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Volume 1, Chapter 267: Going North (Part 2)

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    Two hundred and sixty-seven: Going North (Part 2)

    Meng Ju¡¯s army marched all the way in Jizhou. During the day, the army only saw that the villages and towns along the way had become uninhabited ghost lands. Only the dismal cries of crows echoed and bones were scattered all over the towns.  For fear of the spread of the disease, the army did not dare to enter the city and camped in the city. They only dared to camp and rest in the wilderness outside the city.  At night, seeing the will-o'-the-wisps glowing all over the city and the cold wind blowing, the soldiers felt their hairs standing on end and their whole bodies chilled even though they were in the most sunny military camp.

    But the desolation of Jizhou also has its advantages. Without the interference of local officials and the questioning of the garrison along the way, Meng Ju and his party felt more at ease and faster.  On August 2, the army left Jizhou and entered Zhongshan County.  The local officials of Zhongshan County were very sensible. When they saw Meng Ju's army of tens of thousands, they immediately offered a large sum of food, grass and money, and only asked Meng Ju not to enter the city when he was crossing the border.

    After receiving the local tribute, Meng Ju kept his word and restrained the troops. As expected, he made no mistakes all the way, which made the Zhongshan County Sheriff breath a sigh of relief.  In fact, he also knew that the soldiers and horses passing through the border no longer belonged to Emperor Tuoba's subordinates, but he was afraid - these rebel soldiers and horses had a notorious reputation. In Handan City, they killed Han  The whole family of the city magistrate burned the city to the ground with a fire. This gang of murderous gods even beat the famous general Hong Tianyi sent by the emperor's uncle to suppress him. He only had a few thousand rural soldiers in Handcheng, and he didn't even have a hundred battle armors.  If you can't get it together, what can you do to provoke them?

    As he was about to leave the provincial border of Zhongshan County, something surprising happened to Meng Ju.  A group of frontier cavalry caught up from behind and caught up with Meng Ju's team.  The leading officer claimed to be the messenger of Emperor Tuoba Xiong's uncle and asked to see Meng Ju, the governor of Northern Xinjiang.

    Meng Ju was not surprised that Tuoba Xiong could guess that he was the real controller of the rebels - there is no airtight wall in the world, and the conspiracy will eventually be exposed.  Although I have tried hard to cover it up, I still left too many flaws.  He intervened in the Jincheng War, Li Chimei's rebellion, Yi Xiaodao and other mutinous generals had a close relationship with him in Dongping, and Hong Tianyi's disastrous defeat on the outskirts of Hancheng - as long as a thoughtful person takes a closer look, it is not difficult to discover that he  traces.

    But now, Meng Ju is no longer very nervous about this.  He was already far away from Xiangzhou, and Tuoba Xiong couldn't catch up with him.  Moreover, after Hong Tianyi's defeat, the Northern Xinjiang king could not spare so many troops to pursue him. More importantly, Meng Ju was also curious, what did Tuoba Xiong say to him?

    The visiting officer was tall and thin, with a gentle temperament. He looked tired from the continuous journey and had a pleasant smile.  If it weren't for the military uniform, he would be more like a scholar than an officer. When they met, he kept staring at Meng Ju with curiosity in his eyes.

    Meng Ju looked him up and down and said, "Your official is very unfamiliar. Who is your Excellency?"

    "The last general is the camp clerk who joins the army of Qin Mu and meets the Grand Governor."

    "Oh, it turns out it's Qin Canjun. Nice to meet you. Qin Canjun is here to visit from afar. What's the point of doing that?"

    "The marshal heard that the eldest son stayed at the governor's place as a guest, which caused a lot of trouble to the governor. The eldest son was taken care of by the governor, and the marshal felt very sorry, so he specially sent his junior general to express his gratitude to the governor."

    Meng Ju tried hard to suppress the smile on his face. He admired the other party so much. He could tell lies more smoothly than the truth in such a serious manner. This really requires extraordinary self-cultivation and practice.

    He also responded seriously: "Marshal is too polite. Marshal is a highly respected senior in the military circles of Northern Xinjiang. It is my honor to be able to serve him. Such trivial matters are really not worth mentioning. Please also ask Qin  Join the army and report back to the marshal that your son is fine with me. He eats well and sleeps well, and is in good physical and mental health. Please don't worry about this, marshal."

    "The general will obey the instructions of the Grand Governor. According to the friendship between the Grand Governor and the marshal, the eldest son is no different from being at home with the Governor, and the marshal has nothing to worry about. However, the Governor also knows that a son can travel thousands of miles.  His mother is worried. The eldest son has been away from home for a long time. His mother - the marshal's wife Xi - misses her son day and night and has trouble sleeping and eating. Now she has become ill and is ill in bed. She hopes that the governor can have mercy.  The family relationship between mother and son, the eldest son"

    Meng Ju interrupted him and said in shock: "Mrs. Xi is actually sick? Oh, this is really incredible. Don't you know how serious the illness is?"

    "It's very serious. My wife has been without food and water for several days. Her pulse is like a thread and she is in danger. I also hope that the governor"

    "The disease is so serious. I wonder if you have invited a highly skilled doctor to diagnose you?"

    "Of course I invited the doctor, but the doctor said that for this kind of heart disease that is caused by worry, acupuncture is not very effective. The heart disease must be treated by the heart disease. The most important thing is the eldest son"

    "This doctor can't do it!" Meng Ju interrupted him again. He said in a decisive tone: "This doctor is obviously a quack. HeThis is a sign of poor medical skills and making excuses for oneself.

    In this way, when Qin joined the army, I helped the marshal to introduce a good doctor. He was at No. 2 Nanli, Section 5, in the middle of Gangtuo Street in Luojing. The Gui family's ancestral skills were passed down. Guijia Sanlang specializes in treating various difficult and complicated diseases. He is best at medicine.  Get rid of the disease.

    Qin joins the army. My wife is very ill and there is no time to delay. Please turn around quickly and tell the marshal what I have said. Ask the marshal to quickly send someone to invite the doctor Guijia. They are a time-honored brand. The current doctor Guijia Sanlang is already here.  With the true message, as soon as he arrives, the wife's minor illness will definitely be fine.  "

    "Yes, the last general has thanked the eldest governor for his kindness on behalf of the marshal, but it's just the eldest son"

    "Qin Canjun, oh, Mrs. Xi is so ill, do you still have time to talk about trivial matters?" Meng Ju said solemnly: "Go back and report to the marshal quickly. Saving people is like putting out fires. There is no need to delay! If you delay Madam's death,  The marshal blames you for your illness, but you can't bear it!"

    Looking at Meng Ju, Qin Canjun showed a helpless smile. He had already seen that the shameless level of the Governor Meng in front of him was definitely not inferior to his own.  He was determined not to give himself a chance to speak - even if he did, he would definitely have other ways to deal with it.

    There was no other choice but to reveal the conditions. Qin Canjun looked around: "I wonder if Yi Xiaodao and Yi Shuai are here?"

    "He's gone out. I wonder what Qin Canjun has to do with him?"

    "Oh, what a pity. The marshal has a warrant to send to Yi Shuai. Since Yi Shuai is not here, I wonder if the Grand Governor can deliver it on his behalf?"

    "It's easy to do, it'll be no problem."

    Meng Ju took the sealed official letter. He unceremoniously tore the envelope open in front of Qin Canjun, pulled out an official document, and muttered: "I hereby appoint Yi Xiaodao to patrol the border in Northern Xinjiang.  The ambassador is reviewing the ambassador and heading to the northern Xinjiang region to perform special official duties. The soldiers and civilians of the imperial court along the way must provide necessary assistance to Ambassador Yi and his entourage, and must not obstruct him. Anyone who violates the order will be dealt with by military law." The inscription of the official document is "Generalissimo of the World's Rebellion Camp.  "Mansion" seal and Tuoba Xiong's autograph.

    When Meng Ju was reading the official document, Qin Canjun was paying attention to his expression.  But Meng Ju remained expressionless, and he had no way of knowing Meng Ju's mood. He asked tentatively: "Grand Governor, with this order, your troops will not be hindered by the troops and government officials on their way back north.  Your return journey will be smooth. I wonder, are you satisfied with this?"

    Meng Ju looked up at him and said in surprise: "Why did Qin Canjun say this? The patrol order was issued to Yi Shuai. If you are not satisfied, you have to ask Yi Shuai to know. Why are you asking me?"

    As he spoke, he naturally put the warrant into his sleeve.

    Taking advantage and selling the best - Qin Canjun endured the anger in his heart: "The Governor is right, the general made a mistake. By the way, there is one more thing, because the eldest son has troubled the Governor a lot here,  The marshal is also very sorry - there are two hundred thousand taels of silver notes here to make up for the expenses and expenses that the eldest son spent on the governor a while ago, and I hope the governor will accept it with a smile."

    "Oh, I and the Marshal are like brothers. When the Marshal's son plays with me, it's like the eldest nephew visiting his uncle's house. How can we, as elders, care about such a small expense Alas, the Marshal is really too much.  You¡¯re too polite, how can you be so embarrassed about this"

    Meng Ju felt embarrassed and quickly took the banknote, put it into his sleeve smoothly and naturally, and continued to say: "If the marshal insists on doing this, I have no choice but to be respectful and obey - oh,  By the way, General Gao Renyi, General Li Hu, and General Xu from Huaishuo are also here as guests with the Marshal, and they have put me in a bit of a dilemma."

    "How do you say this?"

    "Qin Canjun, Mr. Tuoba is a noble man, well-educated, easy-going, and reasonable. It is not difficult for me to entertain you. But General Gao and the others Sigh - Qin Canjun, you should have heard those words, three of you should be quick  The starving Dukes put together are not as loud as an underfed Qiu Ba. In order to entertain them, I spent a lot of money a while ago, so I used the marshal's money to fill the shortfall first.  "

    Qin Shenjun frowned: "What the Governor means is"

    "It's not interesting. When Qin Canjun leaves, can you please help bring a few of Gaodu back? If I let them eat here, I'm afraid our army will run out of food before we return to Dongping.  ¡±

    "It's no problem to take them back with Gaodu, but the eldest son"

    "Qin Canjun, didn't you understand what I said? As I said just now, I used the marshal's money to make up for Gaodu's shortfall. As for the eldest son's expenses - I'm not busy with this.  Your Majesty and the Marshal are as close as brothers.Isn't it the same thing when the son is here and over there with the marshal?  After I return to Dongping, we can all take our time and make long-term plans.  "

    Qin Canjun almost spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard this. He finally understood: It's okay to let Gao Renyi and the others go, but do you want to release the eldest son?  No way, at least we have to wait until the governor returns to Dongping.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Nima, this Grand Governor is too dark, even a robber can't be so unruly, right?


    (Sorry fellow book friends,

    There are too many things going on this week, and the chapter that was overdue last week still hasn¡¯t been released.

    We can only continue to owe money.  .  .  The pig will definitely make up for it,

    Where¡¯s the pig¡¯s promise~)


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