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Text Chapter 224 Enemy Situation

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    We had marched less than a hundred kilometers in the previous day, and it took nearly three days to walk from Pianguan to Baode. However, after passing Baode, it only took us eleven hours to reach the Shanxi-Sui Military Region and Shanxi.  In Xingxian County, the capital of Suibian District, the entire army completed its turn in Xingxian County and took cover on a mountainside south of Xinglan Highway.

    Just when everyone, including the Jinsui Division 1 who cooperated with them in this operation, thought that Yang Jicai was going to rush directly into Lan County in one go, Yang Jicai ordered the troops to rest for eight hours and then released the scouts.  After having a hot meal, Jun only did one thing, which was to go to bed immediately.

    All technicians accompanying the army immediately carried out the last inspection of tanks and trucks before the war. In particular, the engine and running structure of the British Crusader tank had to undergo an inspection and cleaning, and the tracks also needed to be adjusted to ensure that they would be safe during wartime.  Tanks don't malfunction.

    The harsh road conditions on this road not only exhausted the entire army, but also caused considerable wear and tear on the vehicles. Although the vast countryside in Lan County is in the hands of the Jinsui Military Region, the road from Lan County to Jingle  , including the county seat of Lan County, was controlled by the Japanese army.

    In other words, after crossing the boundary river area between Lan County and Xing County, the roundabout troops led by Yang Jicai are about to enter enemy-occupied areas. I am afraid that the troops will have to cross the next route in battle, so Yang Jicai is already exhausted when he orders  The troops will rest for a few hours to restore their physical strength and energy.

    As for the secrecy within the base area, Yang Jicai did not have to worry. The secrecy capabilities of the base area within the customs were not inferior to those of the Anti-Japanese Alliance base areas. Even though they were now quite close to enemy-occupied areas, the acting commander also told him that there was no need to worry about their situation being disclosed.  The enemy found that there was no problem in stopping here to rest.

    But now for Yang Jicai, not only is the army in urgent need of rest and reorganization, but more importantly, the enemy's situation. He needs the enemy's situation from Lan County to Taiyuan, and the enemy's situation from Lan County to Jingle is now very clear. Lan County  With the exception of a few key points on the road between Lan County and Jingle, the Japanese and puppet troops in Jingle have all shrunk back to the county seat.

    Moreover, the defense of the two counties is dominated by puppet troops. The Japanese army together only has one and a half squadrons. However, the enemy situation along the way from Jingle to Taiyuan, especially the enemy situation around Taiyuan, is still unclear. In and around Taiyuan City,  How many enemy troops there are and what kind of equipment they have is now a blur.

    This is undoubtedly a dangerous factor for Yang Jicai. If he is stuck by the Japanese and puppet troops in Taiyuan, he will have to carry tens of thousands of prisoners of war and workers, and perhaps a large number of family members. The only thing waiting for him is  They were completely wiped out by the Japanese army under the city of Taiyuan.

    The Taiyuan garrison didn't care. Chief of Staff Wang had already contacted some Japanese and puppet troops in northern Shanxi. Although he had not yet had large-scale contact with the Japanese army, his actions completely blocked the Japanese army from outflanking the Datong battlefield and preventing reinforcements.  The passage to the Suinan battlefield.

    In addition to the troops drawn from the Chanan battlefield and already on the front line of Julebao, as well as the troops moving south from the Jining battlefield, the entire Datong battlefield now has one armored division, one armored brigade, four infantry divisions and three  With the strength of a cavalry brigade, these troops are enough for Commander Chen to completely relax his hands and feet strategically, allowing him to advance, attack, and retreat to defend.

    This force is enough to deal with Shanxi's First Army and threaten the hinterland of Shanxi. It is estimated that not only the First Army, but even the entire North China Front Army's attention has been attracted to the Datong battlefield. Now the entire Shanxi First Army,  Most of the forces, including the North China Front, no longer care about the hinterland of Shanxi.

    However, the independent fourth brigade of the Japanese troops stationed in Yangquan and Yuci to the east of Taiyuan, very close to Taiyuan, is an unsettling factor. There is also the 36th Division that can reinforce the Taiyuan battlefield at any time through the Baijin Railway.  The regiments may allocate troops at this time to strengthen Taiyuan's defense. Yang Jicai did not have much guarantee whether the Taiyue and Taihang Military Regions could attract the two Japanese troops.

    In order to carry out this mission, the commander and political commissar of the Eighth Division of Jinsui, who rushed back from the front line, could only provide information about the enemy. Taiyuan City is now under full martial law, and all passenger trains on the Tongpu Railway have been interrupted.  The number of military trains coming by railway has now greatly increased.

    It turned out that the Political Department of the Jinsui Military Region and the Eighth Division Political Department had begun to mobilize some workers out of the city. However, now that there are Japanese and puppet military police everywhere inside and outside the city, the movement out of the city can only be temporarily stopped. The only thing clear now is to find out.  The location and internal structure of the prisoner of war camp.

    This prisoner-of-war camp is located in the north lane of Xiaodongmen Street in the northeast corner of Taiyuan City. It covers an area of ??about 300 acres and is structured as a three-entry compound. It is surrounded by walls and power grids. The number of troops detained inside was originally one squad of Japanese troops and one puppet army.  squadron, but now the Japanese troops have withdrawn and are withdrawing from the Xishan Coal Mine instead.There was a Japanese mine police squad in the city, and the puppet army increased to two squadrons.

    In addition, there is a military police detachment and more than fifty armed Japanese expatriates. However, some prisoners of war who were originally taken to the Xishan Coal Mine as special workers, and some prisoners of war who were taken to various strongholds outside the city to do coolies, have now been taken back to the concentration camp.  , the Japanese army dug another three-meter-deep trench along the prisoner-of-war camp, and at the same time added four bunkers and two watchtowers near the city wall.

    In addition to these, because the Japanese troops have been coming in and out, the number of garrison troops in the entire Taiyuan City, apart from the fixed number of puppet troops, the number of Japanese troops is not clear now, but one thing that needs to be noted is that the expatriates in the city  All have been armed.

    As for the situation around Taiyuan City, because it is bounded by the Tongpu Railway, to the west is the territory of the Eighth Division of Shanxi-Suiyuan, and to the east is the activity area of ??the Second Division of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei. The two divisions belong to two organizational units respectively, which coordinate with each other.  There are still certain shortcomings. Coupled with the lack of communication equipment, it is difficult to connect with each other to meet the intelligence needs of this operation.

    The Eighth Division troops can only provide some information on the west side of the road. As for the east side of the road, which is under the jurisdiction of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and the Taihang Military Region, the Shanxi-Sui Military Region is not clear, although the Taihang and Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, whose activities are here, also provided some information.  However, due to the frequent mobilization of Japanese troops and the fact that the Jinsui Military Region has no direct contact with the subordinate units of the two military regions, the current situation is not clear.

    However, the Eighth Division provided a very important piece of information, that is, most of the Japanese strongholds around Taiyuan have been handed over to the puppet troops for defense. Even the Japanese mine police at Taiyuan Xishan Coal Mine have withdrawn to Taiyuan City and Fangshan County.  All the Japanese and puppet troops in Helishi County have evacuated, and now part of the Jinsui Army has entered Fangshan County.

    After hearing the news, Yang Jicai pondered for a long time before looking at the chiefs of the Shanxi-Sui Military Region in front of him and said: "Several chiefs, the entire First Army in Shanxi now has made it clear that it is going all out to prepare for the Shanxi-Northern Army.  Our troops are on the same front, but they are currently short of troops. They want to take advantage of the internal contradictions among the Chinese people and provoke internal friction among the Chinese people, so that a snipe and a clam will fight and the fisherman will benefit. "

    "I feel that giving up Fangshan County may be their first step. Next, Jingle, Lan County, and even Kelan and Wu Zhai may all be given over to the second war zone, and they only need to control  He seized the important places of Shenchi, Ningwu, Ninghua Fort and Gujiao, and also controlled the bridgeheads of marching westward to recapture these places. "

    "I think since our operation this time is to open Taiyuan and rescue these captured personnel, instead of letting the Japanese use this opportunity to provoke disputes among us Chinese, it is better for us to use the Japanese army to shrink its troops and concentrate our effective forces.  For the northern front, the entire northwestern Shanxi force currently has very little opportunity.¡±

    "Concentrate our forces to capture Lanxian County and Jingle County, rely on Yunzhong Mountain and Luya Mountain in the east and north directions, and use Malian Mountain, Bailong Mountain, and Black Tea Mountain as natural defense positions in the south to ensure that Xingxian County, the capital of Shanxi-Suiyuan Border Region, and  The security of the military region¡¯s garrison and the depth of northern Shaanxi¡¯s defense will be expanded to the east.¡±

    Yang Jicai's ideas are full of ideas, but the reality is very basic. Most of the main forces of the Shanxi-Sui Military Region have left the border. The remaining main regiments, together with some of the troops of the Central Hebei Military Region that have withdrawn to northwestern Shanxi for rest, are currently on the battlefield in northern Shanxi.  In cooperation with Mu Changqiu in the battle, the main force of the remaining troops had also moved north. At this time, they were cooperating with Wang Minggui's roundabout troops on the front line of Shahukou.

    At present, the entire Jinsui Military Region in various divisions in northwestern Shanxi, in addition to some county armed forces and armed workers teams, as well as the desperate second column that is currently besieging Wuzhai to contain the enemies of Shenchi and Ningwu from moving north, still maintain uniform uniforms.  Outside the full-staff establishment.

    Each of the remaining divisions currently has only one or two independent battalions and some county brigade troops, while the military region has only two main force regiments and a few battalions of the four decisive columns, and these two main force forces are  One member of the regiment will also stay in Xingxian County, where the military region and border region governments are located.

    Last year, the Japanese army launched a series of large-scale raids in autumn and winter. Although the scope of the raids on the Jinsui Military Region was the smallest and the time was relatively short, after continuous hard fighting, the losses in the Jinsui Military Region were still very large. The entire Jinsui base area, except Pianguan County, was  , Baode, Hequ, Xingxian, Kelan, Wuzhai, Ningwu, almost all the counties under their control fell during this raid.

    Although around the Spring Festival this year, the Japanese army took advantage of the opportunity to shrink their troops and recaptured Baode, Hequ, and Xingxian counties, Kelan, Wuzhai, and Ningwu counties were still in the hands of the Japanese and puppet troops. In the continuous bitter fighting,  The amount of ammunition consumed in the hoard far exceeds that of previous raids.

    Except for the part that was transported across the Yellow River in advance, the remaining supplies suffered heavy losses. The troops, especially the old cadres, suffered heavy casualties. In order to ensure the success of this battle, the central government??, in the northwestern Shanxi base area, it was no longer possible to support the army's food and clothing, and even had no choice but to withdraw some key troops and transfer them back to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region for rest.

    At present, in order to cooperate with the Anti-Japanese Alliance's westward advance, the Jinsui Military Region is trying to sell iron when the strength of the troops is far from being restored. Most of the main forces that were painstakingly preserved last year were brought out of the customs. The remaining troops in the entire base area  There wasn't much, and all the equipment transferred from the Anti-Japanese Alliance was allocated to the main force.

    Except for the second column of the decisive battle, the remaining troops are basically well-equipped. The rest of the troops are basically using old guys. The troops that can be mobilized to participate in the war are not only poorly equipped, but also some Jin-made rifles and old sleeves.  It is an old gun, and the amount of ammunition is less than the two million rounds of ammunition that Yang Jicai handed over this time. The amount of ammunition can only be used to fight a few harassment battles.

    As for the artillery, in addition to the second column of decisive battle, which also has a mortar company, and the two main regiments each have a mortar company, the left-behind troops in the entire military region currently only have one company of mountain artillery, one infantry artillery company, and two rapid-fire artillery companies.  company, plus two field guns, and the number of shells was not large.
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