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category Sundriesauthor WeiXiaoBaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1158215 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 1
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starship fighterBrief introduction:

The legendary and mysterious Jade Dragon Empire, a tenth-level civilization, disintegrated due to some unknown reasons.  The Jade Dragon Empire's final guardian mecha fighter, the Jade Dragon, disintegrated and scattered to a certain corner of the universe.
Yang Yulong, a young Naxi man living at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, began to come into contact with some puzzling knowledge when he was learning Dongba and Geba scripts.
The arrival of space pirates turned the originally peaceful Naxi Planet into a living hell. With his extraordinary agility and a little foundation of telekinesis, Yang Yulong survived, and was rescued by a fifth-level civilization and walked out of Naxi Planet.
With the anger to avenge his family’s hometown, Yang Yulong began to contact the real cosmic civilization, absorbing knowledge like a sponge.  And relying on the surprising knowledge from Dongba texts, he embarked on a path to become a strong man.
As the knowledge is getting richer and more and more broad. While taking revenge for the father and the relatives of his hometown, it is increasingly feeling that the text of the ancestors is so mysterious. Waiting for him to explore ...

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