength has completely recovered, and the results of No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are also obvious. No. 1 is like a fish two meters long and twenty centimeters thick.  There is a thick layer of bones on the top of the head, and there are two giant claws on the pectoral fins. As for the jellyfish, the stinging tentacles are like thin needles, covering the whole body, like a jellyfish.  It is soft and has hundreds of tentacles. These tentacles are mainly used to wrap around each other. They are covered with fine needles that can easily catch other creatures. As for No. 3, it is a green turtle after all.  , It is impossible for No. 3 to match a particularly strong suit and helmet. It should be noted that the green sea turtle has existed on the earth for hundreds of millions of years, and its physical evolution has reached a very stable level. It is impossible for No. 3 to match it in ten days.  The Green Sea Turtle¡¯s even more powerful armor: ¡°Let¡¯s go, this time, we will kill that Baiji Moray!  Wang Wei said loudly to No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.
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