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Rebirth of the Legend of the Mountain Village

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category Romanceauthor XiongAiChiYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 741651 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 5Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Rebirth of the Legend of the Mountain VillageBrief introduction:

A man suffering from a strange disease was reborn in a mountain village because of a cave stone from another world when his life was about to expire.
A cave world, a broken memory, a reborn person, a legendary story of a mountain village!

      Keywords:Rebirth of the Legend of the Mountain Village XiongAiChiYu Rebirth of the Legend of the Mountain VillageRead the full text Rebirth of the Legend of the Mountain VillageTXT download

      Rebirth of the Legend of the Mountain Villagelatest chapter:Text Chapter 189 Doubts in my heart

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