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Side Story Chapter 597 - Magnetic Field Cannon

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    Life is a race against time.  Because life will always wither, as long as the achievements before death can satisfy you, it will not be wasted.  For Zhou Qingfeng, time is running out. Let¡¯s not mention the ultimate mission for now. Now even the days in the main time and space are full of urgency. He needs to rely on the help provided by the world, and it is inevitable that he will accidentally or intentionally  Various secrets were revealed.  In order to make everything go smoothly, he had to give up part of his interests to mislead others, thereby delaying until his own invincible moment.  Using the method of forced indoctrination by 'automatic doctors' to produce technicians and advanced weapons operators was Zhou Qingfeng's way to quickly enhance his own strength. A large amount of experience and skills accumulated through long-term work were crammed into the human experimental subjects in the wasteland.  In the brain, this allows the Armed Sisters to have a capable conventional military force in a short period of time.  In addition to these conventional strike methods, Zhou Qingfeng has been pursuing weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons are naturally the first choice, but it does not mean that there are no other options.  When Mr. Alonso Geddie was forced to join the time-travel team, he worked diligently to make suggestions for the team's technological development. This great inventor from 2100 can stand from the perspective of a hundred years later and have a high position.  Propose suggestions for the development of 'Glorious' Laboratory.  In addition, Mr. Alonso Guedi was also requested by Zhou Qingfeng to develop a powerful enough weapon. The only requirement was that it could be produced in a short time.  In order to achieve this requirement, Mr. Alonso Gedi proposed a plan beyond imagination after examining the technical support that the main space and time can provide.  ¡°My idea is to create a closed gravitational magnetic field. The intensity of this magnetic field will be very huge, but its duration will be very short. In this closed magnetic field line environment, one end of the magnetic pole is in the gravitational field generator, and the other end is in the gravitational field generator.  By focusing and aiming at the target, when the magnetic field acts, the target will be pulled towards the magnetic field generator under the action of the magnetic force, which will generate a very huge force, thus achieving the effect of destroying the target.  "Mr. Alonso Geddy stood proudly in front of the projector screen. A series of complex compositions and formulas were being demonstrated on the screen. Zhou Qingfeng could only roughly tell that they were all related to magnetic fields, but he didn't know the specific content.  I couldn't understand it for a while, "We have the ability to make such a thing?" "The principle is actually not complicated. Simply put, it is the same as a stone falling under the influence of the earth's gravity. It's just that we use electromagnetic force instead of gravity.  Its action time is short, the force will be very large, and the damage effect will be beyond imagination. The gravitational acceleration on the earth is 9.8 g, and this cannon will produce an acceleration of more than 100,000 g. For any substance we know.  It cannot remain intact under such force. Even the nucleus will be decomposed. Theoretically, you can use this thing to destroy the sun. The most troublesome thing about making this thing is that it consumes energy.  It needs to release energy equivalent to a 10,000-ton nuclear weapon in milliseconds, and it requires extremely high materials. Fortunately, the Pioneer has a ready-made gravitational field generator.  , we also have the technology of instant discharge capacitors. The current instant discharge capacitors need to continue to develop, and the capacity and release speed must jump by at least two orders of magnitude, so that they can basically be used to make such weapons. " Zhou Qingfeng.  Looking at the projector screen in a daze, the reason why he wanted this weapon was because he was worried that ordinary weapons or nuclear weapons would not be able to kill the Zentraedi man. He needed a super weapon to destroy the target.  And Alonso Guedi's design interested him very much.  "Is there such a weapon on Earth in 2100? Do we have any physical objects that we can learn from?" What Zhou Qingfeng needs is a completely feasible design plan. He is worried that after investing a huge amount of money, he will find that the plan will not work.  "Yes, a hundred years later, humans on earth have begun preliminary space development. In order to protect their own interests, various powerful countries are competing to research a weapon that can be effectively used in space. In this environment, the effectiveness of ordinary projectile damage methods  The bottom line is that the first solution that scientists envisioned was laser, but the first solution to be eliminated was laser. Laser is too easy to be reflected and can be easily obscured. High-energy rays are now popular.  , but there are various high-energy rays running rampant in the universe. Space vehicles have many defense methods against this attack method, and the damage effect is not very good. Magnetic field weapons are a new concept proposed recently, because objects exist in the universe.  , it is inevitably affected by the magnetic field, so it cannotRoyal.  However, the specific designs are highly confidential from various countries and are difficult for us to obtain.  ¡°But we don¡¯t need to actually build a weapon for use in the universe.  Weapons that are actually used in the universe need a range of at least 5,000 kilometers, or even 50,000 kilometers. If it is too close, it is meaningless.  But we only need 500 kilometers, which greatly reduces the difficulty.  " "Then how long will it take for us to obtain such weapons?  " When asked about the time, Alonso Guedi also fell silent. After thinking carefully, he replied: "I need a research team of at least tens of thousands of people to complete this project, and the resources that need to be consumed are only powerful countries.  can be provided.  How do you solve this problem?  ¡± Tens of thousands!!! The North American laboratory has stirred up such a big momentum in the United States, but it has only gathered a R&D team of more than 3,000 people, which is already quite powerful. With tens of thousands of professional scientific R&D personnel, I am afraid that only those composed of  Only a large research institution supported by the state can gather so many people. Zhou Qingfeng couldn't figure out how to find so many people in a short time. But when he thought about the manpower problem, the first thing he thought of was to solve it in China.  Compared with the relatively stable research atmosphere abroad, domestic researchers were all looking for opportunities. He immediately called Zheng Ying, who was in charge of materials research, and asked relevant questions. Zheng Ying turned out to be a senior researcher in a domestic research institute.  , she jumped to the Radiation Group because she couldn't stand the rotten academic atmosphere. When she learned that Zhou Qingfeng wanted to find tens of thousands of senior researchers, she couldn't help but frown. What Zhou Qingfeng wanted was not students who had just graduated from school.  , but researchers with at least five or six years, or even more than ten years of work experience. Such people are the backbone of any research institution. They are not cabbage in the field, just pick them up. "One hundred and eighty.  It¡¯s not a problem, it¡¯s not difficult if it¡¯s thousands, but it¡¯s really troublesome if it¡¯s tens of thousands. This is no longer a matter of spending money to recruit people. If we really do this, the country will definitely investigate us.  I feel that only 3,000 people can survive. Any more would be really troublesome.  " Zheng Ying's words are very pertinent. Zhou Qingfeng leaned on his seat and closed his eyes to think, "Is it easy to recruit people from abroad?  " "Every year in our country, a large number of intellectuals leave the country and flee abroad to seek life, and the level of these people is not low.  If it were in the name of the North American Laboratory, it might be possible to recruit a lot of people, but it would only be two to three thousand people at most.  " "This will solve half of the manpower.  "Zhou Qingfeng felt that the matter seemed to be half solved at once. "How can it be that simple?  !  It is not easy to organize so many people.  Coordinating their work is a big hassle.  In addition, the venue and equipment need to be resolved. If we want to avoid being hindered by others, we need to coordinate with the local government, which is very troublesome.  " Zhou Qingfeng looked at Alonso Guedi, "Leave the coordination work to Mr. Guedi, and you, Zheng Ying, will handle the specific matters.  "    "ah?  "Zheng Ying never thought that Zhou Qingfeng would make such a simple decision, "This matter is very troublesome, and I still have a lot of work at the materials institute.  " "Let Galita Konekova join in and share your work.  She has a very high reputation in Russia and Europe, and can also help recruit suitable people. At least there are so many scientists in the former Soviet Union and she may be able to recruit a few.  As for the work of your materials department, leave it to others.  We can set up branches, recruit people around the world, and get the 'Magnetic Field Cannon' project up and running as quickly as possible.  As for funding, we have already sold more than 15,000 patents. Horikita Maki is working very hard on this matter. I think there will be no problem in getting tens of billions in the short term.  " Zhou Qingfeng set the tone for the largest organizational structure in the time-travel team in just a few words. When Zheng Ying figured out the key, she felt dizzy. According to the internal work plan of the time-travel team, this was equivalent to giving her  With extremely powerful power, Alonso Guedi will only hide behind the scenes, and only she and Galita Konekova will stand in the foreground. Even if other managers are added in the future, she will be able to allocate and manage resources.  It will also be in the amount of one billion. And the money must be spent within a short period of time. Zhou Qingfeng values ??efficiency the most. As long as he can spend money in exchange for time, he will definitely not interfere when Zheng Ying returns to his original unit to recruit people.  , just enjoy the pleasure of spending a lot of money, and the money spent this time will only be dozens or hundreds of times more than the previous time, involving a wider area, involving more people, even with Zheng Ying's always relatively dull mentality  I can¡¯t help but feel moved by this. I can imagine how many people will be jealous of my position!?He suddenly laughed out loud, and Zhou Qingfeng asked slightly strangely: "What's wrong?" "It's nothing, I'm just scared by your generosity. I'm worried about whether I can do this job." Zheng Ying was originally just  It was a joke, but Zhou Qingfeng said coldly: "If you are not qualified, I will replace you." Zheng Ying's smile froze immediately. After a few embarrassing dry coughs, she realized that Zhou Qingfeng was definitely not joking, and then thought about it carefully.  After thinking about it, she still felt that this matter was really not that easy to do!  Without special means, how easy would it be to conquer the hearts of thousands of people in a short period of time?  "Then I need your strong support." Zheng Ying said.  "No problem, what do you want?" Zhou Qingfeng was not afraid of Zheng Ying's conditions.  ¡°Give me some of the nano-medical robots we have in stock, and dilute one part into a hundred parts. I will definitely find help in my dream of restoring my youth.¡± Hiss!  This request even gave Zhou Qingfeng a toothache. The nano-medical robots in his hands were being stared at by the entire time-traveling team. They had managed to stop them from being completely consumed before. If they really wanted to recruit tens of thousands of researchers, all of them would  I¡¯m afraid it won¡¯t be enough even if I take it out!  "You really dare to speak!" Zhou Qingfeng looked at Zheng Ying, who was confident that this method was probably the most attractive.  But before he could nod in agreement, Zheng Ying said: "And I will give priority to one injection. I can't wait to return to the body I had twenty years ago. If you agree, I will take this life."  I will also build this research institution for you. "Zheng Ying almost bet on her future in the group. Success will naturally bring endless glory, but if she fails, Zhou Qingfeng will only be afraid of killing people.  But Zhou Qingfeng burst out laughing, "Without temptation, there is no motivation. Okay! I promise you, I will hand over the entire inventory of nano-medical robots to you."
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