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Side Story Chapter 569 - Beheading

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    The preparation time for the bomb cars was slightly extended, and they were not ready until three o'clock in the afternoon. This was mainly to enhance the survivability of these suicide trucks. The machine repair shop in Vault 7 attached some steel plates to them as defense. If it was too late,  Part of it had to be piled up with sandbags.  In order to deal with the enemies in the underground bunker city at once, Zhou Qingfeng decided not to leave any behind and use all means at once. If he succeeded, it would be easy to say. If he failed, he would have to escape with all his men.  The only ¡®Shock Wave¡¯ tank of the Armed Sisters also drove over, followed closely by the children in charge of the Young Stormtroopers.  Although Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to hand over this tank to these naughty kids at first, the Army was very busy with the T45-E powered armor, and this tank has always been under the command of Jiang Cai'er.  So, Jiang Caier, the child king who caused trouble everywhere, also followed.  "Sir Hugo, the Young Stormtrooper tank unit is reporting to you!" Jiang Cai'er saluted Zhou Qingfeng seriously, and a bunch of kids behind her also did the same thing.  "Why are you running here?" At this moment of the decisive battle, Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to see a group of children running around in front of him. He said with a straight face: "You don't need to be there to control the tank." Jiang Caier had no idea of ??compromise.  She said confidently: "Instructor Makarova told us that the commander must go to the front line in person, otherwise he will not be loved by his subordinates." The girl lowered her voice again and continued: "Brother, the Makarova you are looking for is better than  You're still fierce!" Zhou Qingfeng was silent for a few seconds, wanting to slap Jiang Cai'er in the butt, but considering that this girl was also a team leader, he could only give a serious order in the end: "Stay at the aviation point camp, and come to me as soon as there is any danger.  Escape into the space-time gate. " Jiang Cai'er nodded triumphantly, then immediately found a few tables and began to arrange her tank console.  Behind the 'Shock Wave' tank was a simply modified suicide car. Xue Su and Meng Hui were extremely busy in just a few hours. Keller Hof from the machine repair shop also followed with a dozen technicians.  come over.  He walked to Zhou Qingfeng and reported: "Sir, a total of twenty-four trucks have been modified. The first seven trucks are loaded with 500 kilograms of explosives, and the last seventeen trucks are loaded with fifteen barrels of gasoline. We are doing  He has a remote-controlled release device that can easily turn the place where the truck passes into a sea of ??flames." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the direction of the underground bunker city and asked Keller Hoff, "What do you think?  We are about to attack the organization you originally belonged to. " "When I was in the prison camp, I only had one thought, which was to survive." Keller Hoff lowered his head, not daring to look into Zhou Qingfeng's eyes.  "Go get ready. We'll start in ten minutes." Zhou Qingfeng waved Keller Hoff away and returned to the combat command tent. The security department monitors led by Mei Xiang were closely monitoring the people in the city.  situation.  "Is there nothing unusual?" Zhou Qingfeng asked, looking at the projector screen in the tent.  "No." Mei Xiang stood up, pointed at the curtain with a light pen and said: "I have marked several weak points and firepower points of the enemy. The suicide car later needs to focus on destroying these places." Zhou Qingfeng asked again  All teams participating in the battle finally informed Susan, "Let the suicide squads get on the bus." Susan walked out of her prayer tent, and the selected suicide squads followed her, and whenever she passed by, they shouted  He lay down and kissed the dirt in front of her, then boarded the truck with a calm expression.  Susan waved her hands to boost the morale of the suicide squad members, and Zhou Qingfeng's voice came from the headphones in her ears, "Susan, you can train more fanatics in the future. I think they are very useful now." "Comply.  Your will, my Lord!" Susan replied with a hint of fanaticism.  Zhou Qingfeng retracted his gaze from the suicide car and instead ordered the quadruplets over the radio: "Let the suicide drone take off." Then came Jiang Cai'er, "The 'Shock Wave' tank is the vanguard. Remember to follow Mei Xiang's instructions.  "The third wave is Xue Su and Meng Hui. "Fifty T45-Es are following the bomb trucks, but don't rush too far ahead. I'll let King Kong follow you.  ." Finally, there is Catherine and Jill's 'Cannon Bird', and Makarova's 'Hind', "Be prepared, we may be the last wave of offensive force, and we may be responsible for covering their retreat. "The underground bunker.  In the city, the soldiers of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce have basically established a firm foothold. Chairman Cui Ximan, who escaped, shouted that he would take crazy revenge on the enemy, "I have already brought in a howitzer company and five artillery-type vehicles.  'Walkers', we this timeThey don't engage in close combat with the enemy at all, but dump artillery shells on them from ten kilometers away until they are defeated!  " It seems that last night's night battle also frightened Trishman. He still hasn't figured out a way to crack the opponent's elusive ability. "Okay!  I support you.  Chairman Pattinson on the side nodded in agreement. Their headquarters was placed at a strong police station in the city to prevent the enemy's two 'Birds' equipped with large-caliber artillery. "However, in ten hours,  Our attack aircraft will arrive soon. Will it be better at that time?  " Trishman felt that Pattinson was a bit stupid, so he had to point to a few monitors and said: "The enemy also has time and space gates, and it is even more disadvantageous for us after dark.  "The Zenith Chamber of Commerce launches drones at all costs, and it is not without benefits. At least their drones will fly over Zhou Qingfeng and others. After paying a few drones as tuition, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce's  The reconnaissance team also understood a truth: altitudes below three thousand meters were within the range of the enemy's individual anti-aircraft missiles. Chairman Pattinson had no choice but to stop talking. After all, within the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, Director Cui Ximan.  The commander has been responsible for commanding the military forces. A staff officer handed over the newly formulated combat plan. After reading it, Cui Ximan basically approved the plan that was in line with his combat ideas. Just as he was about to pick up the pen to approve, he saw something.  The CRT monitor with a square head and a square head suddenly rustled, and the screen was covered with snowflakes. ¡°What¡¯s going on?  Cui Ximan looked around and found that the headquarters was suddenly in chaos. It seemed that even the radio station was out of action. "This is impossible. We are equipped with a frequency hopping radio station, which cannot be interfered with."  "Nothing is impossible! Zhou Qingfeng happens to have a supercomputer that can deal with frequency hopping radio stations. In order to block the Zenith Chamber of Commerce's communications in the underground bunker city, the entire 'Glorious' Laboratory had to stop large-scale computing services, allowing  Let Mei Xiang crack the frequency hopping algorithm. How can we not have communication capabilities at such a critical moment? Cui Ximan shouted anxiously: "Change the algorithm, change the algorithm immediately.  " The communications officer was already sweating profusely, with large drops of sweat dripping from his forehead. He replied in a panic: "We have changed three sets of algorithms, but each time the communication cannot be maintained for more than ten seconds.  ¡± Exascale supercomputers are not just for fun. Peter Pan and Alonso Geddy, two monster-level masters, work together, and they have a bunch of disciples and disciples to help them. Cracking an algorithm is just a click of the mouse.  It¡¯s just a matter of fact. In order to overthrow the Zenith Chamber of Commerce army in the underground bunker city, Zhou Qingfeng was not joking when he said that he would use all his strength. What Cui Ximan was facing now was the full power of the Armed Sisters. ¡°Go and inform everyone.  Troops, the enemy is likely to launch an attack!  "In the end, Trishman had no choice but to let his men pass on the order verbally. At this moment, he regretted it because the Zenith Chamber of Commerce did not bring field wired phones with them in this occupation plan. Several officers from the headquarters hurriedly ran to various defensive positions, and the city  Loud calls were heard from everywhere. Considering that the enemy had superior air power, the first thing to be notified was the anti-aircraft artillery and missile positions. As soon as the officer in charge ran to the radar vehicle, he collided with the captain commanding the radar.  "Chief Trishman orders you to be on alert.  " "Many flying objects are flying towards us.  "The radar commander is also sweating profusely. "Each reconnaissance powered armor can control fifteen small drones. These drones are not designed to be stealthy, but they can be seen clearly on the radar screen. Four  This girl took off sixty suicide drones and flew over. This time it was daytime, and it was not like running around like last night. It flew almost straight towards the underground bunker city at an altitude of 300 meters.  . The dozen or so anti-aircraft guns in the underground bunker city quickly opened fire under the guidance of radar. It was okay if the artillery shells had to hit the huge "flying bird", but if they had to hit the suicide drones less than half a meter in size, then  It¡¯s really a matter of luck. ¡°Ah!  Oops, one of my planes was shot down!  " "Lower the altitude and fly below a hundred meters.  " "I want to blow up their anti-aircraft guns.  " "Don't make any noise, attack their headquarters and radar first.  "The speed of the small drone was very slow, and the four girls responsible for controlling it were arguing. The 'Shock Wave' tank that ran out of the Lizard City camp took the lead, happily running at the front of the ground team.  The observation equipment on the turret moved around, reflecting the surrounding situation on the screen in front of Jiang Cai'er. "What can these small planes do?  It will fall off after one hit!  Sigh It's a pity that our main gun's range is too close. I really want to blow that city to pieces with one shot.  "This time I am responsible for controlling the 'Shock'?¡¯The tank was replaced by Jiang Caier herself, and Alexander, the original operator, had to watch from the sidelines.  "F¨¹hrer, do you think you want a few more tanks from Chief Hugo? You see we are all idle." Alexander asked carefully.  "The report has been sent out a long time ago, but the modification of the new tank will take time." The eyes of several children around him suddenly lit up, and they were inexplicably excited.  "The enemy is coming?" Cui Ximan waited for a long time in the headquarters, but what he was waiting for was the anti-aircraft artillery group firing rapidly. He couldn't wait for the officer who sent the order to return the message, so he walked out of the headquarters, just in time to see  Four small drones swooped down from a hundred meters in the air and crashed into the police station building behind them.  A booming explosion suddenly sounded, and the 'decapitation' was successful!  The headquarters of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce was paralyzed at the first moment.
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