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Text Two Hundred and Ninety-Three Jizhou

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    "General Meng from the North Kingdom? How did he join our Beifu? Yuanzhi, you seemed to have told me before, but I can't remember it. Please tell me again."

    "Yes, Your Majesty."

    Seeing that Emperor Renxing no longer called Meng Ju by his first name, but changed his name to "General Meng", and his words were quite polite, Xiao He also changed his words: "General Meng was born in the Meng family in Luojing, and was the former Duke of Han Dynasty.  The descendants of Meng Fanxian, the Prime Minister of the Fang Dynasty, can also be regarded as a prominent member of Luo Jing. However, after the fall of Beidi, although the Meng family also became officials, they never had high-ranking officials until General Meng's generation.

    When he was young, General Meng had a reputation as a genius who could stay up all night writing poems. He passed the Boy's Voice Examination at the age of thirteen and the Scholar's Examination at the age of fifteen - that was in the first year of Taichang. It was also that year that Luo Jingsi Yi of Beifu  The principal failed to perform his mission in Luojing and was hunted down by Tartar eagles and dogs.  In panic, Master Yi fled into the backyard of the Meng family, where he happened to meet the young General Meng and was saved by him risking his life.  Master Yi was impressed by his loyalty and recommended him to join Beifu as a non-staff Yinghou, codenamed Thorns.  "

    Emperor Renxing nodded slowly. He stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the sky to the west in trance. Over there, the setting sun was as gorgeous as fire, burning the sky red.  He asked: "At that time, General Meng was only fifteen years old?"

    "Yes, Your Majesty."

    "At the age of fifteen, General Meng was still a young man at that time How dare a child take the risk of confiscating his family and annihilating his clan to take me as Marquis Chaoying? It's really amazing."

    Emperor Renxing looked a little sighing: "The North has fallen to Hu Chen for three hundred years, but loyalty is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I, the Tang Dynasty, will succeed Liu Han. In charge of Zhengshuo of China, it is based on the aspirations of the people and the hearts of all people. Yuanzhi. You  Just remember to do one thing.¡±

    "Yes, Your Majesty, please give me your instructions."

    Emperor Renxing's tone became deep and low: "In the future, when we regain the Northland. After the world is unified, those loyal and righteous people who sacrificed their lives in the Northland, whether they are from our dynasty or the Northland, you must give their names in detail  Collect, don't miss any.

    I want them to be remembered in history books, have their names engraved on monuments, and offer incense as tribute - the sacrifices of the patriots of the Northern Kingdom Yinghou will forever be recorded in the annals of our Tang Dynasty.  Within a thousand years.  As long as our country is immortal, their deeds will never be forgotten.  "

    Xiao Hewo was stunned and knelt down. With tears in his eyes, he shouted: "Your Majesty is wise! On behalf of all the Yinghou of Beifu, I would like to express my gratitude to Your Majesty for His grace. All the officers and soldiers of Beifu are grateful for His Majesty's grace Those who sacrificed their lives"  Colleagues. When they hear that the holy grace is as vast as the sea, their spirits in heaven will smile!"

    Emperor Renxing shook his head and sighed: "Yuanzhi, get up. According to Beifu's ideas, how do you plan to recruit these northern officials?"

    "According to the previous practice of the Beifu, if the officials of the Northern Kingdom are willing to be appeased, or if the lurking Yinghou of our dynasty serves in the Northern Prisoner Army, according to their official titles in the Northern Dynasty, we will add two levels of posthumous title here, but put it on General Meng.  , but it is an exception"

    "Oh, why is this?"

    "When General Meng was appointed as the Inspector of the Sixth Grade Quan in Jing'an, Dongping, Northern Xinjiang, we urgently recognized him and gave him the title of Colonel Yingyang, the fifth rank of the Jiangdu Forbidden Army. Unexpectedly, within a few months, General Meng had become the Northern Commander.  The Fifth-Rank Tongzhi Governor of Pingling Guards in the East of Jiangjiang - When this news came back, the Beifu was also in a dilemma. If he was still given a posthumous title as usual, then General Meng would have to be given a fourth-grade official position and placed in a real position.  The Forbidden Army must be General Xuanwu or General Mingwei. If it is placed in Beifu, it must be an actual counselor in charge of local intelligence.

    Because Beifu has never sent a Yinghou to such a high position in the Northern Dynasties, and there has never been such a precedent, so we could not make a decision internally at that time.  Before we could come to a conclusion, news came that General Meng had been promoted again. He had been promoted to the rank of guard inspector of the fourth rank. According to the usual practice, we could only confer him with the official position of the third rank - but the minister also  He is only a third-grade official, how can he have this authority?

    In this way, the matter could only be put on hold for the time being. Soon, the news came again, saying that General Meng had been promoted to the first-class military attache of the Northern Kingdom, and was granted the title of Earl, and was responsible for the military and political affairs of the six towns in Northern Xinjiang - the matter involved such a high position  , I really don¡¯t dare to be good at this, so I can only submit it to His Majesty¡¯s Holy Judgment.  "

    Listening to Xiao Hewo's words, Emperor Renxing had a strange expression, as if he wanted to laugh but was trying to hold it back.

    "So that's it Yuanzhi, time has changed and the situation has changed. The previous rules of Beifu were based on the previous situation. Now that the situation has changed, it is time to change accordingly.

    ??In the past, we gave such generous treatment to the officials in the Northern Kingdom because the Northern invaders were powerful and they would take great risks by surrendering to our government. Therefore, our government gave high-ranking officials generous titles to show loyalty and righteousness.

    But now, the situation is different.  I am full of energy, like the rising sun., is unstoppable, while the Northern Kingdom is in decline and is in danger. There are as many Northern dignitaries who want to join our dynasty as crucian carp crossing the river. They do not have loyalty in their hearts, nor do they admire Zhengshuo. They are just following the enemy to save their lives and their families. If we return the favor,  Their generous treatment is outrageous - don't let it happen that one day, all the high-ranking officials from the Tartars will come over, and when I go to court, I will see all the Northern officials standing in the hall. It will be a joke.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? away  I don¡¯t want anyone!  "

    "Yes, I will comply with His Majesty's will. As for General Meng Do we also need to be demoted and surrendered?"

    Emperor Renxing shook his head: "General Meng is different from others. He understands righteousness and is loyal to the Han Dynasty. He is one of our own. We must treat him favorably. If we treat him as an ordinary official who surrenders, it will be very difficult."  Wouldn¡¯t Tang not let the loyal people of the world feel cold and let the heroes of the world abandon him?

    Yuanzhi, Beifu conveys my will to General Meng. I hope he can raise the flag at the right time. The specific timing is under his control - General Meng is alone outside the country and is in a very difficult situation. You Beifu should not oppress him too much.

    Yuanzhi, Beifu wants to convey my words to General Meng and tell him that I have high expectations for him.  I look forward to meeting him in the future.  Even if the Northern Kingdom regains control of the world in the future, I will still need him, the Tiger General, to guard the borders of the Tang Dynasty.  The barbarians are so powerful that as long as General Meng has made great contributions to the country, why should I be stingy with the gift of becoming a king?  "

    "Yes. I will definitely convey His Majesty's will to General Meng as soon as possible. Feeling His Majesty's grace, General Meng will definitely shed tears of gratitude, be brave and brave, and serve the country."


    It was raining mist in the sky, and the road ahead was unclear. On the official road that had been in disrepair for a long time, there were knee-deep quagmire one after another. A large group of armored warriors were like black ants, trudging on this muddy road.  The baggage truck carrying grain and grass was moving forward with difficulty, and the frame of the truck, which was not willing to bear the heavy load, made a "creak" friction sound, as if it was about to fall apart.  in the team.  The sound of people, horses neighing, and donkeys croaked together.

    "Push hard, one two three, one two three, push!"

    Meng Ju stepped in knee-deep mud, and together with several armored warriors, he used his shoulders to push the heavy grain truck, and everyone was rolling in the mud.  Struggling to push the baggage truck out.

    ¡°Stop, there¡¯s a deep pit ahead¡ªfuck, I¡¯m in it again!¡±

    "Cao Erlu, you don't have the foresight to drive a car! Where are you driving the car?"

    "A baggage truck broke down ahead and the road is blocked! Come here with some strong men. Move the goods on the truck and clear the road!"

    The cold neck protector tightened around Meng Ju's neck, making him unable to breathe. The cold rain soaked in through the gaps in the armor. His clothes were drenched by the spring rain, and the sweat came out and dried up.  When the cold wind blew, the coldness simply penetrated into the bones.

    Meng Ju looked up at the gray sky in despair, feeling extremely depressed - even though he knew it would be rainy in spring, it couldn't be like this, right?  Since the army entered Jizhou, it has rained every day, and it rained continuously for eleven days.  The official road in Jizhou was in a state of ruin due to continuous troops passing by. After eleven consecutive days of this, the road simply turned into a mud road.

    Lifting the cover of his armor, Meng Ju wiped the rain off his face, and shouted hoarsely: "Send someone to ask Wang Hu in front, has the leader found a camping spot? Find the camping spot, hurry up  Pay back!¡±

    A guard came out in response, striding forward through muddy water that was deep and shallow, but soon, he ran back "spiking" and splashed muddy water all over the ground: "Town Superintendent  , Commander Wang from the former army has arrived!"

    Brigadier Wang Hu had a bare head and no helmet. The rainwater was flowing down his curly yellow hair. A few strands of wet hair were stuck to his forehead. He was breathing heavily. It was obvious that he had just been swimming so fast in the muddy water.  Running is also very difficult for him.

    The rain was so loud that Meng Ju shouted to Wang Hu with his throat raised: "Huzi, is there a place to camp ahead? We can't go any further on this road today. If we continue, we will have to fall ill and lie down halfway!"

    "Governor, we have searched all the way. There are no people around along the road. There is an abandoned village three miles away. The terrain there is higher. It seems that we can barely camp."

    "Abandoned Zhuangzi? How many houses are there that can accommodate our troops?"

    "I took a look and found that there were only about a hundred houses, but they had been abandoned for a long time. Many houses had collapsed with only two walls left"

    "That won't work. We have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, how can this house be enough? - Where is the nearest county seat ahead?"

     "Township Supervisor, the nearest one is Puyi County, which is more than ten miles away from us. I'm afraid we won't be able to make it there today"

    "We have to rush there no matter what! We have been trekking for half a day on a rainy day. If we camp in the open air at night in the rain, half of us will be sick when we wake up tomorrow! Send the order and speed up the pace. When we arrive in Puyi County, everyone will drink hot soup.  Hot food, big steamed buns warmed by the kang, and rest for three days! Everyone, just work harder and get through this journey. I keep my word!"

    When the order was passed, there was a cheer in the queue, and the tired sergeants obviously accelerated their pace.  Fortunately, Meng Ju's luck was not bad. After noon, the rain finally stopped, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

    After a whole day of trekking, before dark in the afternoon, the outline of the city was finally seen in front of us, and the exhausted Chinese army burst into warm cheers.  It was getting dark, and Meng Ju walked exhaustedly to the city gate, stepping on muddy water that was deep and shallow. Wang Hu and others from the vanguard were already waiting for him there with torches.

    ¡°Supervisor, you¡¯ve had a hard journey.¡±

    "Fortunately, everyone worked hard and finally arrived before dark. We don't have to camp in the wild tonight."

    Meng Ju wiped his face and felt cold all over.  My hands and feet were so stiff that I couldn't feel anything.  He looked at the dark city and the dark houses, and asked: "Have the former troops seen the city? What is the situation in the city? Is there anyone inhabited?"

    "Governor, when we arrived, there were still people in the city. But when they saw the soldiers and horses approaching, they scattered and fled. Now it is an empty city."

    "You must restrain your troops and horses, maintain strict military discipline, and do not cause trouble and harass the local area. If you encounter civilians, you must comfort them and do not abuse them - the people of Jizhou are miserable and have been ruined by the border troops. Let's not give them snow.  Adding insult to injury.¡±

    Several generals obeyed the orders.  When the frontier troops moved south, Jizhou, as a resisting state and county, was brutally purged.  The last time Meng Ju went south, they had passed through Puyi County. At that time, the city had been abandoned, and the streets were full of dead people's bones.  It's been so long.  The city finally gathered some people again, but when they saw more troops coming from the north, the residents of the city dispersed in droves.

    Meng Ju¡¯s Chinese army was stationed in the old county government office in the county. The soldiers straightened their muddy military uniforms and leather boots, and hurriedly cleaned out a few clean rooms.  But Meng Ju didn't go into his room to rest.  He led a few soldiers and held torches to inspect several campsites where soldiers and horses were camped.  Then, he ran to the baggage team and led the soldiers to help set up the stove and cook the ginger soup. He took a big spoon to help distribute the ginger soup to the sergeants.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? of Officers and soldiers who saw the Governor working in person, and dividing the soup, the officers and soldiers who received the soup, looked very surprised, and looked at Meng Ju with strange eyes - Meng Ju could not tell whether it was a look of gratitude or ridicule.

    Meng Ju knew that if it were Murong or the children of the military family of the Tuoba family, they would definitely have better and more skillful methods of running the army. The governor of the six towns lowered his stature to win over the morale of the army, just as the sages said: "  "A small benefit cannot reach the masses." This method is too clumsy, and a discerning person can see the purpose at a glance.

    But the problem is that Meng Ju, who was just an otaku in his previous life, really didn¡¯t have much idea about how to command and manage a force of tens of thousands of soldiers, how to make tens of thousands of soldiers return to their cause, and build the loyalty and cohesion of the army.  Based on his poor knowledge, he can usually only try to do these few things: not withholding or arrears military pay, giving fair rewards, impartial military law, being reasonable and reasonable, keeping his words, not beating or scolding his subordinates at will, and hitting as many times as possible  The troops understand the sufferings of the soldiers - there is only so much that Meng Ju can do.

    As for the effect of this, Meng Ju felt quite good. At least his subordinates seemed to be very loyal to him - but he did not have much confidence, because in the history books, before the fall of Emperor Sui Yang, who had rebelled against his relatives, his subordinates seemed to be very loyal to him.  Also very loyal.

    After struggling for more than an hour at the place where the baggage team unloaded clothes and pushed food, Meng Jucai dragged his heavy steps back to the Zhongjun County Yamen.  In the front hall of the county government office, Wang Hu, Xu Haojie, Qi Peng, Jiang Hai and other generals were already waiting. They came to report on the status of their respective troops.

    After spending half an hour, Meng Ju listened to the report of his subordinates with a candle.  He frowned slightly: after marching in rainy weather for half a month, the Central Army suffered a large attrition without much fighting.  Due to various reasons such as acclimatization, typhoid fever, wind-cold, and epidemic diseases, the number of sick people in the army has exceeded 500 so far.  With so many sick people, the army's forward speed has been severely weakened.

    Governor Jianghai said bluntly: "Look at the weather, it will continue to rain in the next few days. Governor we can't leave before the end of the rainy season. If we continue like this for ten more days, our troops will not leave Jizhou."  The reduction in staff is about to be half."

    Meng JuyaoHead: "We must continue to move forward." He raised his head and saw the disappointment on the faces of his subordinates. He said earnestly: "We can rest for three days, and then we must continue walking - we have to get to Jizhou, Jizhou  It is too desolate to support our entire army. We have to leave Jizhou and find a populated place to station ourselves, so that we can replenish food and grass."

    The discussion went on until late at night, and the generals dispersed. Before Meng Ju could change out of his wet military robe, the soldiers came again to report that Mr. Wen was here.

    Meng Ju was so tired that his bones ached, but he still went out and welcomed him in.

    The army had also trudged in mud and water for a day, and Mr. Wen also looked very tired, but he had a carriage to ride in, so he was still much better than Meng Ju who walked on two legs.

    "I came here late at night to disturb my lord's rest."

    ¡°It¡¯s okay, sir, please sit down. What¡¯s important?¡±

    "Walking on the road today, I saw the barren land and bare bones in the urban and rural areas, and Wen felt something in his heart. He couldn't sleep at night, so he came here specially to disturb the lord."

    Meng Ju smiled bitterly, and murmured in his heart: Wasn't the tragic disaster in Jizhou the good deeds done by the frontier army back then?  At that time, you were working as an aide beside Tuoba Xiong.  If you want to talk about this, it must have something to do with you. What are you feeling now?

    I could see that Meng Ju had a strange expression.  Mr. Wen had already guessed the reason, and he sighed: "Governor, Wen did his best to dissuade the tragic disaster in Jizhou. But the marshal was too angry at the time and insisted on having his own way, but Wen was helpless - such brutal killings  It is too harmful to the peace of the world and loses the support of the people. In the future, the marshal may not be able to escape disaster."

    "Family and country rise and fall. People are in trouble, and it has been like this since ancient times. Mr. Wen came to me late at night"

    "My lord, seeing Jizhou, Wen suddenly thought of something - it is already March, but there are frequent wars in the north, and wars are everywhere. This year's spring sowing in various places in the Wei Dynasty will probably be delayed. Agricultural and food matters  It is related to the foundation of the country. My lord must make plans in advance."

    Meng Ju nodded. He remembered that in his previous life, when commenting on the Three Kingdoms period, someone said a very insightful saying: "At the beginning of the Three Kingdoms, the warlords competed to see who could kill better; later, everyone competed to see who could survive better."

    "Sir's reminder is very reasonable. I have already been preparing for this. When we were merging the state, I had ordered all the troops and the government to supervise and organize spring plowing without delaying the season."

    Meng Ju said, feeling guilty himself: the affairs of the newly occupied states and counties were complicated, and his subordinate Qiu Ba was good at killing people, but when it came to farming and mulberry farming in a down-to-earth manner, how could they have the patience.

    In the final analysis, we still have to rely on local civil servants to persuade farmers to work. But the problem is that the territory under our jurisdiction is rapidly expanding, and the local system is in a mess. The civil servants are all old officials of the Wei Dynasty who have joined us, and many of the newly occupied  Meng Ju couldn't even remember the names of the governors or chief envoys of the prefectures and counties.  In this precarious and chaotic situation, expecting local civil servants to actively supervise and organize farming is almost like an idiot's dream. The effect of his order is probably comparable to the power of a fart.

    Mr. Wen smiled implicitly and said: "My lord has prepared for rainy days and has far-reaching thoughts. I admire him, but I am worried that the generals are focused on military affairs and will not pay too much attention to civil affairs, so the effect is difficult to guarantee. The issue of grain storage is related to  The foundation of the country must not be ignored, my lord."

    ?You can tell by looking at Mr. Wen¡¯s confident and sullen look, this guy must be holding some idea in his stomach to offer a treasure.  Meng Ju was so exhausted after crawling in muddy water for a day that he had no time to play serious with Mr. Wen. He said bluntly: "Sir, you are very worried. Food is related to the national economy. I am also deeply worried about this. I think you must have a clever idea."  Offer me?"

    Seeing that Meng Ju was a little impatient, Mr. Wen didn't dare to sell things anymore. He said solemnly: "My lord, the world is in chaos and there are frequent wars. People all over the country have left their hometowns to flee and have no intention of farming. According to the student's simple opinion, we can solve the problem.  There is only one way, and that is the military camp."

    "Juntun?" Meng Ju's eyes flashed, he stood up suddenly, struck with both palms, and shouted: "Juntun!"

    According to history books, the benefits of military settlements are endless, such as quickly restoring productivity, restoring social order, and recruiting refugees.  .  .  Historically, Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms relied on his military garrison to have a steady stream of supplies, and he killed all the heroes in the north and south of the country.  In troubled times, the word "juntun" is simply an invincible weapon for warlords to fight for hegemony!

    "My lord, the purpose of military settlement is"

    "I know, the army is here to clear up wasteland and grow food! Mr. Wen, this is a great idea! That's great!"

    Mr. Wen was stunned. He was originally prepared to spend a lot of time introducing the benefits of the military camp in detail and persuading Meng Ju to accept it. Unexpectedly, the main??So smart, the lord immediately understood it as soon as he said his name - the lord is smart, it is really a gift from heaven!

    "Juntun is not only for the army to farm land, but also for the army to recruit refugees to open up wasteland and farm land. In fact, students had this idea when they were in northern Xinjiang, but at that time, the conditions were not very suitable Uh.  It wasn¡¯t until we got to Jizhou that the students had ideas.¡±

    Mr. Wen was hesitant, but Meng Ju didn't point it out: he understood what Mr. Wen meant that it was difficult to explain, and the military settlement was not something that could be built just by thinking about it.  In order to establish a military settlement, two conditions must be met: first, there is a large amount of surplus agricultural labor, and second, a large amount of spare farmland is needed.

    The labor force is easy to talk about. Now that the world is in chaos, it is easy to recruit refugees. As long as you can afford to support them, you can recruit hundreds of thousands.  But a large amount of farmland is not so easy to find. In Meng Ju's base camp: Northern Xinjiang and Shuozhou, it has not been affected by the war.  The people there are still living and working in peace and contentment, and Meng Ju cannot seize the grain fields that the people are cultivating and use them as military garrison land.

    But in Jizhou, when the border troops went south, they killed all the people in Jizhou.  Only a large area of ??white land was left - which means that almost the entire cultivated land in Jizhou was ownerless and was left to Meng Ju's disposal.

    Meng Ju and Mr. Wen looked at each other.  Communicating with eyes: "Tuoba Xiong did a lot of mischief, but he did a good thing. Without him slaughtering all the people in Jizhou, how could there be such a large area of ??empty grain fields for military camps?" - But this is too much.  It was too painful for both of them to express their feelings.

    Excited, Meng Ju paced back and forth in the room quickly. He stopped and looked at Mr. Wen with bright eyes: "Can you take charge of the military camp for me?"

    Mr. Wen shook his head resolutely: "I'm afraid it's inappropriate. Students only know how to talk. They are not good at practical work. With such a heavy responsibility, students dare not accept it rashly, so as not to delay the master's plan. However, master, the student can recommend you a good job."  If a member of the Communist Party of China takes charge of this matter, he will definitely be able to achieve full success."

    "Who? Tell me!"

    "Governor Jiang Hai from Chicheng. Governor Jiang is smart and capable. He is very good at both military and political affairs. He is both civil and military and good at overall planning. The students feel that if a military camp is to be started in Jizhou, Governor Jiang is the most suitable host.  .¡±

    Meng Ju¡¯s eyes flashed¡ªMr. Wen¡¯s eyes were too poisonous.  He had only joined the Dongping Army a few days ago. He was usually quiet, but he could see everything clearly.

    Meng Ju pondered for a moment and nodded: "What Mr. Jiang said is true. Governor Jiang is smart and capable, and is proficient in both literature, Taoism and military strategy. He is indeed the best person to preside over military affairs. But the problem is that Governor Jiang has been appointed as the Governor of Chicheng.  That is an important front line to resist the Northern Demon, and Governor Jiang is inseparable from there." - As he spoke, Meng Ju himself felt guilty: Did Jiang Hai, the nominal Governor of Chicheng, have the opportunity to work in Chicheng for half a day?

    "Students also know that Governor Jiang is the lord's right-hand man and is deeply trusted by him. If it is a trivial matter, the students would not dare to bother him. But military affairs are related to our army's overall plan. Good steel must be used on the edge of the blade.  If we want to implement it smoothly, it must be chaired by a capable and important person like Governor Jiang!"

    Listening to Mr. Wen¡¯s sarcastic remarks in a serious manner, Meng Ju almost didn¡¯t laugh out loud.  He suppressed his laughter and said with the same serious attitude: "Since Mr. said so I have no choice but to bear with the overall situation, so I can only bear the pain and give up."

    Mr. Wen smiled, stood up and bowed deeply: "My lord has made a wise decision, and the military camp will produce food. In the future, there will be countless people alive. This is the blessing of all the people in the world, and it is also the blessing of the lord - my lord, the governor of Jiang will be sent from Chicheng."  The governor has been transferred to the post of chief envoy to Jizhou, specializing in military affairs. What do you think, my lord?"

    "Sir's plan is a great one, that's it!"


    The next morning, Meng Ju summoned Jiang Hai.  In front of Jiang Hai, he puffed up his cheeks and first gave a terrifying prediction of future famine, and then vigorously advocated the benefits and importance of military camps - in short, military camps are related to the life and death of the Dongping Army and the well-being of all people in the world.  It cannot be overemphasized.

    "The country is unstable without food, and the army is insecure without food. I don't need to tell you, Governor Jiang, to understand this. Nowadays, the Wei Dynasty has been experiencing wars for many years, farmers have abandoned their hometowns, and fertile fields have been abandoned. If no effective measures are taken, famine will definitely occur in the future.  .

    The issue of military settlements is imperative for the benefit of the country and the people. I intend to implement military settlements in Jizhou, but I still lack a capable person to take charge of this matter. Governor Jiang is both civil and military and has a unique vision. Is there any good candidate for me?  Recommended?  "

    When Meng Ju was talking, Jiang Hai had been listening quietly. His eyes were bright and his brows were slightly furrowed, looking very attentive.

    After Meng Ju finished speaking, he stood up solemnly: "What the Governor said is true. The military garrison is related to the overall situation of our army. It is true."?Not to be ignored.  Please forgive me for being arrogant. I realize that I have little experience and little confidence in government affairs.  If the Grand Governor allows it, I will be willing to recommend myself to take on this responsibility.  "

    Jiang Hai volunteered, which made Meng Ju relieved.  He said a few polite words, saying that a helpful person like Governor Jiang is indispensable. Without Governor Jiang by his side, he would be at a loss. However, for the sake of the overall situation and for the sake of all the people in the world, he had no choice but to release Governor Jiang to take charge of the matter.  .

    "I am pleased that Governor Jiang has such an ambition. From today on, Governor Jiang will no longer have to worry about other miscellaneous matters. The spring plowing season waits for no one. From today on, you will step down as Governor of Chicheng and concentrate on your work."  Regarding military affairs. Governor Jiang, you are hereby transferred to¡ª" Meng Ju pondered slightly: "¡ªto be transferred to the post of Governor of Jizhou and our army's military ambassador!"

    "Yes, thanks to the Governor for cultivating me!"

    "Okay, Governor Jiang, go down and prepare now. Make a plan as soon as possible. If you need the people, money, and materials, you can report directly to me. When the military camp is completed, Governor Jiang, you will have made great contributions to our army.  At that time, I will have another important responsibility for you."

    "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your help! Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, I will carry out this matter as soon as possible and do my best so that our army will no longer have to worry about hunger - I will retire now."

    Jiang Hai said goodbye excitedly. Looking at his back, Meng Ju's eyes were very complicated.

    Last night, Mr. Wen¡¯s suggestion was to transfer Jiang Hai to Jizhou Chief Envoy, remove his military post, and completely cut off his opportunity to intervene in military power.  But today, Jiang Hai's attitude was so good. He took the initiative to ask for help and had a respectful attitude. This made Meng Ju really unable to reveal the appointment of the Chief Envoy - after all, the other party was a veteran of the Dongping Army and had been following him for a long time.  , has always had merits and demerits, and he has a cooperative attitude and takes the initiative to ask for help. If he demoted him without any reason, it would be unjustifiable and would inevitably make his subordinates feel cold.

    "It's just, Jiang Hai, what is he thinking in his heart?"

    Thinking about Jiang Hai's expression when he left, Meng Ju was really curious.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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