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Text Chapter 4 Hairtail Fish and Cave

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    It took Zhang Wei five full days to eat the conch cleanly. During this period, several small crabs tried to grab the food, but he beat them up.  I can't beat those big guys, why can't I even beat you little guys?  After the prestige passed, the boy felt secretly happy for several days.  In order to promote digestion and growth, Zhang Wei compiled a set of movements for himself, including stretching, high jumping, turning, etc.  Although he has turned into a killer crab, human wisdom cannot be left behind!  If he wants to quickly break through the numerous killer crabs, Zhang Wei must make himself grow faster, bigger and stronger.  And this can be achieved through systematic exercise.  If it is an ordinary killer crab, except for hunting and occasional activities, they spend most of their time resting.  It can be said that crabs are relatively lazy animals. With their brain capacity, they do not know the benefits of exercise.  But Zhang Wei is different. After all, he was once a living person.  Now his biggest advantage is his wisdom. As long as he makes good use of it, even if he is just a crab now, he will definitely have a different future.  Now there are only two beliefs that support Zhang Wei, one is revenge, and the other is to see his parents and son again.  Even if he only glanced at it from a distance, he could feel great comfort in his heart.  It is precisely because of these spiritual supports that Zhang Wei will eventually embark on a different path of killing crabs.  Every day when those big killer crabs haven't gone out to hunt, he will seize the time to come out and move around.  On the one hand, it can be hunted relatively safely, on the other hand, it can also exercise and promote the rapid circulation of metabolism.  In addition to various stretching exercises, Zhang Wei also performs running and weight-bearing training every day.  The speed and strength of the killer crab are definitely the best among crabs, and there is still huge potential to be tapped.  Running is relatively simple. He will run a 200-meter sprint every morning and evening.  Don't underestimate it, it's only a mere two hundred meters, but it is already a long distance to Zhang Wei at this time.  You must know that his current height is only a little over six centimeters, not even 7 centimeters.  A long-distance run of two hundred meters is equivalent to a human being running a distance of five or six thousand meters, and the intensity is not bad.  And he does it once in the morning and once in the evening, and almost every time he runs with all his strength.  The greater the physical exertion each time, the higher the growth rate.  And to bear weight, he can simply put some small stones on top of his carapace, and then do squats.  Although weight training is a slow process that requires long periods of exercise.  But as a crab, Zhang Wei has no entertainment activities at all, so he has a lot of time.  However, the big killer crabs in the population will go out hunting once a day, ranging from twenty minutes to more than an hour.  This period of time is the most dangerous time for the killer crab territory. Whenever this time comes, Zhang Wei will hide obediently.  In order to protect his own safety, he also took the time to dig a small hole under a rock, where he usually hides.  The reason why he was able to dig a hole on this rock was not because of his powerful pliers, but because this rock was actually very loose after being washed away by seafloor currents for hundreds or thousands of years.  Although there is still a very hard part inside, the outer layer of stone has long since become loose.  Therefore, Zhang Wei was able to dig away the loose surface layer of the rock and dig out a cave with a depth of about 8 centimeters and a width of about 6 centimeters.  With this cave, his safety is greatly guaranteed.  Although with his current size, Pomfret has long been no threat to him.  But there are too many predators in the ocean. Last time a group of hairtail came, it brought huge disaster to their small population.  Hairtail is a very common economic fish, and it was also a fish that Zhang Wei often caught in the past.  Every year he can catch dozens of tons of hairtail when there are plenty of fish, and he can harvest seven or eight tons of hairtail every year even when there are few.  As for his family's fishing company, the catch of hairtail is even greater.  So he didn't expect hairtail to be so fierce!  The pomfret caught him by surprise last time, but the ferocity of the hairtail fish this time left him even more stunned.  Hairtail fish, also known as swordfish (actually not swordfish) and toothed hairtail fish in some areas, is a fish of the order Perciformes and hairtail fish. The shape of hairtail fish is just like its name, with flat sides like ribbons, silver-gray color, light gray dorsal and pectoral fins, and  It has very small spots and a black tail. The head of the hairtail fish has a large pointed mouth and gradually tapers to the tail, like a thin whip. The head is twice as long as the height and the total length is about 1 meter.  In mid-March 1996, a fisherman on the Zhoushan Islands caught a large fish that was 2.1 meters long and weighed 7.8 kilograms. This "King Hairtail" was later collected by a biological museum in a nearby area.  Hairtail is widely distributed, with the largest number in the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. It can be found in all coastal provinces of my country, and the East China Sea has the highest yield.  Although Zhang Wei often caught hairtail in the past, he also wanted to??The hairtail fish that is usually found on the dining table can be so vigorous sometimes.  Although several days have passed since this incident, he can still remember the scene of that day very clearly.  At that time, the big men went out to hunt again, and Zhang Wei was lying on the sea bed basking in the sun.  Although the seabed here is more than 60 meters, this area is actually a shallow sea area.  As long as the weather is clear, the sun can always shine on this seabed.  Although the sunlight is no longer so intense after being blocked and reflected by the sea water, it can still bring valuable energy to the creatures on the seabed.  Plants on the seabed can perform photosynthesis under the irradiation of sunlight, and the growth of organisms on the seabed also requires sunlight.  It's just that some deep-sea species have undergone tremendous genetic changes and adapted to the environment here after millions of years of evolution.  The growth of crustaceans is inseparable from sunlight, and killer crabs are no exception.  Although Zhang Wei was basking in the sun at the time, he was still very careful and tried to monitor the surrounding situation.  Suddenly, bursts of silver light came from the distance, flashing one after another.  Zhang Wei stretched out his eyes to take a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief - it turned out to be just a group of hairtails.  They saw a group of at least a thousand hairtails swimming toward them. Zhang Wei was not aware of the danger at the time.  But he soon learned that he was wrong, and very wrong.  After these hairtail fish came to the territory of the killer crabs, they quickly launched an attack on the small crabs.  The sharp teeth and fierce bite made Zhang Wei realize that the disaster was coming.  After bursts of silver light, the lives of the little crabs were taken away.  Fortunately, he was relatively behind, and when he saw something was wrong, he quickly hid in the sand.  But many of the small crabs had been eaten, and the seabed was covered in turbidity.  It wasn't until those big guys came back that the disaster finally passed.  Although it only lasted for twenty or thirty minutes, thousands of little crabs had already lost their lives.  From then on, Zhang Wei became more careful.  This was also the reason why he dug this hole. The piece of sand really didn't give him much sense of security.
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