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Cun Yang

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category Wuxiaauthor YuXiaoMenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 326690 Wordslatest update 2024-03-12
total hits 18Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Cun YangBrief introduction:

>>>>Bullshit version:
Funny upgrade to pick up magic weapons
?Taking some time to fall in love while busy
Hengpi: The protagonist is very busy!
>>>>Magic stick version:
Saonian, I see that your bones are exquisite and your body is majestic; the posture you clicked in is even more exquisite, one of a kind.  Why don't you read "Inch Sun" first, and then we'll discuss how to save the world.
>>>>Original version:
Nie Yun entered Xuantian Sect and became the youngest disciple of the mountain sect. Through a series of bizarre events, he discovered that the death of his ancestor in the battle of Kunlun was actually a huge conspiracy.
As his cultivation gradually increased, Nie Yun was determined to uncover the mystery of the Kunlun War, but found that he had become the enemy of the world...

      Keywords:Cun Yang YuXiaoMen Cun YangRead the full text Cun YangTXT download

      Cun Yanglatest chapter:Volume 2 The Wrath of the Dragon God Chapter 80 "Entering this gate, you will be reincarnated as a h

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