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Text Two Hundred and Ninety-One Accident

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    "Governor Meng of Northern Xinjiang?"

    Ye Canaan looked at his father in surprise.  Previously, Ye Jianying mentioned Murong Yi and Murong Nan. Although it was not to her liking, the Murong family had always been on good terms with the Ye family. It was reasonable to mention them. However, Governor Meng of Northern Xinjiang was a person whom she had only met twice.  .  .  .  Why did daddy suddenly mention him?

    Ye Jianan remembered that when he first met Meng Ju, the northern Xinjiang general cried and said something he couldn't understand, which made him panic and embarrassed, but Ye Jianan didn't hate him - in  At that moment, she was moved by the sincerity and affection shown by Governor Meng.  She knew that Governor Meng was a sincere, kind and emotional young man.

    Although he was a military general at the frontier, Governor Meng was not rude, but rather gentle and gentle.  Last time, she took the Mengjue Master at home to arrest him. When the two sides faced off, she was not afraid at all when standing in front of him. Instead, she felt at ease - she had a feeling that the man in front of her was.  You will never hurt yourself.

    Spend your life with such a person.  .  .  Doesn't it seem like a nuisance?

    Ye Canan lowered her eyes and said softly: "My daughter is not familiar with Governor Meng Da, but she feels that he is not a bad person. In short, my daughter's affairs are entirely up to my father."

    Ye Jianxin said nothing and looked at his daughter with a smile.  Under her father's piercing gaze, Ye Canan blushed. She did not dare to raise her head to look at her father, and said softly: "Daddy~"

    "Okay. Dad knows and knows what to do."

    Looking at his daughter¡¯s shy smile, Ye Jianxin sighed in his heart: Meng Ju, you are such a lucky guy!

    Ye Jianxin is waiting to speak.  His eyes flashed, and he saw Uncle Xu walking from the edge of the woods, standing still and looking at him from a distance.

    Ye Jianxin waved.  Signaling Uncle Xu to come closer: "Uncle Xu, is there something wrong?"

    Xu Bowei approached tremblingly.  He bowed and saluted: "Master, Miss, I'm sorry to bother you. Master, a guest is here."

    Ye Jianxin raised his eyebrows: "Are there guests?" - Uncle Xu was not a confused person. If he were not an important person, he would not come over and interrupt his conversation rashly.

    Uncle Xu¡¯s expression was slightly serious: ¡°Yes, young master. Someone is coming from the south.¡±

    "People from the south?" Ye Jianxin raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Ye Canan.  Ye Canan stood up sensibly: "Dad and Uncle Xu are discussing important matters. My daughter will go back to study first."

    "Okay, Nan'er, don't be too nervous while studying. If you're tired, go take a rest and take a walk in the garden."

    Watching his daughter's back disappear at the end of the woods, Ye Jianxin turned back to face Uncle Xu. At this time, his expression had returned to his calm composure: "Is there someone from the Southern Dynasty? Is it still the girl from the Shen family?  ?¡±

    "Young Master. She is not a young lady from the Shen family - nor from Beifu."

    Ye Jianxin stopped and looked at Uncle Xu with a frown: "They are not from Beifu? What do they do?"

    "There were three of them, and one of them showed his belt. He was a fifth-grade guerrilla general from the Jiangdu Forbidden Army of the Southern Dynasty. The old slave looked at it, and there was another person with a pale face and no beard. He looked like a chamberlain in the palace. The others  The identity of the person is not known yet. They said they had important matters and asked to see you, Master, but they refused to say anything. The old slave doesn¡¯t look like they are fake. "

    Ye Jianxin knew that Uncle Xu was a high-level Mingjue master, good at fighting Mingjue and deceiving people. He had special attainments in discerning lies, and few people could lie to him.  Since he said that the identity of the other party does not seem to be fake, it is almost certain.

    The person who came was not from the Beifu but from the Jiangdu Forbidden Army. From the perspective of ordinary people, this was an ordinary thing - they were all from the Southern Dynasty government anyway, but Ye Jianxin knew that there was something unusual about it.

    For three hundred years, the official statement of the North and the South was that "Hu and Han were not at odds with each other." They never recognized each other's regime and did not interact with each other. However, there was a special case: Ye, the imperial advisor of the Wei Dynasty and the ancestor of the Ye family.  Qinghuai was the mentor of Shen Tiance, the founder of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This was something that everyone at the top of the Northern and Southern Dynasties knew.  Because of this special origin, the Ye family and the Shen family have maintained contact and exchanges for generations. In view of the Shen family's special status in Beifu, it actually means that the Ye family has maintained communication and contact with Beifu in the Southern Dynasties.

    Regarding this kind of private communication, the Northern Wei Dynasty court has been pretending to be deaf and dumb: firstly, the Ye family is very powerful, and Master Mingjue has an important status, so there is no need to fall out with the Ye family over such trivial matters; secondly, there is this  The channel is there, and it can help the court convey some official words that are difficult to export to the south - the two major intelligence agencies, such as Beifu and Donglingwei, have a communication channel with each other, which can also reduce their respective misjudgments and avoid some unnecessary disputes.  rushIt is good for everyone to avoid accidents and casualties.

    Therefore, it is not unusual for Beifu officials or direct descendants of the Shen family to appear in Ye Mansion. The Ye family has long been accustomed to it, but it is not them who appear now. Ye Jianxin knew there was something fishy as soon as he heard it. No wonder Xu  Bert came specially to inform himself.

    "I have no contact with the Jiangdu Forbidden Army. What do these people want from me?"

    Ye Jianxin walked back to the main hall. When he saw him coming in, several people sitting in the hall stood up.  Ye Jianxin glanced at everyone, walked over and sat down on the main seat. He didn't say anything, just looked at the guests. An invisible pressure enveloped the whole place. Under his indifferent gaze, everyone in the hall was stunned.  It is quite uncomfortable to have one's hands tied and one's feet tied.

    "I am Ye Jianxin." Ye Jianxin's voice was flat and without any fluctuations: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

    There were three visitors in total. A tall man sitting among them stood up and saluted: "I have heard about Mr. Ye for a long time, and we are really honored to meet you today. We are uninvited guests who came here in a reckless way. A certain person named Xiao  , named Tiange, serves as a guerrilla general in the Jiangdu Forbidden Army. These two are my companions, this is Lord Su Mo Yusu, the Attendant of Chongming Palace, and this is Eunuch Cao Renshan, the eunuch in charge of Yangxin Palace."

    Ye Jianxin raised his eyebrows: the three people in front of him were of high status, but he was used to seeing high-ranking officials and royal families.  I don't think it's unusual, but their combination is a bit strange: one is a general of the Forbidden Army, one is a civil servant next to the emperor, and the other is a chamberlain in the palace - such three unrelated people come together.  What could it be?

    "It turns out they are nobles from the Southern Dynasty. I'm disrespectful. It's a stormy autumn in the North now, and the three of you have come all the way. You've had a hard time on the road. The three of you have come all the way to see Ye. You must have something important to do, right? You might as well just say it.  .¡±

    "Mr. Ye speaks quickly. So I can speak frankly." The person who spoke was the attendant named Su. He was young, with a long beard on his chin. His appearance was quite elegant, and his voice was unhurried and clear, clear and sweet.

    He cupped his hands to the south and said, "Mr. Ye is the pillar of the North Country. His Majesty has heard of Mr. Ye's reputation for a long time. Today I am here to bring His Majesty's greetings and greetings to Mr. Ye. Your Majesty wishes Mr. Ye good health.  All goes well.¡±

    "I have never had any contact with His Majesty Renxing, and I have long admired His Majesty's reputation. His Majesty's ambitions, military preparations, and martial arts domineering far exceed those of previous generations - Ye also wishes His Majesty a prosperous military career, and that he will rule Yunei as soon as possible."  The world."

    Su Shidu smiled gently: "Mr. Ye has been in the north for a long time and doesn't know much about the Tang Dynasty. He only heard rumors, so some misunderstandings are normal. My emperor is generous and kind by nature, and the Zhang family in Shu was tyrannical and unjust.  , the people of Sichuan have been suffering for a long time. My emperor sympathizes with the suffering of the people of Sichuan and wants to relieve the suffering of the people of Sichuan. To punish the people, we have to use the army as a last resort. Please don't misunderstand this point, Mr. Ye."

    Ye Jianxin said calmly: "Mr. Su, you are really good at speaking."

    There was a hint of sarcasm in Ye Jianxin's words, suggesting that Su Moyu was lying, and the other party couldn't help but blush slightly, and was speechless for a moment.

    "We are here to discuss something important with Mr. Ye. This matter is of great importance. I hope that Mr. Ye will keep it a secret and not spread it outside"

    Su Shidu stopped talking and looked at the servants standing in the hall. Ye Jian knew what he meant. He thought for a moment and waved the servants away, leaving Uncle Xu behind.

    "Ye can guarantee that there will be no one else within thirty steps outside the hall. This Uncle Xu is an old man who has been with me for thirty years and can be absolutely trusted. Mr. Su, feel free to speak out if you have anything to say."

    Several people from the Southern Dynasty looked at each other, and Su Shi nodded and said: "Mr. Ye is quick to speak, so we can get straight to the point. I have heard for a long time that Mr. Ye's daughter, Miss Ye Zijun, is beautiful, gentle and virtuous, and is a rare beauty in the world.  This - I take the liberty of asking to see Miss Ye, sir, and I beg your permission."

    Ye Jianxin raised his eyebrows and his face suddenly changed color.  It was quite rude to meet several Southern Dynasty officials for the first time, but they didn't know whether they were friends or foes, so they had to meet their own female relatives.  If it weren't for Ye Jianxin's deep nature, someone else would have exploded on the spot.

    Seeing Ye Jianxin¡¯s gloomy expression, several officials from the Southern Dynasties were also worried.  The chamberlain, Eunuch Cao, who had been silent until now, shouted in a high voice: "Mr. Ye, please don't get angry. We also know that this matter is abrupt, but it is indeed for a reason. We did not mean to offend you."

    "What's the reason?"

    "It's not easy to say now. After meeting Miss Ye, our family will naturally make it clear to Mr. Ye. Think about it, Mr. Ye, our family is all prisoners. Mr. Ye, has he ever heard that there are people in the world?  A eunuch who lusts after women?

    If the three of us had nothing important to do, why would we risk our lives and travel thousands of miles to tease Ling Qianjin?  If there is no reason, we come to Ye Mansion to tease YeSir, do you think you are tired of living?  "

    Ye Jianxin looked at the several visitors coldly. Under his stern gaze, several visitors from the Southern Dynasties seemed a little embarrassed, but no one avoided his gaze.

    Ye Jianxin was surprised - the Southern Dynasty was very particular about etiquette, but several Southern Dynasty officials came to his house and wanted to see their daughter. Why didn't they look guilty at all?

    Is there really any reason why it doesn¡¯t work?

    Ye Jianxin looked at everyone, and finally, he said calmly: "Eunuch Cao is right, you have come all the way, and I don't think you came here intentionally to play tricks on Ye. That's fine, I can do what you want, but you must remember,  You still owe Ye an explanation for this matter¡ªUncle Xu, please call Miss over."

    "Yes, Master."

    Ye Canaan came over quickly: "Father, are you looking for me?"

    "Come, Mr. Zi, come here -" Ye Jianxin waved Ye Jianan over, and said pleasantly: "This Mr. Xiao, Mr. Su and Mr. Cao are all friends of my father. They came all the way to visit my father. It's very special."  You have a heart. Please say hello to the elders on behalf of your father."

    Ye Canaan obeyed the order and turned around.  Yingying bowed her knees to several Southern Dynasty officials and said Wanfu salute: "Uncle Xiao is well, my niece is polite."

    "Uncle Su is well, and my niece is polite."

    "Uncle Cao is well, and my niece is polite."

    ?Looking at Ye Canaan¡¯s beautiful face.  His demeanor was dignified and his behavior was courteous. Several officials from the Southern Dynasties showed admiration in their eyes.  They stood up and returned the greeting politely.  Lian said: "Ms. Ye is too polite to be polite."

    My daughter is well mannered.  He was gentle and generous, and did not disgrace the Ye family in front of outsiders. Ye Jianxin was very satisfied. He said: "Okay, Zijun, you can go down and rest. My father and some gentlemen have something to discuss."

    "Yes. Dad, uncles. My niece will leave first."

    Ye Canan left the hall, and no one in the hall spoke.  Ye Jianxin watched coldly, waiting for the other party to give a reasonable explanation.  He felt that after meeting Ye Canan, several Southern Dynasty officials seemed to be relieved and relieved.

    Several Southern Dynasty officials did not speak immediately. They communicated with their eyes and winked for a while.

    Su Shidu looked like the leader. He looked at the chamberlain: "Eunuch Cao, what do you say?"

    Eunuch Cao bowed and said, "Our family has no objections. Master Su can just make the decision."

    Su Shidu looked at the Forbidden Army general surnamed Xiao again. Before he could ask questions, the guerrilla Xiao Tiange had already expressed his stance: "A certain family also thinks it's very good. Everything is decided by the adults."

    Su Shi read and nodded slightly.  At this moment, his expression became very solemn.  He solemnly asked Ye Jianxin: "Mr. Ye, I would like to ask again, how old is Ling Qianjin now?"

    Ye Jianxin pondered slightly and said: "Zi Jun is about twenty this year Mr. Su, what do you mean by caring so much about my little girl?"

    "The age is also very suitable. Mr. Ye, now that the matter has come to an end, let me speak openly. We have come with the emperor's orders and were entrusted by a nobleman of the Tang Dynasty to come to the north to consult with Mr. Ye. In fact, we are doing it for the Ye family.  The lady said a matchmaker is here."

    Ye Jianxin nodded slowly: In fact, he had already guessed it when the three of them insisted on seeing Ye Canan in person.  He looked at the three people in front of him: one was a general of the Forbidden Army, one was a chamberlain in the palace, and one was a close minister of the emperor. With such a matchmaking lineup, who was the nobleman who wanted to marry Ye Canaan?  It's about to come out.

    Ye Jianxin said calmly: "Master Su, you might as well say it clearly. Which nobleman in the Southern Dynasty favored the little girl?"

    "Mr. Ye has inquired, and I dare not hide it: the one who appreciates Ling Qianjin is none other than His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty intends to marry Ling Qianjin and treat her as the royal palace. What do you think of Mr. Ye?"

    "But His Majesty Renxing?"

    "It is your Majesty. Your Majesty has only just established this year, and the position of the Empress of the Palace is still vacant. I have heard for a long time that your daughter is dignified in appearance, gentle and virtuous, and knowledgeable in books and etiquette. Your Majesty has been in love with her for a long time, so you sent us as an envoy to propose marriage.  Mr. Ye, being able to marry the royal family is a rare opportunity, so please cherish it."

    Ye Jianxin sat upright, with a straight waist and tight lips.  He didn't speak, and stared calmly out the window in front of him, as if in a daze.

    There was silence in the hall for a long time, and Ye Jianxin sighed lowly: "It is really an honor for the Ye family to be valued by His Majesty for the beauty of my daughter Pu Liu. But currently, the Southern Tang and the Northern Wei are still at war, and the Ye family is the Duke of the Wei Dynasty.  , has been deeply favored by the country for generations, and if His Majesty wants to marry his daughter, there are too many obstacles"

    The three Southern Dynasty officials¡¯ eyes lit up and their faces showed joy.  Ye Jianxin did not refuse, but said:"There are too many obstacles" which leaves room for negotiation.

    Su Shidu said in a deep voice: "We also know a little bit about Mr. Ye's situation. Now that the Northern Kingdom is exhausted, the Xianbei chieftains are not yet aware of the disaster that is coming. Tuoba and the two families are torn apart, killing each other, and leaving a mess of casualties - don't be afraid  Let Mr. Ye know that our Northern Expedition King's Division has fully prepared troops and supplies, and our elite soldiers are ready for battle day and night. As soon as the King's Division arrives, we will sweep away all the barbarians and ugly people just like the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves. Xianbei in the north has no time left.  too much.

    Mr. Ye, you are from a Chinese family, why should you be buried with these Xianbei remnants?  If the Duke is willing to marry his daughter to Your Majesty, our Tang Dynasty will also recognize your title in the Northern Dynasty.  You were a duke family in the Northern Dynasty, and you are also a hereditary duke family in the Tang Dynasty. We in the Tang Dynasty will still grant you land and people. Of course, if Ling Qianjin can give birth to a prince with your majesty, then  As a descendant of our Tang Dynasty, the Ye family is one with the country and has shared wealth and glory from generation to generation.  "

    Ye Jianxin narrowed his eyes: "Master Su, what you just said. But did your Majesty mean it?"

    The three Southern Dynasty officials all nodded in unison, with a very firm attitude: "Mr. Ye, please rest assured, this is what His Majesty told us personally before leaving. His Majesty said that Mr. Ye has a foothold in the Dynasty of Wolf and Tiger with the blood of Yanhan. The situation is very difficult.  , sometimes it is inevitable to treat the Xianbei people in vain and do something against their will. There is no other way. Your Majesty promises that no matter what faults or even sins you have had in the past, after the marriage, they will all be written off and Datang will not pursue them.  .¡±

    Ye Jianxin lowered his eyes slightly. After a while, he opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Does your Majesty's words have an imperial edict?"

    Su Moyu said frankly: "This is His Majesty's oral edict. There is no handwritten edict. Because the road is far away and it is an enemy-occupied area, we dare not carry the written edict for fear that the secret will be leaked if lost."

    But please rest assured, Mr. Ye, Eunuch Cao is an old man who serves Your Majesty. He served Your Majesty when Your Majesty was still in the East Palace; and this General Xiao is a tiger minister who has saved Your Majesty and has won His Majesty's trust.  Although our humble names are insignificant, we are the three of us who serve as advisors to His Majesty on daily affairs.  Mr. Ye only needs to send someone to make some inquiries and he will know.  We are all His Majesty's close ministers, and the three of us have come together, determined not to overreach our purpose. Please rest assured, Master, on this point.  "

    Ye Jianxin looked at Uncle Xu in front of him.  But the latter nodded solemnly and whispered: "Master, they are telling the truth But you still have to be cautious."

    Ye Jianxin understood what Uncle Xu meant: Su Shidu was telling the truth, which meant that Emperor Renxing of the Southern Tang Dynasty had indeed made such a promise to him.

    Seeing that Ye Jianxin was silent, Su Shidu said in a deep voice: "His majesty's golden words and his promises are known to the whole world. Is there anything Mr. Ye is worried about?"

    Ye Jianxin laughed "Hey" but said nothing - it is still unknown how trustworthy Emperor Renxing is.  But even if he is really an honest gentleman who makes a lot of money, no one can say how effective this kind of "oral edict" that has never been implemented in the imperial edict and has not been made public is, and whether Emperor Renxing will keep his promise in the future.  Oh no.

    "Ye is already aware of what the three adults have said, and I deeply appreciate His Majesty's grace. However, this matter is so important that it is difficult to make a decision at the moment. I would like to ask you to please give me a few days of grace to allow Ye to discuss it with his family.  How about replying?"

    "This is what it should be. How about we say goodbye for now and come back to visit Mr. Ye tomorrow and listen to his reply then?"

    Ye Jianxin tried his best to persuade him to stay, saying that there was turmoil outside and rebels were everywhere.  If you come from the Southern Dynasty, you may be disturbed by the chaos.  He asked the three of them to stay in Ye Mansion first so that they could discuss matters more conveniently.

    But the envoys of the Southern Dynasties were very firm and insisted on leaving. Ye Jianxin had no choice but to send them to the door.  When leaving, Su Shidu stopped and looked at Ye Jianxin: "Mr. Ye, before I leave, there is something I want to tell you."

    "Master Su, please speak."

    "Whether things succeed or not, I hope you will keep it a secret and don't spread it."

    Colluding and communicating with the Southern Tang Dynasty is an extremely confidential matter in itself, but this Su Shidu went out of his way to emphasize confidentiality again, which made Ye Jianxin a little strange.

    "Of course Ye knows about it. The Northern Wei Dynasty court will definitely not know about our discussion"

    "Mr. Ye, you don't understand what I mean. It goes without saying about Xianbei, but the key is not them. We also know that you often have contact with Beifu, but this matter must be kept confidential, especially to Beifu  .¡±

    Ye Jianxin was slightly surprised: "Even Beifu can't know?"

    Su Shi read togetherIn his ear, he whispered: "Mr. Ye, there are some things that we cannot explain too clearly. The government over there is also very complicated. If your marriage to His Majesty is successful, some people will be very unhappy and say  They may try to obstruct it, and then a good thing will have many complications

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Mr.  .  .  There is a saying that peers are enemies. Have you heard of it?  I'll take my leave now and won't send you off.  "

    Ye Jian suddenly realized: Just as the Ye family monopolized the training of Mingjue masters in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Shen family also single-handedly controlled most of the Mingjue masters in the Southern Tang Dynasty.  With the help of their control over Master Mengjue, the Shen family gained great power in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and their power remained unchanged for generations.

    But if the Ye family also invests in the Southern Tang Dynasty, it will inevitably form a new Mingjue master force and break the Shen family's exclusive control over the Mingjue master. This is definitely something the Shen family does not want to see. If they know this, they will definitely  To obstruct and destroy with all our strength.

    At this moment, Ye Jianxin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.  Now, the Northern Expedition has not yet begun, but Emperor Renxing of the Southern Dynasty is already planning for a balance in the government, and is considering the Ye family entering the Southern Dynasty to check and balance the Shen family. This kind of meticulous preparation for a rainy day cannot but be intimidating.  (To be continued)!  ~!

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