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Volume 1, Chapter 265: Going North (Part 1)

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    Chapter 265: Going North (Part 1)

    Being surrounded by enemies when charging into battle is naturally a matter of life and death for ordinary people, but for Meng Ju, a man who regards defeating large numbers with a small number as his daily routine, this kind of scene is completely unsatisfactory.  In the forest where the swords were standing, there was only a continuous and dense and crisp sound of metal collisions, and Meng Ju actually "drilled" out of the forest of swords - Meng Ju's  The movement was too fast. Although the soldiers had already handed out their weapons, no one had time to exert force. He actually used the armor on his body to "squeeze" the sword and get through, and jumped into the queue of the cavalry.

    Standing in front of Meng Ju was a cavalryman on horseback.  Meng Ju's charging speed was so fast that the cavalryman showed fear in his eyes and hurriedly cut his sword to protect himself - it was already too late!  Meng Ju swung his arm and punched the opponent. The soldier was blown away like a paper kite. Blood spurted out in mid-air and he seemed to be dead.

    Meng Ju jumped up and got on the horse. He looked around on the horse and sneered: "Cavalry can only exert its power when it runs. Like now, a large group of cavalry are crowded together, hindering each other, and they can't keep up with each other."  A bunch of pigs waiting to be slaughtered are no different.

    Seeing the black panther armor fighter disappear from the encirclement without any damage, the cavalrymen were stunned.  Finally, someone saw him and shouted in horror: "Here he is!"

    All the cavalrymen followed the sound: In the night, the tall black panther armored fighter stood firmly on the back of the horse, looking down at everyone, and shot two cold eyes full of murderous intent from under his hood.  All the cavalrymen he swept away suddenly shuddered in their hearts, and an uncontrollable thought came to their mind: "Run away!"

    "Run away, he is going to kill us all!"

    This cry of fear was like a signal, and the cavalry dispersed.  At this moment, the massacre began.

    The horses neighed and the men fell down. Meng Ju had given up his weapons. His men were weapons. They could kill with the raising of their hands and feet.  Screams rang out one after another, and the big flowers of blood bloomed again and again. In the darkness, the terrifying leopard jumped among the crowd, elusive and as fast as lightning.  Wherever he jumped, there were screams and death, and there was blood and screams.

    The war horses neighed wildly, human bodies fell to the ground one after another, and the strong smell of blood hit the nostrils.  In the blink of an eye, under Meng Ju's ferocious massacre, less than half of the cavalry had fallen. The remaining soldiers were distraught, shouting hysterically, turning their horses and fleeing in all directions.

    Meng Ju was about to continue the pursuit, but at this moment, someone from behind stopped him: "Governor!"

    Meng Ju turned around and looked around. In the night, a large group of armored warriors were running quickly. Judging from their silhouettes, the person leading the way was Wang Hu.

    Seeing that Meng Ju was safe and sound, the Hu-Han mixed-race officer was obviously relieved: "It's great that you're okay, Governor! We just saw you surrounded by enemies, and it really scared us"

    "No need to talk nonsense, go kill the enemy!"

    While talking, enemies appeared again along the way. These were more than a dozen armored warriors from the border army. They should be the outer security force guarding the army.  But seeing hundreds of armored warriors here, this group of armored warriors obviously hesitated and stood looking from a distance, not daring to come forward to fight.

    Seeing the enemy appear, Meng Ju was eager to rush over, but his body suddenly sank - Wang Hu hugged his waist from behind: "Governor, no! There are not many of them, let Erlang  Just go and clean it up!"

    "Huzi, let me go!"

    Wang Hu hugged her even tighter: "Governor, they are just a few little bugs, they are not worthy of your own hands!"

    "Hey, Huzi, you are so bold!"

    Meng Ju felt angry, turned over and kicked Wang Hu with his back foot, sending Wang Hu flying for more than ten steps - Meng Ju had to keep his foot strong, otherwise with his divine power, Wang Hu could be broken with this kick.  The protective armor killed him.

    Wang Hu was kicked away, but Meng Ju was still not free: four or five armored warriors lined up in front of him, blocking Meng Ju's way.  They shouted in unison: "You dare to ask the town governor to stay!"

    "You guys get out of here!"

    Meng Ju wanted to go around them, but he couldn't. Guards in armor also appeared on his left and right. They formed a circle and surrounded Meng Ju. They said in unison: "Supervisor, please stay!"

    Meng Ju did not expect that he had just fought his way out of the encirclement of the border troops and immediately fell into the encirclement of his own people.

    He wanted to rush out with all his strength, but no matter which direction he rushed, there were always three or four strong bodies in front of him blocking him, and behind him there were seven or eight arms hugging him tightly, hugging his waist, and grabbing him.  shoulders, pinching his neck - being rounded by these shouldersMeng Ju couldn't use his thick armor to show off his skills. He shouted angrily: "You bastards, let me go!"

    "Forgive me for your sins as a governor, but I'll forgive you for your humble position and difficulty in obeying orders!"

    Meng Ju broke through the encirclement several times, but was still unable to break free. He finally determined one thing - unless he took out a hundred knives and started killing people, it would be difficult to break out of this encirclement composed of human bodies and steel.

    After a lot of fighting, Meng Ju finally gave up.  He shouted: "Okay, Huzi, you win! Tell me, how can you let me out?"

    Wang Hu's voice came from outside the crowd: "Governor, I have offended many of you. As long as you promise that I will not rush to the front, I will remove the human wall immediately."

    "Okay, I promise you! Just evacuate the people!"

    Just as Meng Ju finished speaking, before Wang Hu could say anything, the guards in front of him dispersed one after another. They knelt down one after another and shouted: "The villain offended the governor and deserves death~" Among the crowd, Wang  Hu's apology voice was very loud, but Meng Ju couldn't see where he was, and there was no way to catch him and teach him a lesson.

    Seeing the crowd kneeling in front of him, Meng Ju was angry and funny: "You guys, how long have you been? You still have time to do this! The enemy is over there, not here with me!"

    He raised his hand and pointed, but he was stunned: the enemy armored warrior who was still close just now had now escaped without a trace.  The Dongling Guards armor fighters were chasing them. In the darkness, there was a noise in front of them. Countless people were shouting something, but because of the mess of people's voices, they could not hear anything clearly. All they heard was a mixed and harsh noise.

    "Governor, Qi Peng has led his troops to catch up. We will definitely win."

    Meng Ju was looking intently at the battle situation in the darkness. Wang Hu's voice came from behind him. He approached Meng Ju and said flatteringly: "Governor, the brothers will take care of those bastards. You don't have to worry.  hey-hey."

    Meng Ju glanced at him coldly, snorted and said nothing.

    Seeing Meng Ju like this, Wang Hu became even more panicked.  He was speechless and said: "Governor, you didn't see it just now. Qi Peng was really fierce when he slashed. The armored fighter in the lead was knocked to the ground by him. That guy still wants to be arrogant.  , seven or eight guns from our side were inserted at the same time, and he was stabbed to death on the ground like a fish on the spot - well, the body is right there, look at it, Governor ~ I really didn't lie to you.

    Also, brother Haojie is too shady. Originally, your strategy for the governor said that he should coordinate with us. This guy kept silent and ran faster than us. Now he has plunged into the frontier army.  There was a killing spree.  This guy is unreasonable. After he returns, you, the governor, must teach him a lesson.  .  .  "

    Unable to stand Wang Hu's nagging anymore, Meng Ju flew over and kicked this guy's butt hard: "Go away! Go up and kill the enemy, don't bother me here!"

    "Follow your orders, Governor~"

    Wang Hu saluted with a smile, and when he was about to move forward, he suddenly stopped. He came back with a shy smile: "Governor, you are so cunning. If the general goes up, then there will be no one around you.  Are you alive? At that time, it¡¯s time for you to rush in and fight, right?

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? .  .  Therefore, everyone has given me a task, which is to keep an eye on you and never leave you.  Even if you beat the governor with a military stick, the general will not leave - if you make any mistake, everyone will not eat the general?  "

    No wonder Wang Hu was so bold today. It turned out that he was recommended by his subordinates. No wonder he was so confident - well, Meng Ju felt relieved when he thought of this.  The last time I went out to negotiate with the Ye family in person, I was kidnapped. This incident left a deep impression on my subordinates. No wonder they were so nervous.

    Meng Ju glared at Wang Hu fiercely. The latter didn't know why, and smiled stupidly, but said: "Prefect, it's almost dawn."

    As Wang Hu said, the bright red edges of the rising sun have already appeared in the eastern sky, but the first ray of sunshine did not bring peace to the earth, but instead increased the tragedy of the battlefield.

    There was no suspense about the outcome. Qi Peng, Yi Xiaodao, Bai Yubian, Xu Haojie, and Dongling Guard troops all attacked bravely. At the same time, the vanguard, front army, middle army, and rear army of the frontier army were all attacked.  Attack, all the soldiers and horses under attack were defeated in a short period of time, and the enemy's entire army suddenly collapsed as if being hammered.

    The march of the border army was in chaos, the infantry mixed into the cavalry, and the cavalry rushed into the infantry. A large number of battle armors rumbled past. They crushed everything and destroyed everything, anyone who stood in their way.  And things all died.  The border soldiers were beaten to the point of losing their minds.?, they threw away their weapons, collided with each other, fell down, trampled on each other, and left a mess of death and injury.

    "But the Yamen Army is indeed the ace army of the border army. Even in such a chaotic and frightening environment, there are still a group of die-hard officers resisting.  Against the flow of fleeing people, they ran to the rear team's baggage team to take out their battle armors to fight.  Most of them failed - without the help of auxiliary soldiers, the armored warriors had to put on the battle armor by themselves, which was not an easy task. Many of them were killed by the Dongling Guards when they were half-wearing the battle armor.  The fighters caught up and killed them. Even if some lucky people were able to successfully put on the battle armor, the scattered ones were also quickly overwhelmed by the rolling influx of Dongling Guards' battle armor.


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