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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 9 Undersea Doomsday

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    After growing to 15 centimeters, Zhang Wei's attack power is undoubtedly stronger.  Through daily training, his strength and speed are absolutely outstanding among his kind.  A small man of 15cm can already compete with a big man of 25cm. This cannot but be said to be a miracle!  After overturning another 25-centimeter-long killer crab, Zhang Wei's self-confidence felt a little overwhelming.  In the past, the furthest distance he dared to go beyond the edge of the territory was no more than thirty meters. Now this kid thinks he is very good.  He quickly increased the distance from thirty meters to fifty meters, which was already quite a distance for a crab with a length of 15 centimeters.  It was at this time that he changed his prey target from conch to some small fish.  "Hey, there's a small group of pomfret. Let me catch one and try it out!" Zhang Wei soon discovered his new target.  Pomfret used to cause him a lot of trouble when he was a toddler, but now that he is bigger, he can prey on them.  As the saying goes, it takes thirty years to reach Hedong and forty years to reach Hexi. This is the truth!  From this group of pomfrets, he thought of the moray eel again, and he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.  Will it be far away when I take revenge?  Wait for me, boy!  Zhang Wei quietly approached the pomfret group, probably because he was just a small killer crab no more than 15 centimeters tall, so the small group of pomfrets didn¡¯t take it seriously.  Don¡¯t think that only humans have the bad habit of being snobbish. In fact, this is also the case in the animal kingdom.  If Zhang Wei was a killer crab with a length of more than one meter, then these pomfrets would never dare to come within three meters of him.  Now Zhang Wei is only one or two meters away from them. These guys are still swimming happily, and they obviously have a feeling of contempt for him.  "Damn it, you dare to look down on me! Look how powerful I am!" Zhang Wei didn't expect that he was ignored by these pomfrets, and he was very angry.  He wants to tell them a truth with bloody facts - small crabs can be very powerful, not to mention that he is still a killer crab.  When this small group of pomfret swam one meter in front of him, Zhang Wei finally launched an attack.  I saw his eight strong and advantageous hind legs moving quickly, suddenly accelerating from stationary to a high speed of five or six meters per second.  Then he jumped up quickly and opened his big claws towards the nearest pomfret.  Although he only has one big claw, after his deliberate training, this big claw is very powerful.  The clamping force of this big claw is now estimated to be two to three kilograms. Although this number seems small, don't forget one thing - Zhang Wei's current weight should be less than one kilogram.  The clamping force of one of his big claws is about two to three kilograms, which is already very powerful.  The pomfret fish targeted by Zhang Wei is estimated to weigh about 1.5 kilograms, which is about 750 grams.  When his big claws caught the pomfret, the pomfret struggled hard.  In addition, there is a kind of mucus on the fish, which is very slippery.  In order to prevent the prey from escaping, Zhang Wei quickly locked the pomfret with his eight back legs.  When his pointed hind legs penetrate the body of the pomfret, it really feels a bit like an alien.  It is estimated that many alien images created by American Hollywood directors are based on the appearance of killer crabs, otherwise why would they look so similar!  After being pierced into the body by Zhang Wei with his sharp hind legs, the pomfret struggled violently. This was its final death struggle.  If it breaks free at this time, maybe it can save a small life.  But it has been locked by Zhang Wei, and this struggle can only be in vain.  After struggling for a few times, the life force gradually drained away from the pomfret.  After about tens of seconds, the pomfret stopped moving, which also meant that it was completely dead.  At this time, Zhang Wei began to enjoy this delicious meal. He can now consume about 30 grams of food in one meal.  And through high-intensity exercise, he can eat two meals a day.  I really envy his good appetite. You have to know that he weighs less than a pound, but he can eat 60 grams of food a day, which is almost one-eighth of his own weight.  This is also the reason why he grows faster than other small killer crabs, because he eats more.  Exercising twice a day in the morning and evening makes his metabolic cycle very fast, so he can eat a lot.  This pomfret is so big. In addition to the bones, its meat and internal organs are estimated to be more than 400 grams, which can feed him for six or seven days.  Of course, if this food is left out for a long time, it will inevitably smell.  But he had eaten plankton no matter how unpalatable it was, and this little smell was nothing.  Sometimes eating something is enough to make you happy, so how can you dare to choose this and that?  Moreover, eating mutated food does no harm to the body of killer crabs. In terms of disease resistance, the resistance of animals is obviously much stronger than that of humans.  After a hearty meal, he dragged the remaining pomfret meat back.  Fish meat is a good thing, and it tastes better than conch meat.  Although conch meat tastes good, it has a strong fishy smell, and fish meat is slightly better.  Of course?Maybe it will be better if cooked.  But now he is at the bottom of the sea more than 60 meters deep and can only eat raw food.  And crabs don¡¯t seem to know how to cook, which is a huge problem!  Time flies by like this, and Zhang Wei¡¯s life is very monotonous every day.  But under the ocean, which is more than 60 meters deep, he can only do so many things every day.  Exercise, hunt, eat, and occasionally observe the movements of the moray eel.  He didn't want the moray eel to leave that place one day, so that he wouldn't be able to find it. This was related to his revenge plan.  Zhang Wei thinks that he is not a broad-minded crab in the first place, not to mention that someone ate one of his big claws. This is definitely a blood feud!  How could you forget?  On this day, Zhang Wei had just walked out of the territory.  Suddenly, a harsh sound came over, and then there was a huge fluctuation in the sea water, which made Zhang Wei almost unable to stand.  "Oh, my God! Is this the end of the earth?" Zhang Wei was stunned by the sight in front of him.  A white luminous object crashed into the sea, and in the blink of an eye it hit the seabed.  With a "boom", the place where the white luminous object hit was right in the middle of the killer crab's territory.  A powerful impact instantly turned the killer crab's territory into a hell on earth, and the entire killer crab territory was destroyed at once.  The powerful impact spread rapidly around, and Zhang Wei was blown dozens of meters away by the powerful current. The whole world was covered in gray.
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