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Side Story Chapter 568 - A short break

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    A soldier stood in the morning sunshine, waving his hands and shouting: "Move forward, move forward, OK, stop!" Under his command, a truck stopped in front of him, and other soldiers behind him  Caught up, opened the truck compartment, pulled out the folded metal ejection chute, and placed a large drone on the ejection chute. The propellers started to start. The commanding sergeant shouted, and the drone was launched.  Ejected into the sky.  ¡°It¡¯s just that not long after this slow drone took to the sky, while still climbing up at a height of three to four hundred meters, a burst of cannon sound suddenly sounded on the ground, and the drone soon emitted black smoke and fell down.  "Oh, it was shot down again. Let's change the direction and let's continue launching!" The commanding sergeant has become accustomed to this situation. From the initial shock to anger, he now regards the success rate of each drone launch as a  It's just a number, reported to the officer.  Such a stalemate is unpredictable and unacceptable to both opposing sides. Everyone is holding on, competing to see who can hold on sooner.  The Zenith Chamber of Commerce originally thought that the action of occupying the underground bunker city should be smooth sailing. Over the past twenty years, the underground bunker city has established an extremely close cooperative relationship with the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. Almost everything in the underground bunker city has been  Within the control of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce.  But the imagined success was only half-way through. After the leading troops took control of the city, they were completely disrupted by an uninvited guest.  And Zhou Qingfeng had no idea that things would get so bad. The enemy suddenly changed from the underground bunker city to the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. What¡¯s terrible is that the opponent¡¯s manpower and material resources are much more abundant than his, and their transportation is convenient.  After blocking the people from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce in the underground bunker city, Zhou Qingfeng also quickly asked Catherine to find a place in Lizard City to open a temporary space-time gate, and pulled all the armored forces in the hands of Xue Su and Meng Hui, and originally left  The aviation transfer point in Modoc City was also deployed to Lizard City in advance.  Fortunately, with the support of this aviation point, Catherine and Jill's two 'Cannon Birds' and Makarova's one 'Hind'. None of these equipment can be transported through the temporary time and space gate, which will together with Mei Xiang's 'prey'  The entire bird brigade passed through the transition point at Modoc Aviation Point and rushed over in time.  The arrival of these air forces is the most important bargaining chip that Zhou Qingfeng holds on the battlefield.  It is not that the Zenith Chamber of Commerce does not have air power, but this is a temporary meeting. God knows where their nearest flight base is?  !  "We don't have much time. We must deal with the enemies in the city today, otherwise we will retreat." Xue Su, who had already arrived, pointed to several display screens and said, "More and more of them are coming out.  , we can no longer attack with a frontal attack." "Zhou Qingfeng simply set up the temporary headquarters in Lizard City, not far from the underground bunker city. Although there is a restless nuclear power plant here and the radiation damage is high, the armed Sisters'  There is no shortage of 'radiation removal drugs'.  For this temporary combat plan, the Armed Sisters spent a lot of supplies. The various fuels alone would almost use up all their reserves. If the battle against the underground bunker city failed, not only would the Zenith Chamber of Commerce's tentacles be extended to  It was within a thousand kilometers of me, and I had to stop all work and immediately rush back to my hometown to transport supplies by air.  "If I had a nuclear bomb, I would really like to throw one over." The various personnel and equipment on the display were constantly strengthening. Zhou Qingfeng looked a little worried, "Even if it's poison gas." "It is conservatively estimated that there are still two in the city.  Thirty thousand people, or even more." Meng Hui, who was following Zhou Qingfeng, asked, "Have you decided that those people can be used by us?" "We should do it next time.  Come on, North Korea should have some. Get them from Cui Yongchang. How can an organization like ours do without any weapons of mass destruction?" Zhou Qingfeng pondered for a long time and asked the girls around him: "You think, what if we throw it inside?  How about a gasoline bomb? A small explosive bag can be placed in a 150-liter gasoline barrel, and it will bloom when it lands. " "This is a good idea!" Xue Su immediately agreed, "But we don't have enough gasoline.  The area inside is not small. " "What are you planning to use?" Catherine frowned, "We only have two modified 'Cannonbirds' and 'Hinds', and the people inside have already set up anti-aircraft guns.  I saw their radar, maybe that kind of medium-range anti-aircraft missile will also appear. ""Contact Xiuqing, let's see how much gasoline we can get first?" Zhou Qingfeng also frowned, "As for the issue of delivery tools.  , Maybe instead of using a plane, how about using a car?" "Then who will drive?" Meng Hui asked.  Zhou Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and fiercely used the magic weapon of the Armed Sisters, "RecruitSuicide Squad!  "Classmate Milanni's invincible tricks have finally been brought to fruition in the hands of classmate Zhou Qingfeng. In the past, they were just human bombs, but now they have been upgraded to bomb cars. "Then I'll go prepare.  Not only can we use gasoline, we also have hundreds of tons of explosives. If we carry out a raid, explosives should be better than gasoline.  "  Looking among the poor homeless people in the underground bunker city who had not eaten yet, Susan personally led the team and sent him more than 20 drivers. ¡°These are loyal believers of our church. When I asked them.  When the situation was explained, they were all willing to devote their lives to the Lord¡¯s cause!  "Susan, dressed in black gauze, looked holy and flawless, reflecting the fanatical expressions on the faces of the believers behind her. Zhou Qingfeng carefully approached Susan's ear and asked: "Are these people reliable?  You won't change your mind temporarily, right?  " Susan lowered her head slightly and replied softly: "They are all people with families, and we have offered very good conditions.  Prepare a separate tent for me and I will continue to brainwash them.  At the beginning of the mission, I'll give them some 'Jet' to make sure nothing goes wrong.  " With Susan in charge of controlling these death squads, Zhou Qingfeng is relatively relieved. Now the church of the Armed Sisters is developing very rapidly. It can be said to be the production workshop of fanatic believers. Sometimes it is very easy to use. " Zhou Qingfeng looked at his watch  , said: "It is now 9:30 in the morning, Xue Su and Meng Hui are preparing bomb cars, and the attack time is expected to be at 13 or 14 noon.  "    "I see!  "Susan bowed slightly and retreated, leading her suicide squad members away. During this period of time, Zhou Qingfeng remembered that he had a special prisoner, so he rushed to the specially set up prisoner camp. It was said to be a prisoner camp, but in fact it was just a prisoner camp.  In an open space, several armed policemen with guns stared at the people squatting on the ground, including Valerie, Felice, Grace Han and her daughter, Amanda, Fester, and others who were captured casually.  Ms. Linnette was being detained in this place. Seeing Zhou Qingfeng¡¯s appearance, Mailiya wanted to stand up excitedly. The armed police on the side shouted loudly: ¡°I¡¯ll shoot you if you dare to move!  " Zhou Qingfeng stretched out his hand to signal the armed policemen not to get too excited, but turned away from Mailiya's pitiful expression. Instead, he slipped the old woman Linnette out, took her to a deserted place, and asked: "Okay  Well, Ms. Lynette, I think we have time to talk.  " Linate escaped from the control of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce in the chaos, but was caught by Zhou Qingfeng on the way back. The former 'First Citizen' looked coldly at the young man who had defected to the company just a few days ago.  The man asked very calmly: "Can you tell me what is going on?  Why was the underground bunker city attacked?" "Actually, it's very simple. My name is Victor Hugo. I belong to the Armed Sisters and are mortal enemies of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. This battle is an emergency. I originally wanted to find a man named  Ik's man, Valarie's father, is said to be imprisoned by you.  Can you tell me where he is?  " "Ik.  Linnat now lost the arrogance she had in the past, and sighed in frustration, "How dare your organization confront the Zenith Chamber of Commerce?"  They are very powerful.  " "This is not a question you need to consider. You should answer my question.  " Linette sighed again, "Really?  I always thought that the underground bunker city was very powerful!  Alas, Ik is still alive. He is being held inside the shelter, in the warehouse where the 'automatic doctors' are stored?  " "Oh, this is not good!  "Zhou Qingfeng also sighed. Now the entrance to the shelter was blown down by him, and the first floor was blown down by the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. It's not easy to get in. It's impossible without driving away the people from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce.  "Other than Ike, does anyone know where the headquarters of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce is?  "Zhou Qingfeng asked. "There is no one else.  And as far as I know, Ike only knows the general location, and he doesn't know the specific situation.  Linate paused for a while and then asked: "If he doesn't tell, will you kill him?"  " "He is very stubborn?  " "No, he can't communicate with others now.  "    "I don't understand you.  "Zhou Qingfeng's face was full of doubts. "I imprisoned Ike not to punish him, but to protect him. Although his behavior of stealing the control circuit board of the nuclear power plant was stupid, the matter has nothing to do with him at this point.  " "It sounds like there are other stories happening?  ¡±Linate was very cooperative at this time. She organized her words and said slowly: "I don't know when, Ike was controlled by people from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce using a 'slavery injection gun'. He himself has never done anything.  Discovered. Do you know the 'Slavery Injection Gun'?" Zhou Qingfeng opened his mouth slightly, nodded with a slightly surprised expression, and said seriously: "Yes, I know, he really wanted to steal the circuit board.  Completely surrendered to the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, but he did not inform the people of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce in advance about this matter. When it happened, Ike found that I was stubbornly unwilling to compromise, so he had to express his willingness to hand over the circuit board. He did not want to  Destroy the underground bunker city. But just when I thought this was the end, Ike disappeared. It took a lot of effort to capture him from the northwest region. When I saw him, I really wanted to order his execution immediately.  He, because at that time, the nuclear power plant in Lizard City had already had a nuclear leak. But things were no longer under our control. No matter how we tried to persuade, threaten, or torture him, Ike didn't say anything, especially when I told him.  When the nuclear power plant seriously threatened the lives of all citizens in the underground bunker city, he was in pain and even wanted to commit suicide, but he couldn't. There seemed to be something blocking him. There was only one explanation for this situation. He was killed.  The people were controlled by the 'Slavery Injection Gun', and needless to say, they were controlled by people from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce." As the story goes, Linnette's face looked haggard, "I can't hold on anymore, I think I have tried my best.  Maintain the independence and freedom of all citizens in the city. However, what happened last night made me understand that the underground bunker city has completely become a pawn in the hands of others. What is its fate? " Linette's face changed overnight.  It declined, and Zhou Qingfeng was silent after hearing her confession.  The wasteland has never been an orderly society, it is always filled with predators of the weak and the strong!
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