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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 2 Bullied by Pomfret!

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    Soon Zhang Wei saw several killer crabs. It seemed that this was the territory of killer crabs.  The killer crab can be considered a small overlord-level creature in the sea. Once it reaches adulthood, it has few natural enemies.  In particular, killer crabs like to move in groups, which is very scary.  But Zhang Wei himself must be careful, as crustaceans have low IQs.  The killer crab is said to be the largest crustacean in the world, so its IQ is naturally not much higher.  Although they will not deliberately prey on their own kind, if a small crab offends a larger killer crab, it will still inevitably die.  Zhang Wei was frightened to see him. Although he was only about one centimeter tall at most, which was not even enough to fill a gap in someone's teeth, he still didn't like to take risks.  Killer crabs usually feed on fish, so they will go out to hunt once in a while.  Zhang Wei didn't feel anything at first, but after these killers went out, the danger came.  After those big killer crabs went out to hunt, intruders soon appeared.  It turned out to be a small group of pomfret, which is an edible fish species with high economic value. Zhang Wei often caught some in the past, so he didn't take it to heart.  Who knew that the sea was actually a large hunting ground, and even a group of small pomfrets was not easy to deal with.  Pomfret usually feeds on small fish, jellyfish and algae, but sometimes it will change its taste.  Especially for newly born little crabs like Zhang Wei, even if they can grow into killer crabs several meters tall in the future, they are only about one centimeter tall now.  It was obvious - this group of pomfrets was preparing to make snacks out of them.  There are thousands of young killer crabs living on this seabed beach. Although some of them will become little overlords in the sea in the future, it is obvious that they cannot protect themselves now.  Zhang Wei observed that these pomfrets generally only attack small crabs less than three centimeters tall.  Once a juvenile killer crab exceeds 3 centimeters, they will not attack.  After all, pomfret has a relatively small mouth, and although its teeth are dense and sharp, it is only interested in little ones under three centimeters.  And Zhang Wei is now less than one centimeter, so he must be prey.  "What a fool, you know how to do this!" Zhang Wei cursed secretly.  Just now he saw with his own eyes several pomfrets biting out small crabs from the seabed beach, which made him shudder.  It seems that the sand is too soft. Although it can play a hiding role, it is not absolutely safe.  Suddenly, Zhang Wei saw a pomfret swimming towards him.  escape?  Still not escaping?  Just now he saw with his own eyes many small crabs being eaten by these pomfrets, which made him very scared.  Even if he beat Zhang Wei to death, he never expected that one day he would be frightened like this by a few pomfrets. It was really shameless.  In almost a few tenths of a second, he finally made a correct judgment - he hid in the sand and left his life to God.  You know, with his current size, he can't run fast even if he wants to.  If he escapes, he might attract more attention.  Oh, I said it wrong, it was to attract Pomfret's attention.  Therefore, no movement at this time was better than silence, and Zhang Wei was extremely nervous.  Fortunately, his life was saved and he was not discovered by the pomfret.  Ten minutes later, this small group of pomfret left the territory of the killer crab after eating and drinking enough.  After overcoming this life and death crisis, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.  Soon after, the killer crabs that had gone out to hunt came back.  These big guys, who looked extremely ugly in Zhang Wei's eyes just now, now look much cuter.  At least when these big guys are around, their safety is guaranteed.  Otherwise, once they lose their protection, the survival chances of these killer crab larvae will definitely be even lower.  In fact, although adult killer crabs are already small BOSS-level marine creatures, generally only one or two of a hundred killer crab larvae can successfully grow to adulthood, and the mortality rate is very high.  When killer crabs are young, many marine creatures like to feed them.  Just like the small group of pomfrets just now, they are almost kindergarten-level marine creatures in the ocean, but they can also embarrass some weaker creatures.  For example, small killer crabs that have just hatched out of their shells, smaller fish, shrimps and other animals, these are a small part of the natural biological chain.  After each baby crab is born from the crab eggs, the remaining energy can still allow them to survive for a period of time.  However, they must learn to hunt quickly, otherwise they will only face death.  There is no such thing as a nanny in the population of killer crabs. They can only rely on themselves if they want to survive.  Based on Zhang Wei's current situation, he definitely does not have the ability to prey on blood food.  Therefore, he can only rely on swallowing plankton to fill his stomach. For this reason, he must spend a lot of time hunting every day.  Plankton are very small, but they are numerous.  Plankton generally refers to drifting organisms that live in water and lack the ability to move effectively, including phytoplankton and plankton.animal.  Some plankton have the ability to swim, but their swimming speed is often slower than the speed of the ocean current in which they are located, so they cannot effectively swim flexibly in the water.  Plankton exists in large numbers in oceans, lakes, rivers and other waters, and is the most abundant organism in water bodies.  Because they have no ability to move at all, or are very weak, they cannot move against the current, but live floating on the water. These organisms are collectively called plankton.  By devouring plankton, Zhang Wei temporarily solved the problem of eating.  Although plankton tastes terrible, at least it can fill your stomach, and it is still rich in nutrients.  Before Zhang Wei loses the ability to hunt blood food, plankton will be his main food.  When he thought of this, he wished he could grow up quickly.  Although raw fish and shrimp don't taste very good, they are at least much more delicious than plankton.  And after turning into a crab, his taste organs have undergone tremendous changes.  Although his previous food inertia still exists in his mind, his sense of taste should be able to adjust soon.  Because he hopes to grow up quickly, Zhang Wei usually hunts plankton desperately, so his growth rate is much faster than other small crabs.  After about two weeks, he had grown from less than one centimeter to about 5 centimeters.  The little crabs born at the same time as him are now basically about 3 centimeters, almost half smaller than him.  Zhang Wei is quite satisfied with this.  At least the threat from the pomfret to him was almost gone now, which gave him a small sense of satisfaction.
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