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superconscious evolution

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category Sundriesauthor 2012XYstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3364504 Wordslatest update 2024-03-08
total hits 23Month hits 1Week hits 1
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superconscious evolutionBrief introduction:

Originally, everyone came to this world as a god, but in order to survive, everyone must be transformed and accepted transformation, and become a creature called "human" recognized by society.  A man named Liang Dongguo did not accept this conclusion. He used hypnosis to awaken his sleeping consciousness of God, and then directly entered the world as a god in a world where all humans around the world would start as ammi larvae.  He decided to prove the existence of God to the world.  ..
? The construction of a new world in 2012, please come in!
Group V.40199979 (full), Group VI.71787320 (new)

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      superconscious evolutionlatest chapter:Volume 12: The Fall of the Alliance. A new book is being conceived...

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