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Record of Nanhua in the Ancient Times

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category Wuxiaauthor GuanYueChustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 517739 Wordslatest update 2024-03-10
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Record of Nanhua in the Ancient TimesBrief introduction:

There are five out of fifty Heavenly Evolutions, fifty Great Ways, and fourty-nine Heavenly Ways. If you escape one of them, you will leave a sliver of hope for yourself.
?????????????????????????????????????? What kind of changes will be caused if the "you five" appear in the prehistoric era? As a son of the Great Dao, can he withstand the test of the prehistoric era, go through thousands of tribulations, and finally realize himself and return to the Great Dao...
"I am the sage of Xuanqing Nanhua in Yujingshanzhuang Xuangong, who is responsible for the punishment of heaven and defends the Taoist orthodoxy!"

      Keywords:Record of Nanhua in the Ancient Times GuanYueChu Record of Nanhua in the Ancient TimesRead the full text Record of Nanhua in the Ancient TimesTXT download

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