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Volume 1, Chapter 266: Going North (Part 2)

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    For Hong Tianyi, this was a night of disaster.  When the Dongling Guards attacked, he was in the third batch of frontier troops, Huaishuo's Tiger Roar Brigade.  When he heard the news that the former army was attacked, Hong Tianyi's face turned pale: in order to arrive as soon as possible, he marched in a long line.  And such a formation is basically defenseless when facing a flank attack.

    "My lord, the front army has been defeated, Xian Yuba has been defeated, and the enemy is pursuing us!"

    "Sir, the Chinese army has collapsed, and the rebels have scattered our array!"

    "Sir, there are enemy armors appearing on the flanks. The number is unknown!"

    Enemies appeared in front, back, left, left, and in all directions. Faced with the enemies that appeared one after another, Hong Tianyi could not tell where was the enemy's main force and where were feints and bluffs.  At this time, his only way was to order Qiu Min, deputy commander of the Tiger Roar Brigade, to form a defensive formation with all the cavalry and armored infantry on the spot, buying time for his armored warriors to assemble and put on their armor.

    But after a while, there was a huge noise in the direction of the baggage camp, and a large group of soldiers from the rear camp fled towards the front army in embarrassment.  Hong Tianyi received the news: the Doukai team of the Tiger Roar Brigade had been destroyed.

    The person who destroyed the last hope of the Tiger Roar Brigade was Li Chimei.  After confirming that both Yi Xiaodao and Bai Yubian were engaged in the battle, Li Chimei also acted quickly.  He led his troops to bypass the main battlefield where the battle was raging, and using the cover of darkness to approach the rear of the Tiger Roar Brigade, he easily destroyed the gathering armored troops.

    The destruction of the Tiger Roar Brigade's fighting armor team announced that the last resistance force of the roadside army had been destroyed, and Hong Tianyi was completely desperate.  At this time, faced with increasingly louder cries of killing from all directions, he gave up hope of victory and began to work hard to protect himself.  He and Qiu Min, deputy commander of the Tiger Roar Brigade, assembled more than 300 cavalry.  Taking advantage of the darkness, they bypassed the rear army's baggage that was captured by Li Chimei, and ran southward on the wilderness to escape.  In the night, hundreds of thousands of border troops fled, and the victorious Dongling guards did not pursue them.  Instead, they were allowed to flee south.

    The sun has risen, and the rising sunlight shines on the messy wilderness.  In the wilderness with a radius of more than ten miles, there are messy corpses of men and horses, lost transport vehicles, flags, weapons, and military uniforms. In some areas where fierce battles were fought, corpses of men and horses were piled up into hills, and broken spears and broken spears were scattered.  Dense woods.  The victorious soldiers shuttled back and forth across the battlefield, busy looting property and seizing spoils of war.

    In order to compete for the spoils of war.  The Border Guards Brigade and the Hengdao Brigade even got into a fight, with dozens of sergeants participating.  This scene happened to be seen by Meng Ju who was patrolling the battlefield. His face darkened and he frowned slightly.

    Looking at their expressions, the generals all knew that their lord was unhappy. Yi Xiaodao and Bai Yubian hurriedly went to restrain their subordinates.  He came back and apologized to Meng Ju: "My lord, I have failed to discipline you. The bastards are too unruly. Don't worry, my lord, I will teach them the rules with a military stick when I get back."

    Meng Ju disagreed, he shook his head and said: "It's a fight. It's not a big deal. But it's not that simple. Xiaodao, Yubian, Chimei, you used to be with the border army, how did you divide the spoils after the battle?"

    The three brigade commanders looked at each other.  Li Chimei answered on behalf of the generals: "Lord, large trophies, such as transport vehicles, food, armor and equipment, must be turned in. But small trophies, such as money, war horses, weapons, etc., can be given to the soldiers who killed the enemy.  Own."

    "You have your own soldiers who killed the enemy? But if multiple units fight together, it's impossible to tell who killed the enemy - just like we did today, then who does it belong to?"

    "Thisit only belongs to whoever picks it up first. My lord, fighting over loot is commonplace, and we usually don't care about it. Unless it gets too big and someone's life is lost, then we have to step in.  .¡±

    Meng Ju shook his head and said, "This rule is a little different from our Dongling Guards."

    Meng Ju naturally knew that there were many shortcomings in the rules of the border army, and a few group fights over the spoils of war were considered a trivial matter.  There are many battle examples in history. When a certain group of soldiers and horses were chasing the enemy, the enemy dropped a large amount of gold and silver property. The sergeants rushed to pick it up first, grabbing it from each other. The formation was in chaos, so the enemy turned around and beat them to pieces.  .

    What Meng Ju admired more was the discipline of the Dongling Guards.  According to Dongling Guard's practice, the spoils of war must be turned in, and then the officers will give them to those sergeants who have shown bravery as rewards.  And he learned from his own memory that several famous strong armies in history also did this. For example, a certain strong army was famous for its strict discipline throughout the ages. It even said, "When the gong sounds, even if Jinshan is ahead, they must retreat."  ¡± statement.  Meng Ju didn't dare to expect that his troops could achieve such a level, but at least he was working hard in this direction.

    ??Looking at the subordinates looking forward to it with a littleWith a worried look, Meng Ju shook his head and said: "Shuai Yi, Shuai Li, and Shuai Bai, this is what I have been worried about. The Dongling Guards and the border troops are also soldiers of the Wei Dynasty, but we  There are many differences. You still have a long way to go before you can fully integrate into the Dongling Guard system. Everyone must work hard."

    Meng Ju¡¯s words were too profound, and everyone was confused. Yi Xiaodao asked: ¡°Lord, have we done anything wrong by handling it this way? What should we do? Can you please make it clear, Lord?¡±

    "Since you have always been like this, let's follow the old rules today. Turn in the baggage and armor, and you can keep the money for yourself. As for what to do in the future, let's think about it in the long run."

    Meng Ju wanted to build a strong and disciplined steel army, but he was not stupid after all - now, the four brigade commanders Li Chimei, Yi Xiaodao, Bai Yubian and Guan Shanhe who came from the border army totaled more than 10,000 soldiers.  War soldiers; and his own direct lineage soldiers and horses are only two to three hundred people.  With such a disparity in power between the weak and the weak, Meng Ju was foolish enough to forcefully implement this kind of reform that touched the interests of most people at this time.  However, after returning to Dongping, the strength of the main ministers changed, and then I might as well let go and do more.

    Meng Ju patrolled the battlefield, and the brigade marshals gathered over to report to him the gains and losses last night. Meng Ju listened attentively, but didn't take it too seriously - if the brigade marshals reported  If the number of enemies killed was totaled, Hong Tianyi's soldiers and horses multiplied by three would not be enough for them to kill.

    After seeing the battlefield, Meng Ju roughly estimated that the actual casualties of the frontier troops last night were around 3,000, and more than 2,000 were captured.  Although he was entangled by Wang Hu last night and was unable to participate in the battle, because of this, bystanders knew that he had a clearer grasp of the battlefield situation last night, and he was also aware of the performance of the troops under his command - Li Chimei fought very hard  , proactive, fierce and decisive.  Yi Xiaodao was just okay, his offense was tepid and rhythmic.  On the other hand, Bai Yubian's soldiers and horses didn't know if they had any intention of preserving their strength. They seemed to be helpless and lack of energy when they charged.

    Meng Ju was well aware of the performance of the brigade commanders.  He talked to the brigade commanders one by one, either encouraging or praising them, or making insidious remarks, or giving stern warnings.  Those generals who had received rewards were naturally happy in their hearts and bright in their faces, while those who had been scolded looked embarrassed and did not dare to look up at anyone.

    Seeing that the lord knows everything clearly and rewards and punishments are fair, the generals all respect him.

    After winning the battle, everyone's morale suddenly rose. Wang Hu and others volunteered to come and ask for a fight: "Governor, the Hong bandits have lost their baggage and food and grass, and their men and horses are exhausted. They can't escape. Why don't we take advantage of the victory and pursue them and capture them in one fell swoop?"  The final general is willing to lead his headquarters and serve as the vanguard!"

    "General Wang Hu's words make sense, it's time for our army to beat up the drowned dog!"

    Among the echoes, only Yi Xiaodao shook his head and objected. He said to Meng Ju: "My lord, there is a saying in the art of war: when you return to the army, do not hide, and do not pursue the enemy when they are poor. Since our army has won, that is enough. There is no need to add more troops."  Casualties. Those people, just let them go."

    Wang Hu was anxious: "Shuai Yi, what you said is wrong! Our army will seize the opportunity to pursue the victory and eradicate the root causes to eliminate future troubles. Let them go now, they will come back in the future and become our army's formidable enemy again!"

    Yi Xiaodao glanced at Wang Hu, with the condescending pity in his eyes that a smart person would have for someone with low IQ.  He said succinctly: "General Wang, we are not fighting for war, but"

    He thought about it, as if he didn't know how to word it, but Meng Ju understood the concept that he couldn't express clearly - war serves politics, rather than politics serving war.

    Currently, the most urgent and important task for Meng Ju¡¯s regiment is to return home.  Hong Tianyi has been defeated and the border troops no longer pose a threat to him. For Meng Ju, this is enough.  If I chase Hong Tianyi's remnants fiercely, not to mention delaying their return home, and kill them too much, apart from angering Tuoba Xiong, it will not be of any benefit to the overall situation - and from a long-term perspective  He said that it was not in Meng Ju's interests to weaken the border troops too much and allow the Murong family to quickly sweep through the Central Plains.

    Meng Ju nodded: "I agree with Yi Shuai. In a war, winning by seven points is enough. There is no need to kill everyone. I will give everyone a day to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible. We will continue to march north tomorrow - that's it, you all go.  Bar!"


    Previously, because he was concerned about the existence of the pursuers behind him, Meng Ju had to be on guard at all times and camped step by step. He could not get up quickly. However, on July 20, he defeated the three brigades of pursuers led by Hong Tianyi in the wilderness outside Handcheng in one fell swoop.  After facing a serious threat, the morale of the entire army rose, their fighting spirit was high, and their march suddenly accelerated.

    On July 28, the army entered the territory of Jizhou.  Jizhou was the main battlefield where the southern frontier army and the Murong family fought repeatedly. Most of the cities along the way were razed to the ground, and weeds and bones stretched for nearly a thousand miles

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