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King of Spiritual Grass

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category Romanceauthor ShuaiGeDaoJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2913935 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 6Month hits 0Week hits 0
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King of Spiritual GrassBrief introduction:

Spirit grass is a spiritual creature!
As the head of Yaowang Sect, Xiang Tianxiao not only has superb medical skills, but also has excellent martial arts.
When Xiang Tianxiao narrowly escaped death and came to Earth, he found that his cultivation had been reduced to nothing. Fortunately, the spiritual acupoint was still there and he could still absorb spiritual energy.
When he found out that he could reach the pinnacle of martial arts, he moved forward regardless.
If someone stands in the way of someone, he will kill someone; if someone stands in the way of a Buddha, he will kill the Buddha!

      Keywords:King of Spiritual Grass ShuaiGeDaoJi King of Spiritual GrassRead the full text King of Spiritual GrassTXT download

      King of Spiritual Grasslatest chapter:Volume 3 The Strongest Heavenly Lord 742 Invisibility 2 Seals

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